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Down East Girls Softball

Down East Girls Softball



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Section 1. Name and Contact

The name of the organization shall be the Down East Girls Softball League, hereinafter referred to as “DEGSL” or “League”.

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 244
myrna, NC 28579

Contact Information:
Main eMail: [email protected]

Section 2. Geographic Area and Primary Field of Play

The principal operations of this league shall be in and about the eastern portion of the County of Carteret and State of North Carolina but may extend into such areas as provided for by the State, Regional and National Headquarters of Babe Ruth League, Inc. The Eastern Portion of the county shall be defined as the attendance boundaries established by the Carteret County Board of Education for East Carteret High School. The principal field of play shall be in Smyrna, North Carolina. The League may have such other locations as the Board of Directors shall determine appropriate for its needs.

Primary Field Location:
Eastern Park
99 Hill Rd
Smyrna, NC 28579


The purpose for which this league is organized in order of priority to: 1) Provide an opportunity for meaningful participation in the game of Softball for all girls within our geographic boundaries, 2) To develop our players in the game of softball, and 3) To provide a competitive outlet for those developed players through the Babe Ruth national tournament trail. We also believe that through the medium of a supervised, competitive program, this league will seek to implant in the youth of our communities the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and reverence, so they may be finer, stronger and happier youth who will grow to be good, clean, healthy adults.

The League shall not engage in political lobbying or otherwise attempt to influence legislation. The Association shall not participate in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. The Association shall comply with all laws pertaining to (a) a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Tax Code and (b) a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c)(2) of the Code.


DEGSL is affiliated with and operates under the current year’s rules and guidelines of the Babe Ruth League, Inc., a New Jersey corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Babe Ruth”, except where Association rules have been adopted and shall supersede Babe Ruth rules. Babe Ruth structure is as follows:

BABE RUTH SOFTBALL -> Southeast Region -> Eastern North Carolina -> District 5 -> DEGSL

DEGSL is the parent organization for two sub-organizations: the Down East Girls Travel Ball (DEGTB) and the Down East Umpire Association (DEUA). Each of these sub-organizations are governed by these bylaws and their own rules and regulations. For the purpose of this document, these sub-organization members are considered as “Members” as defined in ARTICLE 5: MEMBERSHIP.


This league shall have the following powers in addition to the powers expressly of implicitly conferred on it by law.

A.      To make and enforce rules and regulations to govern itself on a local basis, but consistent with and not contrary to any rules and regulations promulgated by Babe Ruth. or by the Regional or State echelons of said Babe Ruth., to which this league is subject.
B.      To solicit contributions and enter into contracts with businesses for sponsorship of the teams within its jurisdiction.
C.      To enter into contracts with the local county government and school board for use of the facilities needed to operate the league.


Membership is open to anyone who is a resident within the aforementioned outlined established boundaries established by Babe Ruth, otherwise known as the ECHS School District. Voting membership is limited to registered players age 16+, parents or legal guardians, and coaching staff (as defined in ARTICLE 9: TEAMS) and members at large. Members must have been registered in the most recently completed Spring season to vote at any given general meeting. The members of the elected Board of Directors also have votes on all issues. Election of officers is open to the entire membership.


Section 1. Executive Committee

The League shall be operated by a Board of Directors, elected annually at the August meeting, to be held before August 31st, of the entire membership. Said Board shall consist of an elected President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, Equipment Manager, Concession Manager, Sponsorship Manager, and Technology/Data Manager. These Board position constitutes the Executive Committee Members. These officers shall be elected at the August meeting and shall serve for one year until the next election. They are eligible for re-election as often as the membership shall choose to re-elect them.

The size of the Board shall be determined by the Executive Committee with the approval of the Board, but in no case shall the size of the Board be less than five (5) members. Any decrease in the size of the Board shall not have the effect of shortening the term of office of any incumbent Manager.

Section 2. Additional Board Committee Chairs, DEGTB, and DEUA

From time to time, as the need requires, additional Board Committee Chairs shall be established at the discretion of the Executive Committee. These Chairpersons are appointed by the President with the approval of the existing Board of Directors. These are not positions elected by the general membership, but their terms shall be for one year until the next election. These positions are voting members of the DEGSL Board and are classified as Officers of the League, afforded all associated rights and privileges as an Officer in relation to Babe Ruth.

