Website Manager

Building character, courage, and loyalty since 1956


SEPLL runs on volunteers!

SE Portland Little League is run entirely by volunteers who are willing and able to lend their time, skills, and knowledge to making SEPLL baseball and softball a challenging and rewarding experience for little leaguers and their families. While there are no paid positions, volunteers are rewarded with the joy and satisfaction that comes a deeper involvement in the community, participating in sport with your child, and a camaraderie with other little league parents and fans.

Don't know where to plug in? 

There are many opportunities for you to participate in SEPLL! Some volunteer positions take just a little time and effort and others provide greater opportunity for involvement in shaping the future of SEPLL. There is a place for everyone regardless of your time, skills, and talents! 

Volunteer Positions: Board of Directors

Volunteering on the SEPLL board of directors is a great way to shape the future of little league baseball and softball in SE Portland! We need a wide variety of perspectives, talents, and knowledge in order to make SEPLL fun and exciting for little leaguers and their families. If you can give a little bit of your time every month for board meetings and a bit more time to take on one of the critical functions that makes SEPLL operations run smoothly, you will have a direct positive impact on our community and our kids' little league experience. The SEPLL board meets once per month for 1-1/2 hours; various positions require varying time commitments. No matter your background, education, baseball or softball knowledge - if you love SE Portland Little League and care about our kids we have a place for you!

Check out the board positions listed below. If you are interested in joining our Board Team contact SEPLL's president, Matt Duckworth, at [email protected].

President - Filled

  • Responsible for SEPLL’s overall administration.
  • Elected by SEPLL’s general membership and accountable to SEPLL’s Board of Directors.
  • The President’s duties are described within the limits of the rules and regulations, and within SEPLL’s constitution, giving the President the ability to oversee the affairs of all elements of SEPLL.
  • As the chief administrator, the President selects and appoints managers, coaches, umpires and committees. As such, no person becomes a manager, coach, umpire or committee member without the approval of the President. However, all appointments are subject to final approval by SEPLL’s Board of Directors.
  • Serves as point of contact for Little League International.
  • Represents the SEPLL in the District organization.
  • Presides at SEPLL meetings, and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league.
  • Receives all mail, supplies and other communications from the Little League Headquarters.
  • May manage, coach or umpire, provided he/she does not serve on the protest committee.

Vice President of Baseball - Filled

  • In the absence of the President, assumes all of the President’s responsibilities.
  • Responsible for and Oversees all aspects of SEPLL’s baseball program.
  • Works with other officers and committee members and is ex-officio member of all committees.
  • Carries out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.
  • May manage, coach or umpire, provided they do not serve on the protest committee.

Vice President of Softball - Filled

  • Responsible and oversees all aspects of SEPLL’s softball program. Works with other officers and committee members and is ex-officio member of all committees.
  • Carries out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.
  • May manage, coach or umpire, provided they do not serve on the protest committee.

Secretary - Filled

  • Maintains a register of members.
  • Records and publishes the minutes of Board meetings.
  • Sends out notices of Board meetings.
  • Maintains a record of SEPLL’s significant activities.

Treasurer - Filled

  • Responsible for and oversees all SEPLL finances.
  • Prepares SEPLL budgets.
  • Dispenses league funds as approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Reports on the status of league funds.
  • Keeps SEPLL books and financial records.
  • Ensures all checks are signed by at least two members of the Board of Directors, other than the Treasurer and who are not from the same household.
  • Overseeing the preparation and filing of required federal and state tax returns.
  • Make financial reports available at all Board and General meetings.
  • Manages SEPLL’s scholarship program in cooperation with the Player Agent.

Baseball Player Agent - Filled
Softball Player Agent - Filled

  • Oversees all issues regarding players, including player advocacy.
  • Responsible for the player registration process.
  • Assists the President in reviewing eligibility of players, including proof of age, proof of residence and proof of school attendance requirements.
  • Organizes and supervises annual assessments.
  • Manages team formation and player selection.
  • Generally supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to or from the Minor Leagues according to provisions of the regulations of Little League Baseball.
  • Prepares and submits player and volunteer rosters to Little League International.
  • Manages selection of players for post-season tournament teams.
  • May not manage, coach or umpire in the division over which he/she has authority, unless SEPLL has received explicit written permission to allow this from Little League International.

Coaching Coordinator - Filled

  • Oversees all issues concerning SEPLL’s managers and coaches.
  • Determines manager and coaching needs for all SEPLL programs.
  • Recruits managers and coaches for all SEPLL programs.
  • Coordinates clinics and other appropriate training. Presents a manager/coach training budget to the Board of Directors.
  • Implements as the manager-coach education program for SEPLL.
  • Advises Equipment Manager regarding training material needs.

Equipment Manager - Filled

  • Oversees all aspects of SEPLL’s playing equipment.
  • Determines playing equipment needs for all SEPLL programs.
  • Presents a playing equipment budget to the Board of Directors.
  • Purchases and supplies playing equipment as approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Supplies all teams with Official Regulations and Playing Rules.
  • Maintains accountability of all equipment, equipment boxes, locks and keys.

