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Down East Girls Softball

Down East Girls Softball

Roles & Responsibilities

Thank you for the generous gift of your time. DEGSL is a volunteer run organization and it with the help from people like you that allow our girls the wonderful softball experience they get with Down East Girls Softball. There are several ways you can contribute to the success of our league. (Please note that roles have different sets of requirements to meet as part of the selection process.) Click here to view any available volunteer opportunities.

Team Manager/Head Coach

The Team Manager/Head Coach (Manager) has overall responsibility for the team and all team members’ actions on the field and at any DEGSL event, at which they are directed to remain together as a team. The Manager represents the team in communications with the umpires and the opposing team. In addition, the Manager directs playing activities, training, discipline and conduct of all team members and leads all team-based activities, both on and off the field. In addition to running games and practices, they'll connect with parents on a regular basis, as well as with certain members of the League to ensure everything is running safe and smooth. It is important to remember that you have a team to help you! Your “team members” include the Coaches, Team Parent, Scorekeeper(s) and parents. It is also the Manager’s responsibility to ensure there is ALWAYS at least one female present at all practices and games.

Assistant Coach

YES! Every team needs Assistant Coaches!
 (Especially the younger teams.) This is an on-field role, and is necessary to ensure that players are focused during practices and games. As teams split into smaller groups to learn tactics, Assistant Coaches are critical in keeping everyone on track. If you're nervous about helping out, don't worry! We've got plenty of resources and training to help you prepare. Trust us, you can do this!


Umpires officiate during Division games. There are typically two umpires. One is behind home plate and is usually the head umpire during the game. The other is in the field to officiate from near the bases.

Team Parent(s)

This is a critical Background Checked-role (especially for younger teams) where a parent helps with players in the dugout, but is not allowed on the field during games or practices. Some kids might need help putting on a helmet, keeping track of their glove, or understanding when it's their turn to bat. Some kids could also use an extra dose of encouragement now and then. Team Parents (a.k.a. Dugout Managers) help keep the game running while ensuring that the players have an enjoyable game experience. This person can also manage off-field needs with fellow parents, such as a calendar for optional player snacks after practices and games. ("Where's snack?" is a commonly-uttered phrase among players.) Team Parents coordinate the team's assigned concession stand shifts for home games and tournaments. Team Parents can also help with organizing end-of-season celebrations, collecting funds for annual League fund-raisers, etc. 


Down East Girls Softball League
PO Box 244 
Smyrna, North Carolina 28579

Email: [email protected]

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