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Local Rules - Tee Baseball

SEPLL Local Rules - Tee Ball

Little League Official Rules and Regulations govern all games with the following modifications:


Games may not last more than one hour from their scheduled start time. (LL Rules, VII(h); 4.10(f))

No official or unofficial scores or league standings shall be kept. (LL Rules, VII(h); 1.01, Note)


All teams must use a continuous batting order, meaning that the entire roster of players players present must be placed in the batting order. (LL Rules, 2.0, Batting Order; 4.04, Note 1, Note 2)

A team’s turn at bat ends after every player in the batting order bats. (LL Rules, 5.07, Tee Ball)

Only a coach, not players, may put the ball on the tee for each batter.

There are no walks or strikeouts. Batters may swing until they hit the ball in play. (LL Rules, 2.00 Strike, Note)

Batters may not bunt. If a player bunts, it is a foul ball. (LL Rules, 2.00, Bunt, Tee Ball)


The batter must hit off the tee. Pitching is not allowed by players or coaches. (LL Rules III(c), Tee Ball)

The Easton Incrediball (or an equivalent style approved by the board of directors) is the official ball for the Tee Ball division. (LL Rules, 1.09)


Base runners may not lead off or steal and must stay in contact with the base until the ball is hit. (LL Rules 7.13, Note; 7.13, Examples 16)

Runners may advance only one base per hit ball.

Runners may be called out to reward good defense, but they should remain on their base.

When a fielder has the ball and is waiting to make a tag, Little League requires runners to slide or attempt to get around the fielder. (LL Rules 7.08(a)(3)) In reality, most tee ball players will not slide, but they may and should be encouraged to do so if they are able.

When the last batter of the inning hits the ball, all runners and the batter may advance to home plate.


All players present must play in the field every inning. (LL Rules, 4.01(d), Note 1)

All players should play a minimum of one inning in the infield and one inning in the outfield.

Catchers are not required. If a team chooses to have a catcher, the catcher must wear a catcher’s helmet with mask.

Local Rules - Rookie Baseball

SEPLL Local Rules - Rookie Baseball

Little League Official Rules and Regulations govern all games with the following modifications:

1. A manager or coach for the batting team will pitch to his or her own players.

2. All teams must use a continuous batting order, meaning that the entire roster of players players present must be placed in the batting order. (Rules, 2.0, Batting Order; Rule 4.04, Note 1, Note 2)

3. Batters may not walk or strike out. To keep the pace of play moving, if a batter does not put the ball in play after four pitches, have the batter hit the ball from a tee.

4. Batters may not bunt. If the batter takes a swing and puts the ball in play, the batter may advance to first base regardless of how far the ball travels.

5. Runners may leave their bases only when a pitch is hit by the batter. No advance is allowed by stealing or on passed balls (pitches not caught by the catcher). Any runner between bases after a hit ball must stop at the next base when the ball is in control in the infield. 

6. The infield fly rule does not apply.

7.     The side is retired when 3 offensive players are put out or when the offensive team scores 5 runs. (Rule 5.07)

8. No game shall continue beyond 1 hour and 15 minutes of play. 

9. No official or unofficial scores or league standings shall be kept. (Regulation VII(h); 1.01, Note)

Local Rules - Farm Baseball & Softball

SEPLL Local Rules - Farm Baseball

Little League Official Rules and Regulations govern all games with the following modifications: 

1. Coach or Machine pitch will be used, with a maximum of 4 pitches for an at-bat.

2. With the objecting being pitcher development, beginning May 1st players will pitch. Upon delivery of ball four, the coach will finish pitching to the batter. Coaches will pitch to their own players/batters from the pitching rubber set at no less than 40'. Either 

3. Runners may leave their bases only when a pitch is hit by the batter. No advance is allowed by stealing or on passed balls (pitches not caught by the catcher). Any runner between bases after a hit ball must stop at the next base when the ball is in control in the infield. 

4. Batters may not bunt. If the batter takes a swing and puts the ball in play, the batter may advance to first base regardless of how far the ball travels.

5. The infield fly rule does not apply.

6.     The side is retired when 3 offensive players are put out or when the offensive team scores 5 runs. (Rule 5.07)

7. No game shall continue beyond 1 hour and 30 minutes of play.

8. No official or unofficial scores or league standings shall be kept. (LL Rules, VII(h); 1.01, Note)

District 2 Local Rules - Farm Softball

Little League Official Rules and Regulations govern all games with the following modifications: 

1.      No base-on-balls (walks); batters remain at the plate until the ball is hit or strikes out.

2.      Teams will use coach or machine-pitch the first two innings.  With pitcher development the objective, players will pitch the remaining innings.  Upon delivery of ball four, the coach will finish pitching the ‘at-bat’. (Coach-pitch or the coach placing the ball in the pitching machine is a local league option.)  Coaches will pitch to their own player/batters.

3.      The pitching distance for players will be sufficient to deliver the ball into the strike zone, but no less than 25’ developing up to legal distance as player’s skill progress.

