On line registration will start on Saturday December 22.
Resident of Cooper City $150.00
Non Resident $215.00
Unfortunately, due to City of Cooper City residency ratio requirements, all divisions will have the following non-residency priority;
level 1: All Cooper City Residents will be accepted
level 2: Returning Non-Cooper City Resident Head Coaches & Paired Assistant Coaches
level 3: New Non-Cooper City Resident Head Coaches (as necessary)
level 4: Non-Cooper City Resident returning players
level 5: All other Non-Resident Players
A late fee of $25 will be added after February 16.
Registration drop-off will also be on:
You must bring the print out receipt and correct fee.
From September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2020
Mandatory coaches' meeting on Monday TBD Zoom or maybe at the Cooper City Optimist clubhouse.
at 8:00pm.
Coaches must attend the meeting.
Uniforms will be distributed to the coaches. The coaches will distribute to the players.
Saturday, March 24 to Sunday, March 30
Practices will officially begin March 17 . We do not schedule practices during the season. Practice is at the discretion of the coach depending of field and his availability.
First game April 5
Games schedules will be posted on the soccer website.
There will be two games a week in most divisions; one game on a weeknight and one game on Saturdays. Games are scheduled to start on , April 5th, and the season will end on TBA
There will be no scheduled games on Saturday, March 25 in observance of Cooper City Founder's day.
Other Holidays to be announced.
NO refunds will be issued once teams have been selected.
A $25 returned check fee will be applied to checks returned by a bank as unpaid.
The City of Cooper City has taken certain precautions to minimize the potential for lightning-related injuries. The Thor Guard Lightning Prediction System has been installed to provide protection from lightning disasters for the public. When the Thor Guard Lightning Prediction System sounds (15 second horn blast), the outdoor facility must be cleared of all patrons, who must seek and remain in buildings or vehicles until the All Clear Signal sounds (3 short blasts). It is recommended that park patrons seek a sheltered area, such as buildings, vehicles, 01 other fully enclosed structures. Patrons should not seek refuge in or near dugouts, trees, fences, tot lot equipment, light and telephone poles, umbrellas, metal objects, etc.
This Policy shall apply to all programs and facilities operated by the City of Cooper City or its affiliate groups. Coaches who fail to comply with this policy risk losing their team and may be removed from the program and prohibited from using the facilities.
The Thor Guard Lightning Prediction System will only be operated during normal park operating hours.
The Thor Guard Lightning Prediction System has been installed at the Cooper City Sports Complex, Bill Lips Sports Complex, and Pool and Tennis Center.
Cooper City Optimist Soccer league officials can be contacted via email directly using this web site from the Contact Us page. It is the best way to communicate. Please allow 48-72 hours for us to retrieve your message and reply back to you. If you do not receive a reply within 48-72 hours, please send an email [email protected] or call (954) 434-2541 and press 6 for Soccer.
In our web site, you will find all types of information, schedules, coaches and division coordinator’s contact, upcoming events and many more.
As in every organization there is protocol. Please give your division commissioners the opportunity to sort out any soccer operation issues you may have.