The members of the Executive Committee must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age. The Committee Chairs, DEGTB, and DEUA members must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.

Section 3. Duties of Board Members

The DEGSL is an ever-growing organization. Growth requires adaptability. Because of this, the duties of the Board of Directors may change with each season. A current definition of each Board Position duties, approved by the current Board, will be dated and posted on the League’s website. The core duties and responsibilities of the Executive Committee are as follows:

1)      Preside at all league meetings.
2)      Assume full responsibility for the operation of the local league.
3)      Appoint all committees and supervise the activity thereof.
4)      See that the league adheres to the rules, regulations and policies of Babe Ruth
5)      Be sure the charter application of continuation form is filed with Babe Ruth according to guidelines.
6)      Be responsible for local league protests and disputes, in conjunction with the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.
7)      Review finances with the Treasurer and be one of the “two signatures” at the bank.
8)      If not already completed, required to complete the Babe Ruth background check within 30 days of assuming the role
9)      The President cannot be a Team Manager/Head Coach but can be an assistant coach. (Exception to this rule applies If no qualified Team Manager/Head
Coach is presented for an age group prior to the start of the season.)
10)   President,  and Secretary/Treasurer cannot be from the same household

1)      in the absence of the President and carries out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.
2)      Liaison with the Carteret County Parks & Recreation Department to schedule League use of fields for practices and home games
3)      If not already completed, required to complete the Babe Ruth background check within 30 days of assuming the role

1)      Records the minutes of all meetings.
2)      Responsible for sending out notices of regular and special meetings
3)      Maintaining an official record of the league’s activities
4)      Notifying all officers of election and the names of the newly elected members of the Board
5)      Performing such other duties as this office may require
6)      If not already completed, required to complete the Babe Ruth background check within 30 days of assuming the role
7)      Signs checks
8)      Dispenses league funds as approved by the league President and/or Board
9)      Reports on the status of league funds
10)   Keeps financial record
11)   Prepares a budget
12)   Assumes the responsibility for all league finances
13)   If not already completed, required to complete the Babe Ruth background check within 30 days of assuming the role
14)   President, and Secretary/Treasurer cannot be from the same household

1)      Procure and distribute equipment as needed for all teams
2)      Procure an adequate number of softballs required for all teams
3)      Prepare and submit to the Board of Directors an inventory of existing equipment and replacement needs
4)      If not already completed, required to complete the Babe Ruth background check within 30 days of assuming the role

1)      Maintains the operation of concession facilities
2)      Organize the purchase of concession products
3)      Responsible for the management of the concession sales at league events
4)      Schedule volunteers to work the concession stand during league events
5)      Collect and reviews concession-related offers including coupons, discounts, and bulk purchasing opportunities
6)      Organize, tally, and keep records of concession sales and purchases.
7)      If not already completed, required to complete the Babe Ruth background check within 30 days of assuming the role

1)      Responsible for overseeing all outgoing general league-wide communication
2)      Responsible for all public relations correspondence on behalf of the league
3)      Solicits donations, coordinates, and communicates with League sponsors
4)      Oversees and coordinates the various fundraising activities and events held by the League
5)      Ensures that all activities and functions of the league reflect the mission and values of the League
6)      Makes recommendations to the board for any branding and messaging changes

1)      Maintains the website, including, but not limited to, program registrations, online payments, game schedules, and
2)      calendar of events
3)      Provides administrative support for the Board and all other users.
4)      Ensures that annual technology payments are made to continue operation of website site.
5)      Responsible for the accuracy, and the overall design and content of the website.
6)      Oversees and supervises DEGSL’s presence in social media, and manages the League’s electronic communication.
7)      Organizes and coordinates online publicity to support DEGSL registration and events hosted by the League.