Field Manager - Filled

  • Oversees all aspects of SEPLL's playing fields.
  • Determines playing field needs for practices and games.
  • Presents a field maintenance budget to the Board of Directors.
  • Purchases and supplies all equipment needed to maintain playing fields as approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Manages permitting of all fields through Portland Parks and Recreation.
  • Coordinates maintenance of playing fields with Division Reps.

Information Manager - Filled

  • Oversees internal communications to the SEPLL community.
  • Manages SEPLL’s official home page.
  • May assign administrative access rights to league volunteers and teams.
  • Ensures that SEPLL news is updated on a regular basis.
  • Collects, posts and distributes important information on SEPLL's activities, including direct dissemination of fund-raising and sponsor activities to Little League International, district, public, league members and media.
  • Serves as primary contact person for Little League regarding optimizing use of the Internet for league administration and for distributing information to SEPLL's members and to Little League International.

Marketing Manager - OPEN

  • Oversees all aspects of SEPLL’s marketing and advertising efforts.
  • Manages marketing events to promote SEPLL within the southeast Portland community.
  • Advertises SEPLL, promotes registration, drives community involvement, and manages public relations.
  • Works closely with Sponsorship/Fundraising Manager to bring SEPLL into a more visible role in the community, bring more community involvement into SEPLL and promote SEPLL's brand.
  • Presents a marketing budget to the Board of Directors.
  • Purchases and supplies all marketing materials as approved by the Board of Directors.

Safety Officer Filled

  • Oversees all SEPLL safety activities.
  • Supervises the ASAP program (A Safety Awareness Program)
  • Ensures safety in player training.
  • Ensures safe playing conditions.
  • Coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries.
  • Solicits suggestions for making conditions safer.
  • Reports suggestions to Little League International through the ASAP system.
  • Presents a safety training/equipment budget to the Board of Directors.
  • Maintains accountability of safety kits.
  • Ensures that all volunteers complete a “Little League Official Volunteer Application” and reports results of background checks to the President.
  • Prepares and administers a plan to ensure league compliance with Jenna’s Law, 2013 SB 721.

Sponsorship/Fundraising Manager - Filled

  • Oversees all aspects of SEPLL's sponsorship and fundraising activities.
  • Solicits and secures local sponsorships to support league operations.
  • Collects and reviews sponsorship and fundraising opportunities.
  • Organizes and implements approved league fundraising activities.
  • Coordinates participation in fundraising activities.
  • Maintains records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives.

Umpire in Chief (UIC) - Filled

  • Oversees all aspects of SEPLL’s umpire program.
  • Determines umpire needs for all SEPLL programs.
  • Recruits umpires.
  • Coordinates umpire training.
  • Schedules umpires and/or provides support to managers in scheduling umpires.
  • Establish an emergency policy in the case of a scheduled umpire not showing up for a game.
  • Presents an umpire training budget to the Board of Directors.
  • Advises Equipment Manager regarding equipment needs of umpires.
  • If any manager, coach, player or spectator is ejected from a game, notify the President in writing within 24 hours.
  • Member of Protest Committee

Uniform Manager - Filled

  • Oversees all aspects of SEPLL’s uniforms.
  • Determines uniforms needs for all SEPLL programs.
  • Presents a uniform budget to the Board of Directors.
  • Purchases and supplies all uniforms as approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Maintains accountability of all uniforms.

Volunteer Positions: Non-Board Positions

SEPLL serves 500-600 kids every year and it takes contributions at a variety of levels to pull it off! If participating on the Board Team just isn't for you, consider one of the opportunities below to have a significant positive role in our league.

Division Representative - Multiple Positions - OPEN

  • Oversee all aspects of respective divisions.
  • Act as a liaison between division managers and the Vice Presidents of Baseball and Softball.
  • Coordinate with Equipment Manager, Field Manager and Uniform Manager as appropriate to ensure division needs are met.
  • Division Representatives include the following positions:
    • Tee Ball Rep
    • Rookie Baseball Rep
    • Farm Baseball Rep
    • Minor Baseball Rep
    • Major Baseball Rep
    • Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Rep
    • Junior Baseball Rep
    • Farm Softball Rep
    • Minor Softball Rep
    • Major Softball Rep
    • Junior Softball Rep

Manager (Head Coach) - Multiple Positions - OPEN DURING REGISTRATION

  • Responsible for the conduct of themselves, coaches and their players during league and team activities.
  • Responsible for picking up, accounting for, and returning team equipment to the Equipment Manager.
  • Responsible for picking up, accounting for, and returning uniforms that remain league property to the Uniform Coordinator.
  • Responsible for scheduling and conducting team practices.
  • Responsible for obtaining practice schedules and game schedules from the League Representative for their division.
  • Responsible for coordinating with the sponsorship coordinator for the delivery of hats, roster books, and plaques as appropriate to their sponsor.
  • Attends at least one coaching training annually.
  • Maintains completed paper or electronic copies of all players’ medical releases at all practices and games.
  • At the Minor Division and above, keep an accurate written or electronic scorebook during each game. At a minimum, score books must record all players present, the number of at bats for each player, the number of defensive innings played by each player, the number of defensive innings played by each catcher, and the number of pitches thrown by each pitcher. Score books remain SEPLL's property. SEPLL may inspect them at any time to ensure players meet mandatory play requirements and pitchers do not exceed maximum pitch counts.
  • Maintains a pitch count record for all pitchers in the written or electronic scorebook.
  • Affirm receipt of concussion awareness certification pursuant to Jenna’s Law, 2013 SB 721, as administered by the league Safety Officer.