4.      Runners may leave their bases only when a pitch is hit by the batter. No advance is allowed by stealing, passed balls or other misplays. Any runner between bases after a hit must stop at the next base when the ball is returned to the pitcher’s circle, with or without control.

5.      Infield fly rule does not apply.

6.      Five run limit for all innings.

7.      No game shall continue beyond two hours of play.

8.      Teams shall bat their rosters.

9.      No score should be announced.

10.   “Softie” balls will be used until May 15th when regulation softballs will be introduced.


Local Rules - Minor Baseball & Softball

District 2 Local Rules - Minor Baseball

These Oregon District 2 Supplemental Local Rules are designed to standardize playing rules throughout the district. The rules have been approved by a vote of the presidents in Oregon District 2 and approved by Western Region. These rules supersede local rules. 

Little League Official Rules and Regulations govern all games with the following modifications:

1. Player pitch.

2. The side is retired when 3 offensive players are put out or when the offensive team scores 5 runs. The 5-run limit does not apply in the sixth or last half inning for either team. (Rule 5.07)

3. If a scheduled game follows, no new inning shall start after two hours of play unless the score is tied.

4. All teams must use a continuous batting order. (Rule 4.04, Note 1)

5. After entering the batter's box, the batter must remain in the box with at least one foot throughout the at bat, subject to exceptions. (Rule 6.02).

District 2 Local Rules - Minor Softball

These Oregon District 2 Supplemental Local Rules are designed to standardize playing rules throughout the district. The rules have been approved by a vote of the presidents in Oregon District 2 and approved by Western Region. These rules supersede local rules. 

Little League Official Rules and Regulations govern all games with the following modifications:

1. Player pitch.

2. The side is retired when 3 offensive players are put out or when the offensive team scores 5 runs. The 5-run limit does not apply in the sixth or last half inning for either team. (Rule 5.07)

3.  If a scheduled game follows, no new inning shall start after two hours of play unless the score is tied.

4. All teams must use a continuous batting order. (Rule 4.04, Note 1)

5. After entering the batter's box, the batter must remain in the box with at least one foot throughout the at bat, subject to exceptions. (Rule 6.02).

Local Rules - Major Baseball & Softball

District 2 Local Rules - Major Baseball

These Oregon District 2 Supplemental Local Rules are designed to standardize playing rules throughout the district. The rules have been approved by a vote of the presidents in Oregon District 2 and approved by Western Region. These rules supersede local rules.

Little League Official Rules and Regulations govern all games with the following modifications:

1. If a scheduled game follows, no new inning shall start after two hours of play unless the score is tied.

2. Teams will bat the line-up or use a continuous batting order as prescribed by their individual league's bylaws. [SEPLL requires the use of a continuous batting order.] (Rule 4.04)

3. After entering the batter's box, the batter must remain in the box with at least one foot throughout the at bat, subject to exceptions. (Rule 6.02)

District 2 Local Rules - Major Softball

These Oregon District 2 Supplemental Local Rules are designed to standardize playing rules throughout the district. The rules have been approved by a vote of the presidents in Oregon District 2 and approved by Western Region. These rules supersede local rules. 

Little League Official Rules and Regulations govern all games with the following modifications:

1. Five-run limit for the first 3 innings. 

2. If a scheduled game follows, no new inning shall start after two hours of play unless the score is tied.

3. Teams will bat the line-up or use a continuous batting order as prescribed by their individual league's bylaws. [SEPLL requires the use of a continuous batting order.] (Rule 4.04)

4. After entering the batter's box, the batter must remain in the box with at least one foot throughout the at bat, subject to exceptions. (Rule 6.02)


District 2 Local Rules - Intermediate (50/70) Baseball

Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Local Rules

Local Rules - Fall Ball

District 2 Local Rules - Fall Ball

These Oregon District 2 Supplemental Local Rules are designed to standardize playing rules throughout the district. The rules have been approved by a vote of the presidents in Oregon District 2 and approved by Western Region. These rules supersede local rules. Little League Official Rules and Regulations govern all games with the following modifications.

Pitching records must be kept with the team's scorebooks at all times. Home team has the official book.

No injured player may be kept on the bench for more than 1 consecutive inning in any game unless requested by the player or the player's parent. 

Minor Baseball

1.    Player pitch.
2.    5-run limit, except the sixth or last inning which will be open. (Rule 5.07)
3.    10-run and 15-run rules apply. (Rule 4.10(e))
4.    Teams must use a continuous batting order/bat the roster. (Rule 4.04)
5.    2 hour time limit, unless the game is in the last inning with no game following.

Major Baseball

1.    5-run limit, except the last inning which will be open. (Rule 5.07)
2.    10-run and 15-run rules apply. (Rule 4.10(e))
3.    Teams must use a continuous batting order/bat the roster. (Rule 4.04)
4.    Games limited to 7 innings.
5.    2 hour 30 minute time limit, unless the game is in the last inning with no game following. 


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