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SEPLL is committed to creating an enjoyable and equitable experience for all players, with our priority first and foremost being to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all participants. This has proved especially challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic, yet we remain optimistic that the spring 2021 season will be a reality. 

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent challenges it presents, SEPLL will need to employ flexibility in how players are evaluated and teams are established. SEPLL has traditionally utilized in-person assessments as a way to evaluate players’ skills in the Minor, Major, 50/70 and Junior divisions. Given the difficulties that would result from gathering as a large group (players, parents, coaches and volunteers) required of holding in-person evaluations, SEPLL has decided to forgo our traditional in-person assessments for this season. Instead, we will be relying upon other metrics to collect player skill data, including but not limited to, past year’s assessment scores, prior Manager and Coach feedback, and parental input. We feel adapting our process for this season allows us to prioritize health and safety while still adhering to our guidelines and goal to produce balanced rosters that will help establish a competitively balanced league and positive experience for all.  

In order to get back on the field and produce a worthwhile experience this season we realize that we must remain flexible as guidance from state and local officials ebbs and flows. Doing so will allow us to adapt to these unprecedented times while ensuring we work to keep our players, volunteers and spectators safe.

SEPLL continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely, with the health and safety of our children being the first priority. The Board is aligned with the direction set by the Oregon State Governor, Multnomah County, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and Little League International.


As we move through the spring and into the season and beyond, we will continue to monitor state and local guidelines as they pertain to the COVID-19 virus. We will strive to stay informed as the pandemic landscape continues to evolve while working with local and regional guidelines in aiming to insure a safe, fun and worthwhile SEPLL season.  Thank you to everyone for your patience, understanding and flexibility in partnering with us to take these preventative measures in stopping the spread of COVID-19 and keeping everyone healthy. 

General Guidelines for Participants and Spectators

The league and its families acknowledge that there is a degree of Covid-19 related risk when we gather in groups to play, coach and spectate youth baseball and softball. If a family is not comfortable taking this risk, they should not register for the Spring 2021 season.

SEPLL strongly encourages those at higher risk for severe COVID-19 complications (persons over age 65 or with underlying medical conditions) and their family members to continue to stay home to reduce their risk of exposure.

SEPLL will follow all pertinent guidance from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Oregon Schools Activities Association (OSAA), and other state and local guidance to be compliant with all Covid-19 guidelines and keep our participants and their families as safe as possible.

Teams will keep participant logs for practices and games, to support potential contact tracing efforts with the local public health authority (LPHA). These records are emailed by the head coach to the safety officer at [email protected] after every practice or game and kept on file for at least 5 weeks.

Teams will name at least one parent safety coordinator per event to assist or oversee sanitizing, social distancing, participant logs, and other safety measures.

The umpires will have the authority to stop games if proper mask wearing, physical distancing, or equipment use standards are not maintained. 

While SEPLL is taking many steps to help ensure everyone’s safety, families must do their part (for instance: staying away when sick, reporting COVID-19 related exposure to the coaching staff and league, following allowable group size to attend ballgames, etc.)

SEPLL continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely, with the health and safety of our children being the first priority. The Board is aligned with the direction set by the Oregon State Governor, Multnomah County, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and Little League International.

Guidelines for Practices and Games

Teams will follow Multnomah County guidelines for outdoor group gatherings currently limiting outdoor events. If more than the allowable number of people are gathered for a practice or game, the coaching staff and parent safety coordinator have the authority to require a certain number of people to wait in their cars.

All players, coaches, and spectators must wear a mask properly at all times. Mask wearing will be enforced by umpires, coaches, and the parent safety coordinator. Those unwilling to abide will be asked to leave the field. Repeat offenders are subject to season suspension and/or indefinite termination from SEPLL. .

Umpires must stand either in the infield at least 6’ from the nearest player, or must maintain a 6’ distance from the catcher and batter if they choose to remain behind the plate.

Coaches and parent safety coordinators will advise and encourage frequent hand sanitizing.

Players should social distance (6 feet or more) whenever they are not actively engaged in the game. The bleachers will be reserved for players who are sitting out the inning or waiting for their turn to bat. Players will not store gear or sit in the dugout. Areas behind the dugout and behind the fence should be allocated for players with gear spaced out at least 6 feet apart.

No drinking from water fountains. No shared water bottles or snacks, no seeds and no spitting. If eating is necessary, a 6 feet social distance must be maintained and hands need to be sanitized before and after eating.  Water bottles should be clearly marked with the participant's name.

No postgame huddles or handshakes. Instead, players will line up on foul lines and tip their caps to the opponent and the umpires.

Spectators should maintain social distancing at all times. Spectators are only allowed in their designated spectator area.

Guidelines About Attending Events

Players, coaches and spectators will complete a “pre-practice/game screening” at home before every event.  This will consist of checking for the following Covid-19 symptoms: Fever, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sweats, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell.

Anyone with a fever (100.4 degrees or higher) or other symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 is prohibited from the field for a minimum of 72 hours following resolution of fever and a minimum of 10 days from onset of symptoms.

Any player or coach exposed (indoors and without a mask) to someone with COVID-19 must stay home for a period of 10 days, but the team needn’t shut down for this type of scenario (2 degrees of separation).

If a player or coach develops one or more symptoms of COVID-19 during the practice/game, they will be isolated away from others immediately, and sent home as soon as possible. Minors will be supervised until they are picked up by a parent.

Any COVID-19 related exposure, symptoms, or diagnosis must be immediately reported to the coaching staff and/or a league official, who will relay it to the safety officer - [email protected].

If any player or coach contracts COVID-19, his or her team will shut down for a period of time, following OHA guidelines.

Guidelines Regarding Equipment

Parents are responsible for cleaning and sanitizing the player’s equipment after each game.

Teams will be provided 2 sets of catcher’s gear, and are encouraged to play only 2 players at the catcher position each practice/game to reduce the spread of germs. Otherwise, the catcher's mask must be sanitized in between each player’s usage. The catcher’s gear must be cleaned and sanitized after each event.

Team equipment (balls and tees) will be designated for each team. If equipment must be shared between groups it will be sanitized before and after use by each team.

The team on defense will provide the game balls for each half-inning. The defensive coaches are responsible for changing out game balls.

Teams will sanitize shared equipment (like balls) after each practice/game.

The parent safety coordinator will ensure the safe and correct application of disinfectants and keep these products away from children.

Contact Us


P.O. Box 42154 
Portland, Oregon 97242

Email Us: [email protected]
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