1)      Voted on by the DEUA Members to coordinate with the DEGSL Board (Is not a voting Board Member)
2)      Assign umpires to all league games
3)      Conduct clinics on rules and field positions for umpires
4)      Be responsible for notifying umpires of cancellations
5)      Recruitment of new umpires
6)      Serve as official rules interpreter for the local League and work in conjunction with the Babe Ruth National Umpires
7)      Association for consistency in such interpretation
8)      Recommends, with the President, umpires to the District Umpire-in-Chief for use in the Tournament Trail
9)      May be an already elected member of the Executive Board

1)      Voted on by the DEGTB Team Managers to coordinate with the DEGSL Board (Is not a voting Board Member)
2)      Submits Names for Team Managers and Coaches to Board for approval
3)      Notifies DEGSL Board of all potential DEGTB tournament dates to stave off potential schedule conflicts
4)      Works with DEGSL Technology/Data Manager to create Travel Registration Events to collect appropriate Travel Ball
5)      Tournament Registration Fees
6)      Assists Team Managers with tournament registration and payment of fees
7)      Participates in Travel Ball complaint investigation if needed
8)      May be an already elected member of the Executive Board

All Board Members are required to complete a background check and Abuse & Prevention Training course as required by Babe Ruth prior to the following season’s Opening Ceremonies upon election, and prior to expiration each year they remain a Board Member thereafter.


All meetings shall be run by parliamentary procedure using “Robert’s Rules of Order”. Written minutes shall be kept of all meetings. A copy of the minutes will be submitted to the Board within ten (10) days of the meeting. The Board will have five (5) days to approve any updates to the minutes, after which the minutes will be posted to the League website.

Section 1. Board Meetings

The Board shall hold meetings at least once a quarter between August 1st and July 31st of each fiscal year.

Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or shall be called by the Secretary on the written request of two (2) Directors. Notice of each special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be given to each Director at least two (2) days before the date of the meeting. At all meetings of the Board of Directors, a quorum shall be constituted by the attendance of those present.

Unless otherwise stated herein, the affirmative votes of not less than a majority of the Board members present at any meetings at which there is a quorum shall be necessary for the taking of any action by the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

Section 2. Meetings

Meetings of the organization shall be called by the President. Regular meetings shall be held:
1)      January – Board meets to plan for the registration process and set up committees as required, IE: opening ceremonies, volunteers, coaching staff, etc.
2)      February – Board meetsto review preliminary registration numbers, determine number of teams and managers, vote new managers and coaches into membership, vote on revised constitution and by-laws, set up committee to develop preliminary schedule.
3)      February/March – Board and Coaches meeting to finalize teams, schedules, opening ceremonies, etc.
4)      February/March – General Membership meeting to review game schedule, District and State tournament schedule, and other information
5)      May – Board and Coaches meeting to plan closing ceremonies and select All-Stars.
6)      August – General Membership meeting to summarize season, election of officers and plan Fall projects.

The Annual Meeting will be held in August and shall include the election of the Board of Directors. Board of Director candidates may either be nominated, or self-nominate in advance of the August general meeting.  Candidate names will be presented a minimum of 48 hours prior to the general meeting. Elections may take place in person or electronically leading up to and including the day of the meeting.  Election results will be announced within 24 hours of the end of the general meeting.

Special Meetings may be called at the discretion of the President. Notification of the meeting shall be provided to the membership within seven (7) days of the meeting, as well as stating the purpose of the meeting. Business shall be limited to the stated purpose of the special meeting.

A quorum for the purpose of transacting league business consists of those members present.


Section 1: Player Eligibility

The DEGSL is open to all girls who reside in the league territory as outlined by ARTICLE 1, Section 2, and by the Babe Ruth District Commissioner. Out of League exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis with approval from Babe Ruth. Players will play in their age division as defined by current Babe Ruth rules and regulations. Players may also double roster with parental, coach, and Board permission. If a hardship for any player, parent, or guardian prevents participation in the league, that player may seek redress before the Executive Committee by notifying any member of the committee.

All players must meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the Babe Ruth Softball rules with regard to playing age, geography, etc. Except as listed above.

Participants may lose their eligibility to play during the current season for the following reasons:
1)      Actions or attitudes, which are found by the Executive Committee to be detrimental to their team and/or to the League as a whole. This can be recommended by their manager, by any coach (in writing), by an umpire (in writing) or by a League officer. An Executive Committee hearing will be held to determine the final action.
2)      Quitting their team during the previous season. 

