Free Umpire Training
Southeast Portland Little League and District #2 holds umpire rules and mechanics clinics each spring to help get started or help brush off the dust and get ready for the season. Dates and locations to be announced.
You probably spent a lot of time watching your kids play ball this season. You probably also heard people yell -- or perhaps even yelled yourself -- some of the following:
* "The runner is out if she doesn't slide!"
* "One base on an overthrow!"
* "The hands are part of the bat!"
* "The ball hit the plate! It's a foul ball!"
Are you interested in learning why these statements are true -- or false -- and why? Would you like to become a better coach, umpire or player? Do you want to be a more informed fan?
SEPLL offers free training opportunities. Be on the alert for announcements for your next session.
Little League International Umpire Page
Little League provides access to a wide variety of free online resources to help improve skills and confidence. Click on the link to register for free and take advantage of the resources available to you.
Little League International Umpire Page
Little League Umpire Training Materials
Umpire Resource Center
The Umpire Resource Center's goal is to provide resources and materials for Little League Umpires to aid them in the process. (Managers, coaches, parents and fans are welcome too!) Note that this site is not associated with or endorsed by Little League Baseball and Softball Incorporated. It is a private site and all of the opinions expressed are those of the author and other contributors.
Umpire Resource Center
Little League Umpiring 101
Little League Umpiring was developed for new and beginning umpires (< 3 years experience) to help you learn quickly and have fun while you're doing it.
Little League Umpiring 101