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Board of Directors

Meet The Board


Heather Adams


Email: [email protected]


I am a Portland Native, having been born and raised right in the heart of SE Portland.  I actually played for the original SEP#2 Little League from age 7 – 15.  This is my 12th year serving as a Board member for Southeast Portland Little League (having served for Portland Little League prior to our official merger).  I’ve dabbled in all positions ranging from VP of Tee Ball to President.  I believe in the program, and I stand by the equal opportunities that we strive to provide for all our players. I’m looking forward to another fun filled spring of some great baseball and softball! 
Have a great 2021 season SEPLL :-)  

Matt Duckworth

Coaches Coordinator

Email:  [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Little League has long been a family affair. I played baseball first with Urbandale Little League and then with Johnston Little League in Iowa from the ages 8 to 15. My sister played softball, my brothers played baseball, my dad coached, and for three years my mom served as president. Perhaps the best summer of my life was spent at Mickey Owen Baseball School in Missouri, where at 16 I spent the entire summer playing baseball 8 hours a day. In high school I was a three-year starter at second base and was named Second Team All District my senior year. I returned to Little League in college to umpire for Palo Alto Little League in California. In 2010 I began coaching my son's Tee Ball team with Powell Little League. Since then I have volunteered with Powell and Southeast Portland Little Leagues as a manager in the Tee Ball, Farm, Minor, Major, and Intermediate (50/70) baseball divisions, Baseball and Softball Player Agent, Umpire-in-Chief, and Coaches Coordinator. I'm excited to continue volunteering with Southeast Portland Little League. 


Jeff Keller

Player Agent & Co -Vice President, Softball
Email: [email protected]
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I grew up playing Little League baseball here in Portland for Rose City Little League starting at age 8. It seemed like everyone I knew played Little League in my neighborhood.  I have great memories of those years in RCLL then went on to Madison Babe Ruth from 13-15 which allowed me the opportunity to play for Madison High School.  I was fortunate to letter in baseball at Madison playing varsity both by junior and senior years. My wife (Lisa also a board member) and I have two children in SEPLL one baseball player that has been in the league for eight years and a softball player entering her 4th year. I have been managing, coaching and on the SEPLL board for the past five years.  My wife Lisa is also on the SEPLL Board as Sponsorship Manager.  We have enjoyed being part of SEPLL and getting to know all the families of players and board members that make this such a great LL.  Both our kids had the experience of winning District 2 Championships in 2018 and the honor representing SEPLL in at State tournaments. I was fortunate to be able to coach my son's team which is an experience with him I will never forget.  Thank you SEPLL! 

Morgan Delaney

Co-Vice President, Softball

Email:  [email protected]

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I grew up here in SE Portland playing baseball in the old Powell Little League. In high school, I played first base for Coach Robbie Treblehorn at Cleveland HS. Our teams won 2 A state championships in summer ball and made it to the Sweet 16 in the 4A State tournament.  I began coaching our oldest son in Farm Baseball, who now plays NCAA basketball.  I came back to coach when my daughter Claire started T ball. I have coached her teams in softball for 5 years, most recently in Minors Softball. I have been on the board as the Softball VP and co-VP for the past 3 seasons. 

Matthew Kory

President In Waiting

Email: [email protected]

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I've lived in Portland for a decade now and it is my home. My two boys have played Little League with SEPLL since they were old enough to participate. It's been a great joy for all of us in my family, so much so that I decided to get involved with the league. First, I was an assistant coach, then a manager, and now I'm looking forward to running the league. It's a great way for me to participate in and give back to the community I love, and to promote the game I've loved since I was a little boy. It's truly a special game, one which teaches teamwork, exercise, and individual character. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. Play ball!   

Peter Neal

Vice President of Baseball
Email: [email protected]

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We have lived here in Southeast Portland for more than 10 years. In that time we have been involved in SEPLL for 5 years, as a coach, a parent and now a board member. My goal as a coach and a board member is to teach kids the joys of baseball. We focus on positivity and bringing joy through teaching. One lovely SE PDX spring afternoon I watched my son take batting practice. He had seemed to enjoy every swing of the bat. I said at the time he “swings with joy”. We have made that our mantra on all the teams I have coached since. Enjoy every moment, Swing with Joy!

