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Join the DLL Board!

Davis Little League needs YOU!

Have you ever considered joining the Davis Little League Board? Are you passionate about youth sports and making our league a fun place for Davis players and families? Do you have ideas about how we can continue to grow and improve our league and offerings? If you said YES to any of these questions, please consider running and becoming a member of the DLL Board!

Board elections take place each June with varying number of open positions each year depending on Board turnover. If you are interested in nominating yourself, please contact the Board to learn more -

There are ways to support DLL and not be on the board! 

Want to volunteer and help, but not sure being an elected Board Member is the right path for you? We still REALLY need and want your support! Consider joining our DLL Auxiliary Board. There are specific tasks that we would love a community member to take on that do not require you to attend board meetings, become a voting member, or have any responsibilities outside of your designated area.

Here are a few positions we would love to fill for the 2023-2024 season:

Picture Day Coordinator/Co-Coordinators: Assist with scheduling picture day, working with the photo company to share important information with the league, make sure the day runs smoothly.

Trophy/Honors Coordinator/Co-Coordinators: Secure the division trophies for the Spring season playoff winners and for D64 Tournament winners.

Fundraising Committee: Under the direction of our Fundraising Chair, assist DLL with sponsorship events, the annual auction, and other yet-to-be-determined ways to keep funding this amazing league

Beautification Committee: Sponsor and organize monthly field clean up days, help decorate the fields when needed, find ways to continue to improve the atmosphere of the field complex through beautification

If you have any questions about these positions, please email the board, we are happy to discuss further! We CANNOT do this without YOU!


Davis Little League
P.O. Box 4014 
Davis, California 95616

Email: [email protected]

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