1. If you hear thunder, you are in danger. Anytime thunder is heard, the thunderstorm is close enough to pose an immediate lightning threat to your location.
2. Listen for thunder. If you hear thunder, immediately suspend your event and instruct everyone to get to a safe place. Substantial buildings provide the best protection. Once inside, stay off corded phones, and stay away from any wiring or plumbing. Avoid sheds, small or open shelters, dugouts, bleachers, or grandstands. If a sturdy building is not nearby, a hardtopped metal vehicle with the windows closed will offer good protection, but avoid touching any metal.
3. Do not resume activities until 30 minutes after the last thunder was heard. In addition to following the above Little League lightning protocol I agree to immediately call 911 in the event of any asthma attack, allergic reaction of any kind, or any other health issue such as heat stroke or any other unusual health development.