Section 2. Coaches

All DEGSL teams shall function under the auspice of the Team Coaching Staff, which shall consist of the Team Manager/Head Coach, one (1) or two (2) Assistant Coaches, and a Team Scorekeeper. Additional coaching staff may be allowed as determined by the Team Manager/Head Coach.

All DEGSL Team Managers/Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches are required to conform to the following:
1)      Become certified to coach according to Babe Ruth. Manager and coaches will complete certification process within 30 days from the start of practice or, for coaches who begin service after practice starts, within 30 days of assuming the role and the League rostering that coach.
2)      Complete a background check and Abuse & Prevention Training course as required by Babe Ruth prior to Opening Ceremonies
3)      Be selected at a regular scheduled Board meeting using a designated evaluation model
4)      Be selected for their leadership skill and their ability to lead players to enjoy the game of softball.
5)      Sign a contract with the League annually that outlines the expectations of the League for their managers and coaches and what benefits the manager can receive for his services. Violations of this contract will result in disciplinary action taken by the Executive Committee or by the President, acting in their name. The policy for adjudicating these violations is outlined in Article 10 of these By-Laws.

The core duties and responsibilities of the Coaching Staff are as follows:

1)      Serves as the Team Director
2)      Responsible for all aspects of running the team including organizing and running practices, games, and managing the coaches
)      Become certified to coach according to Babe Ruth certification process within 30 days from the start of practice
)      Responsible for knowing and following DEGSL rules as well as the rules of Babe Ruth, and Specific State and District 5 Interlock rules appropriate for their age group
5)      Required to complete the Babe Ruth background check within 30 days of assuming the role
6)      follows the principals of Positive Coaching

1)      As assigned by the Team Manager/Head Coach, works with the players on specific skills for improvement
2)      Become certified to coach according to Babe Ruth certification process within 30 days from the start of practice or,  for coaches who begin service after practice starts, within 30 days of assuming the role and the League rostering 
3)      Responsible for knowing and following DEGSL rules as well as the rules of Babe Ruth, and Specific State and District 5 Interlock rules appropriate for their age group
5)      Required to complete the Babe Ruth background check within 30 days of assuming the role
6)      follows the principals of Positive Coaching

1)      Maintain the team scorebook, and pitch inning count (if applicable)
)      Is the Official Score Keeper when home team
3)      Attends pre-season Score Keeper meeting
4)      Required to complete the Babe Ruth background check within 30 days of assuming the role
5)      follows the principals of Positive Coaching

Section 3. Parents/Legal Guardians and Others

Parents/Legal Guardians, siblings, and other community members are an integral part of DEGSL and the overall softball team experience. Understanding this, however, no persons, other than registered team players, Coaching Staff, and Board Members are allowed in the dugout from 30 mins before game start and during active game time. EXCEPTION to this rule includes, but not limited to health emergencies. Players are expected to remain in the dugout with their teams at all times during active game play, unless otherwise approved by the Team Manager.

Section 4. Registration

Registration for Spring Recreational Ball Season will begin no earlier than January 1st with season start date no earlier than the third (3rd) Saturday of March with ending date no later than the Monday before Memorial Day Weekend.

Registration for Fall Recreational Ball Season will begin no earlier than the third (3rd) Saturday of July with the season ending date no later than the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

The League has established registration dates and deadlines. Players registering after the deadline may be required to pay an additional late registration fee as determined by the league. The registration form will be expeditiously submitted to the League President for addition to the team’s official roster.

Section 5. Draft

If the registration process creates the need for multiple teams within an age group, a draft will be held at a time and place designated by the Board. The Board will conduct the draft with the assistance of the managers involved. The draft will proceed as follows:

6U & 8U Divisions
1)      Everyone registered must participate in the draft
2)      The Team Managers will coin toss for first pick
3)      The Team Manager’s child will be their first draft pick
4)      Unless otherwise requested by the parents, siblings will be paired together. If a sibling is chosen, the other Team Manager will get additional picks until they make up the sibling count (i.e., 3 siblings = 3 draft picks) DEGSL is unique in that close familial ties exist wherein cousins are as close as siblings. These situations may be treated like sibling draft picks if need be.
5)      If the Team Manager wants a specific coach, they will need to pick their child.