Assistant Coach - Multiple Positions - OPEN DURING REGISTRATION

  • Performs coaching duties as directed by the Manager.
  • In the Manger's temporary absence, fulfills the Manager’s duties.
  • If a Manager resigns or is removed, replaces the Manager with approval of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall select another Manager for the team if a Coach is not willing or available to assume the Manager’s duties.
  • Affirms receipt of concussion awareness certification pursuant to Jenna’s Law, 2013 SB 721, as administered by the league Safety Officer.

Scorekeeper - Multiple Positions - OPEN DURING REGISTRATION

  • At the Minor Division and above, assist the team manager keep an accurate written or electronic scorebook during each game.
  • At a minimum, score books must record all players present, the number of at bats for each player, the number of defensive innings played by each player, the number of defensive innings played by each catcher, and the number of pitches thrown by every pitcher.
  • Score books remain SEPLL's property. SEPLL may inspect them at any time to ensure players meet mandatory play requirements and pitchers do not exceed maximum pitch counts.

Team Parent - Multiple Positions - OPEN DURING REGISTRATION

  • Supports team manager as needed.
  • Assists with activities such as distributing team uniforms; team pictures; coordinating water/snacks before, during or after practices and games; team participation in league events; team parties; and team awards.

Umpire - Multiple Positions - OPEN DURING REGISTRATION

  • Responsible for the conduct of the game in accordance with Little League’s Official Regulations and Playing Rules.
  • Representatives of SEPLL and Little League International authorized and required to enforce all regulations and playing rules.
  • May warn or disqualify, with or without a warning, any player for any conduct which presents a safety hazard.  This includes, among other things, losing control of or intentionally throwing bats or helmets.  Umpires shall have discretion to assess the penalty deemed appropriate given the circumstances.
  • Immediately notify the Umpire in Chief if any manager, coach, player or spectator is ejected from game.
  • Attends at least one umpire training annually.
  • Dresses appropriately, including a mask with dangling-style throat protector, shin guards, chest protector, and protective cup for males, when umpiring behind the plate.
  • Affirms receipt of concussion awareness certification pursuant to Jenna’s Law, 2013 SB 721.

Volunteer Positions: Projects and Events

Want to help out with a project or two without committing to the entire season? We've got spots for you, too! 

Opening Day Ceremonies Coordinator - OPEN DURING REGISTRATION

  • Oversees opening day ceremonies.

Closing Day Ceremonies Coordinator OPEN DURING REGISTRATION

  • Oversees closing day ceremonies.


  • Oversees all aspects of SEPLL's picture day.
  • Coordinates with chosen vendor to set up and staff picture day event at chosen location.
  • Collects leftover products and coordinates delivery to team managers or team parents.
  • Provides sponsor plaques to team managers or team parents to give to sponsors.


  • Oversees all aspects of SEPLL's Alpenrose Dairy weekend.
  • Attends mandatory Alpenrose Coordinator's Meeting at Alpenrose Dairy.
  • Serves as main contact person between SEPLL and Alpenrose coordinator.
  • Distributes Alpenrose rules and policies to SEPLL board, managers, coaches, umpires and families.
Seattle Mariners' Little League Day Coordinator OPEN DURING REGISTRATION
  • Oversees all aspects of Seattle Mariners' Little League Day.
  • Serves as main contact person between SEPLL and Seattle Mariners.
  • Solicits ticket orders from teams.
  • Submits ticket order to Seattle Mariners.
  • Distributes tickets to team managers.

Post-Season Tournament Coordinator OPEN DURING REGISTRATION

  • Oversees all aspects of post-season tournaments hosted by SEPLL.
  • Coordinates with District 2 staff and SEPLL members to ensure compliance with tournament requirements.
  • Recruits volunteers to perform required tasks, including concessions, field maintenance, grounds cleanup, scoreboard operation. etc.

Volunteer Eligibility

The safety of our little leaguers is of paramount importance to us. As a condition of service to Southeast Portland Little League, all managers, coaches, Board of Directors members and any other persons, volunteers, or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with players or teams, must annually complete and submit a "Little League Official Volunteer Application" to SEPLL's president. Annual background screenings must be completed prior to the applicant assuming his/her duties for the current season. Refusal to annual submit a fully completed "Little League Official Volunteer Application" must result in the immediate dismissal of the individual from SEPLL. 

Contact Us


P.O. Box 42154 
Portland, Oregon 97242

Email Us: [email protected]
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