Mario De Ieso

Baseball Player Agent
Email: [email protected]

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A longtime SE Portland resident and lifelong educator I have spent more than two decades teaching and coaching youth sports with baseball being an integral part of my life. Having been involved in coaching with SEPLL since 2015 I am excited to be part for another great season of baseball. Playball!

Tony Ladogana & Mary Minette

Co - Fields Manager

Email: [email protected]

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We have been coaches with SEPLL for 7 seasons now and this is our second year as members of the board. We believe in the positive impact of recreational sports on our youth, and also coach outdoor and indoor soccer as well. We think that Little League is for everyone at any level, and try our hardest to make it a fun and enjoyable experience, all the while teaching the fundamentals of the game. There is so much good to be gained from playing on a youth baseball or softball team, and we are happy to be a part of that.


Felicia Phillips

Equipment Manager

Email: [email protected]

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Since 2012 I’ve spent most of my spring and fall weekends cheering on my two amazing nephews at their Little League games. I’m blessed to have the opportunity to watch them grow into young men as they develop their athletic, teamwork, and leadership skills. And if I’m honest, I also love being their crazy aunt, cheering them on and screaming from the stands when they ‘make the play’! As a finance and operations professional I have led a number of organizations aimed at providing children of all backgrounds with educational opportunities including fundraising for school related activities, reading with children lagging in reading and socializing skills, mentoring disadvantaged high schoolers to help them move on to college or trade school, promoting girls in STEM, and preparing children for careers in the quickly changing energy sector. I’m grateful to now serve on the SE Portland Little League board and hope that my contributions will help to engage a diverse and inclusive group of children and parents in little league. SEPLL is a wonderful way to guide children to become wonderful adults and to strengthen our community!


Jason Habalar

Equipment Manager

Email: [email protected]

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I am happy to be a part of this amazing league and to volunteer as a board member and equipment manager.  I volunteered as an assistant coach for my oldest son for 4 years, but after the kids' skills eclipsed my own knowledge, I knew my coaching days were over!  I am glad that I can continue to help out in this position.  I have 2 boys in the league and my wife and I have loved watching their growth as the seasons have passed.  Since 2012, I’ve enjoyed being a part of this great SEPLL community and look forward to the next season!


Beatrice Munro

Safety Officer

Email: [email protected]

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Cicely Waters

Treasurer & Sponsorship Coordinator

Email: [email protected]

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My family and I have lived in SE Portland for over 15 years. Southeast Portland Little League has been a mainstay while raising our children. Coming from a small town, Little League was a influencing factor in teaching me work ethic, teamwork, and self-confidence within a community. Southeast Little League offers that same sense of community and support. My daughter currently plays for SEPLL and has had the fabulous experience of representing SEPLL in both District and State tournaments. Watching the teams of SEPLL is a true joy; and the positivity energy and encouragement I have seen in players over the years make me proud to be a Board Member for Southeast Portland Little League. 

David Munro


Email: [email protected]

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I played baseball throughout elementary school, and was reminded of what a wonderful game it is when my two sons started playing through SEPLL. Seeing the game through their eyes and observing the benefits baseball provides to the players and the community makes me want to do whatever I can to promote the opportunity for all kids to play this game. Therefore, I'm happy to serve as the SEPLL Umpire in Chief.

Rachel Ray


Email: [email protected]

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I played t-ball for a season as a child and missed the ball more than I hit it. My kids surpassed me long ago, and I’m happy to support SEPLL to help keep this sport accessible to those who enjoy playing. My oldest aged out of the league, after a few years of softball, and my youngest plays baseball. This year he will play majors. After coaching t-ball, and a stint as board secretary, this will be my second year as treasurer for the league

Betsy Halvorson

Uniform Manager
Email:  [email protected]

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I grew up in small town Ohio playing softball my entire childhood. I've been a part of SEPLL since 2012 when my youngest son began playing t-ball. I went on to coach his Farm and Minor baseball teams. This year my younger son will play Major baseball. For the last 5 years, I've been the uniform and spirit gear manager. Let's me know if you want a t-shirt or hoodie!!!


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