East County Little League is run 100% by parent volunteers in our community. Some of us work full time, some parent full time, some commute and some work in our local business. But ALL equally LOVE our ECLL kids. When you volunteer for ECLL you are not just looking out for the best interest of your own kids, but for 800 other kids. These are kids that your children will grow up with and you will no doubt be in awe watching all of them grow up before your eyes.
Many of us have been volunteering with ECLL for 5+ years and once you are in, it can be hard to leave. We are always in need of amazing parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents to keep our tradition going and moving forward.
If you are interested in helping, in any aspect, please let us know. You don't have to be "on the board" to help.
If you have any questions or ideas on how to make our league even better, please email us at
[email protected]. We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Thank you!
2025 ECLL Volunteer Team