The draft will continue until each team has reached 10 players. When all team reach 10 players, the draft continues with all teams until they reach 15. If the total number of players requires a team to have more than 15 players, the Board will evaluate to see if there are other options available.

10U & Up Divisions
1)      Everyone registered must participate in the draft
2)      The Team Managers will coin toss for first pick
3)      The Team Manager’s child will be their first draft pick based on their child’s position (i.e. if their child is a pitcher/catcher, their child will be first pick in the pitcher/catcher draft, otherwise, their child will be first pick in the fielders draft)
4)      Pitchers and Catchers will be drafted in the first round of the draft
5)      All other players will be drafted once the pitchers and catchers have been drafted
6)      Unless otherwise requested by the parents, siblings will be paired together. If a sibling is chosen, the other Team Manager will get additional picks until they make up the sibling count (i.e., 3 siblings = 3 draft picks) DEGSL is unique in that close familial ties exist wherein cousins are as close as siblings. These situations may be treated like sibling draft picks if need be.
7)      If the Team Manager wants a specific coach, they will need to pick that coach’s child.

The draft will continue until each team has reached 10 players. When all team reach 10 players, the draft continues with all teams until they reach 15. If the total number of players would require a team to have more than 15 players, the Board will evaluate to see if there are other options available. If new players are allowed to register after the draft is completed, they shall be assigned to teams in the appropriate draft order. 

Special Accommodations:
1)      Parents may request a specific coach before team assignment by notifying the Board, in writing, with details of the reason for the team change request.
2)      Parents may request a team change at the beginning of the season, a minimum of 10 days before opening ceremonies, by notifying the Board, in writing, with details of the reason for the team change request.

Section 6. Game Play

All DEGSL games shall follow the current rules and regulations established by Babe Ruth, Eastern North Carolina, District 5, and any rules set forth in these bylaws. Each registered player will be provided a numbered jersey in the spring. There may be an additional cost associated with the purchase of this jersey.


A regular Spring Season shall consist of, at minimum, each team having 10 games scheduled consisting of games with the DEGSL or Babe Ruth District 5 leagues. To qualify for District All-Stars, each player must play a minimum of 5 games. Based on this Babe Ruth requirement, each player must start and field at minimum three (3) games. NOTE: This is not a suggestion it is mandatory. 


During Fall Season games, all rostered players present at a game that did not get an opportunity to play for whatever reason will automatically be listed on the starting line up on the next immediate game, having the opportunity to bat, and field at minimum one (1) inning of the game. NOTE: This is not a suggestion, it is mandatory. 

Section 7. All-Star Team Selection

Managers must be vigilant to the fact that the league wants to field the best possible tournament trail team in each age group. If, during the All-Star selection, conflicts with player selection between age groups arise and can’t be resolved between the affected managers, the matter will be taken to the Board for a final decision. No nominated players will be told of the All-Star selections until all conflicts have been resolved and the official All-Star roster has been finalized.

Tournament teams will be selected by the League managers following the end of the season. Tryouts for this team WILL NOT be held. The number of nominees from each team and for each age group will be determined prior to nomination selection.

Each manager shall confidentially nominate from his team’s roster, up to the maximum number of nominees previously determined. Managers in each age division will first select the best player from each team and then the best of the remaining players to fill out the team. Each team must be represented by at least one (1) player if available.

The manager or coaches of the regular season champion team of each age division, shall be given the right of first refusal to manage the tournament trail team for that division. If he/she should refuse the team, the rights would follow down the league standings. The manager will select up to two regular season league coaches to assist him/her with the tournament trail team. 

The All-Star teams play on a higher level of competition during tournament season than during the normal season. Due to this, the requirement that all rostered players present at a game must be given the opportunity to participate in the game with a minimum of one (1) inning in the field and one (1) turn at bat is waived during each All-Star game. 

The Board can consider a manager as unfit for the Babe Ruth All-Star Team for violations of the DEGSL Coaching Agreement.

ARTICLE 9. Protests.

