Website Manager

West Seattle Soccer Club (WSSC)

Spring 2025 Announcement


Late registration is subject to a $20 Late Fee and waitlist placement on teams where space is available.

Registration fees are not charged for the waitlist until your player is confirmed on a team.

Financial Assistance Available for Qualified Applicants.

Spring 2025 Age Group & Fees

DivisionsOlder BirthdateYoungest BirthdateFee
U6 - All Gender9/1/20188/31/2019$85
U7 - All Gender9/1/20178/31/2018$85
U8 Boys9/1/20168/31/2017$85
U8 Girls9/1/20168/31/2017$85
U9 Boys9/1/20158/31/2016$85
U9 Girls9/1/20158/31/2016$85
U10 Boys9/1/20148/31/2015$85
U10 Girls9/1/20148/31/2015$85
U11 Boys9/1/20138/31/2014$85
U11 Girls9/1/20138/31/2014$85
U12 Boys9/1/20128/31/2013$85
U12 Girls9/1/20128/31/2013$85
U13 Boys1/1/201212/31/2013$125
U13 Girls1/1/201212/31/2013$125
U14 Boys1/1/201112/31/2011$125
U14 Girls1/1/201112/31/2011$125
U15 Boys1/1/201012/31/2010$125
U15 Girls1/1/201012/31/2010$125
U16 Boys1/1/200912/31/2009$125
U16 Girls1/1/200912/31/2009$125
U17 Boys1/1/200812/31/2008$125
U17 Girls1/1/200812/31/2008$125
U18 Boys1/1/200712/31/2007$125
U18 Girls1/1/200712/31/2007$125
U19 Boys1/1/200612/31/2006$125
U19 Girls1/1/200612/31/2006$125

*A late fee will be added if player is registered past the deadline
U13+ Divisions typically play in the South Sound United League that follows birth year registration (Jan 1st to Dec 1st)

Registration Overview

Registration Overview
Registration for the 2025 WSSC Spring Season

ProgramRegistration opensLate Fee
& Waitlist
Age groups




 See Above


  • AFTER REVIEWING THE INFORMATION BELOW, LOG IN TO YOUR MEMBER ACCOUNT. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.  If you have not participated in our programs since before Soccer Connect became our website application in Fall 2020, see CREATE A MEMBER ACCOUNT below. 
  • LATE FEE: Players that register after the March 1st Open Registration deadline are subject to a $20 late fee and waitlist assignment
  • Player registrations will be accepted beyond the close date on a space-available basis
  • Late registrations for the waitlist are manually confirmed during the team formation process usually completed in late March.  You will receive an email when your player is placed or informing you that we are unable to place your player.
  • Playing Up: You may register your player to play up one division, however players registered in their proper age group have priority when forming teams.  If you register your player to play up, there may not be an open position on the preferred team, or all teams may be filled and your player will have to be returned to the proper age group.

Player Registration

Requests to play up more than one division must be sent to [email protected] and will be considered on a case by case basis. Play "down" requests are only allowed in the case of a documented medical condition and should be directed to [email protected].

Please read the following information completely before you enter the registration module. If you are new to WSSC, please view our FAQ page.

  • Please be prepared to provide Medical and Emergency Contact information for your player. This will include your player's physician's name and telephone number, insurance information, and an emergency contact besides the parent or guardian. Every WSSC Coach will be responsible to maintain Medical Release Information for each player on their team (and to have it available at ALL team functions) to assure that players receive necessary care in the event of an emergency.
  • Waivers and Notices have been added to each registration area to assure that WSSC PlayersParents/Guardians, and Coaches/Volunteers conform to the highest standards of conduct.
  • Registration Requests. Please consult the age division chart to the right and confirm your player's birthday is within the listed range.  If you are requesting that your player be assigned on a particular team, with a particular coach, or with a buddy, make sure you have contacted that team, coach or buddy to confirm that team, coach or buddy is in the same age division as your player.  If you are requesting a coach or buddy, please make sure you have that person's full name. 
  • PROOF OF AGE REQUIRED - WYS Rules require WSSC to provide proof of age for EVERY player. All new players must provide a government-issued ID, such as an official birth certificate or passport (hospital issued birth certificates are not valid). Electronic copies may be forwarded to the WSSC Registrar ([email protected]). Electronic files will be destroyed after your player's age has been verified in the registration system.
  • Dual Registration. WSSC does not permit dual player registration. If you are a player within a Select Soccer or Premier Soccer organization please do not register for Rec Soccer in the same season. If you choose to register anyway, your registration may be canceled and you may not receive a refund. Conditions may exist for your registration so if you have clear prior approval from the Board, you are clear to ignore this rule. Questions should be directed to [email protected].

Player Assignment Guidelines

Please review the Player Assignment Guidelines for additional rules and information concerning participation and team formation.

Coaches/Volunteer Risk Management Assessment (RMA)

All team volunteers (Coach, Assistant, Team Manager, Trainer) that work directly with the players are required to submit to a Risk Management Assessment (RMA) which helps ensure our children are kept safe. When you enter the Coaches Registration module, you will be asked to upload training certificates in SafeSport, Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and to submit for a background check through the Washington Youth Soccer (Affinity System).  WYS RMA Instructions

ALL RMA CLEARANCES EXPIRE APRIL 30TH.  When you renew in Spring, your clearance will be good through the Fall Season. 

IMPORTANT:  You must use your LEGAL FIRST and LAST NAME and BIRTH DATE for both the RMA application and the WSSC registration (THEY MUST MATCH!) in order for you to be cleared and assigned to a team.