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DLL Relies on Volunteers!

Davis Little League is a volunteer based organization.  We rely on families to help with duties on and off the field to give our kids the best possible experience. We have so many way parents and family members can support the league with their time, talents, and experience.

Each season we need team Managers (Head Coaches), Assistant Coaches, and Extra Coaches. No experience is necessary for these roles, simply a basic understanding of baseball, a desire to support and empower players to develop their abilities, and an eagerness to make the season fun, safe, and meaningful to your players. As a Coach you will get to set your team's schedule, practice time, and practice days. Each division has a Board Player Representative that is eager to provide support, advise, and answer any questions you might have. We also have a Coaching Coordinator who is a phenomenal resource and will provide trainings and practice plan ideas to enable you to feel organized and prepared as a DLL coach.   

At the Farm and AA level we need teams to provide a volunteer umpire for each game. Parent umpires will be provided with training opportunities and a great deal of support from our Umpire in Chief Tom Windall. Aside from parent umpires, DLL is fortunate to have a thriving Youth/Adult Umpire Program and we are always eager to train more paid umpire positions in the league. If you are a teenager, young adult, or adult community member interested in joining our Umpire Program, please contact Tom for more information about our next training opportunity! [email protected]

Each team needs a Team Parent Volunteer (TPV). This individual acts to support the Manager in recruiting parent volunteer positions for the season, communicating important league specific and team specific information through emails and Sports Connect, organizing team events like the end of season party, and generally allows the families of the team to be kept up-to-date on all things DLL while allowing the Manager and Coaches to focus on practice planning and game day logistics.

Each team needs two (or more) scorekeepers who can be present during the game and use the GameChanger app to score each play and run, allowing family and friends anywhere to access and "watch" in real time. This new system was introduced to DLL division-wide in Fall 2022 and we are eager to continue using this fun, interactive, and versatile scoring platform. For more information on the app and videos on how to use it visit the Game Changer website where you can visit the GC University.

DLL takes great pride in our fields and we are working hard each season to protect and maintain them. Prior to each game, the home team is required to provide two field prep volunteers who drag, rake, and chalk the field in preparation for the game. Field Prep volunteers need to arrive 40 minutes prior to the game to be sure the playing field is ready for start time. For a clear video tutorial of the Field Prep role, please visit the following link.

The DLL Snack Shack is a long standing staple of Little League Baseball and a special childhood memory for so many players throughout the years. Hot dogs, candy, Big League Chew, you name it the Snack Shack offers it to players and their family and friends who come out to cheer them on. In order for DLL to offer the Snack Shack we need parent volunteers to help run it. Just a few hours of your time over the course of the season means this tradition can continue!

DLL is a nonprofit organization and in order to maintain our fields and facilities, pay our Youth/Adult Umpires, purchase updated equipment, and generally run this exceptional program, we rely on fundraising opportunities throughout the year. Our largest fundraiser is our annual Crab Feed and we are always eager for support with the planning, organization, and execution of this exciting community event.  If you are interested in sponsoring with DLL, have donations to share, or would like to volunteer your time, please email [email protected]

We ask each and every family to find a volunteer role that works for your schedule, allows you to use your talents/passions/abilities, and helps support this worthwhile community. If you have any questions about these roles and how you can support DLL please email Keli Martinez - [email protected] 


Register as a Volunteer!


IMPORTANT: To be a parent volunteer (coach, assistant coach, score keeper, field prep, umpire) you must officially sign up
through the DLL registration portal by completing the following steps (promise it’s quick and easy):

1.) Go onto the DLL site and in the top right corner click log in and use your family account information to sign onto Sports Connect

2.) Once signed in under “My Account” click “Register a Volunteer” 

3.) Under Programs click 2023 Spring Season “View Divisions”

4.) Select the division you will be volunteering for and on the next page click “select” for the role you wish to volunteer for (TPV, extra coach, field prep, umpire, etc)

5.) If you are already registered you can click “Sign up a Registered User” or if your spouse or someone else wants to volunteer but has not been added as an additional use click the “Sign Up a New User” button

6.) Click continue and you will be taken to a page where you verify your contact information and answer a series of questions. Once completed click continue and you should be good to go!

Once you have followed all of these steps you will have officially registered to be a parent volunteer through DLL for our team and will receive email updates and further information from the league.

Background Checks

Background checks are required for all volunteers who will come into contact with the players in the roles of Managers, Assistant Coaches, Extra Coaches, and Umpires. All Board Members are also required to pass a background check and be fingerprinted.

Please register as a Volunteer through your Sports Connect account and choose which role you will be volunteering for. Once teams have been formed, Managers and Coaches have been finalized the volunteer coordinator will initiate the Background Check Process through JDP. 

Background checks are done annually. Most are done before the spring season, and that check is good for one year. For new volunteer staff joining us for the fall season, background checks will be submitted for those volunteers in the fall and the are good for one year from that date.

All volunteers in roles that require a background check are required to submit a background check annually. No exceptions.

Applicable volunteers will have their email submitted to our 3rd party vendor, JDP Risk Associates, the vendor recommend by Little League International. 

The volunteer coordinator will submit your name and email to JDP and you will receive an email request asking for additional information to submit a background check. Social Security numbers are required for this process. There is no way around it and it is why DLL does not handle this process personally and uses a vetted and approved vendor recommended by LL International. 

Applicable volunteers not adhering to this requirement will not be allowed to volunteer in a coaching or umpiring role. 

Background checks are NOT required for the following volunteers:

  • Team Parent Volunteers
  • Scorekeepers
  • Field Prep Volunteers
  • Snack Shack Volunteers
  • Any other volunteer role where you will NOT come into personal contact with a minor. 

For any questions about this process, please email Keli Martinez - [email protected] - DLL Volunteer Coordinator.


Davis Little League
P.O. Box 4014 
Davis, California 95616

Email: [email protected]

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