Protests may be made only for the following reasons:
1)      An umpire’s misinterpretation of the playing rules. Umpire’s judgment cannot be used for protest
2)      Use of an ineligible player
3)      Protests can be lodged by following the procedure outlined in Babe Ruth Softball Rules, 4.19 and including the following League standards:
a.       The protesting manager must notify the plate umpire that he/she is protesting before the next legal pitch is thrown. The umpire will then notify the official scorekeeper and the opposing manager that the game is continuing under protest. The scorekeepers from both teams will record the details of the game at the time of the protest. (Inning, team at bat, batter at bat, number of outs, count, etc.).
b.       The formal protest must be submitted in writing, along with $50 in cash or certified check, to the President of the League within 48 hours.
c.       The President will then investigate the facts by interviewing the umpires, the managers and the official scorekeeper. The protest committee (comprised of the UIC, a Board member, and another Team Manager from a different Division) will then be called with the President outlining all the pertinent material and a ruling will be made. The committee is under no obligation to call in the managers for a hearing but may choose to do so if they feel it is warranted. 
d.       The $50 cash or check will only be refunded if the protest is considered valid and is upheld by the Protest Committee. Otherwise, it will be turned into the treasurer and will be deposited into the league’s general fund account. 

Protests involving a Team Manager or Coach will be handled in the following manner:

1)      An email providing details of the complaint must be delivered in writing either by mail or email to the Board
2)      The Board will investigate the facts by interviewing all parties involved and will make their decision based on their findings
3)      The complainant will be notified of the Board’s decision within 7 days of their decision.

ARTICLE 10. Conduct of Participants

All participants, managers, coaches, scorekeepers, players and League Officials shall conduct themselves in such a manner as to not bring disgrace upon the League. All shall follow the code of ethics outlined in the DEGSL Managers and Coaches Agreement.

Managers and coaches shall conduct themselves according to their contract. The President, with the approval of the Board can enforce all discipline matters as deemed necessary according to said contract. Penalties can include suspension for a game up to a season. The Board can also recommend to the Parks and Recreation Department banishment from the County parks during any League event. 

Violations of Coaching Agreements and any other disciplinary actions can be made in writing to the President, who will call an Executive Committee hearing on said matters. If a matter is considered severe enough, the President may immediately impose such interim penalties as he/she deems necessary, pending the Executive Committee’s review. 

Managers/coaches, scorekeepers or players who are ejected from the game by an umpire for unsportsmanlike conduct shall:
1)      Immediately leave the premises of the ball field in question.
2)      First ejection – Suspension from their team’s next regularly scheduled game or a letter of reprimand to the Manager as determined by the Board.
3)      Second ejection – Suspension from the next regular scheduled game or the remainder of the season and an Executive Committee hearing to determine fitness for further involvement in the League to be determined by the Executive Committee.

Spectators can be removed from the premises if their behavior is deemed inappropriate. Coaches should contact a member of the Board for assistance from the local authorities to remove fans from the premises. Persistent problems with spectators can result in longer bans from League functions. 


Amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented in writing at any time during the non-playing season to the Board of Directors. After review and positive vote of the Board of Directors (Majority-only), the amendment shall come before the membership at the next regular meeting, or any special meeting for ratification. To be adopted, an amendment to the Bylaws requires that 2/3 of those in attendance in favor of the amendment. Failure to receive a 2/3 vote will cause the vote to fail.


The League shall indemnify any director, officer, or former director or officer of the League against all expenses actually and reasonably incurred by him or her in connection with the defense of any action, suit, or proceeding, civil or criminal, in which he or she is made a party by reason of being or having been a director or officer, except in relation to matters as to which he is adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of duty. Such indemnification shall not be exclusive of any other indemnification provided for in the Articles of Incorporation or any Bylaw, by resolution or otherwise. The League shall be authorized to purchase insurance or other similar device for the purpose of such indemnification. 


The League shall be dissolved according to the procedures outlined in the North Carolina Business Organizations Code. After the liabilities of the League have been discharged or provided for, the League’s remaining assets shall be disposed of to facilitate one or more of the exempt purposes of the League. Assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or a state or local government, for public purposes. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the League is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations which are organized and operated for such purposes. 


(Approved 02/06/2023)


Down East Girls Softball League
PO Box 244 
Smyrna, North Carolina 28579

Email: [email protected]

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