Website Manager

Mason District Little League

Our Kids. Our Community. Since 1955.

Volunteer Positions

Board of Directors

President - The president presides at league meetings, and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league. The president receives all mail, supplies and other communications from the Little League Headquarters. As the chief administrator, the president selects and appoints managers, coaches, umpires and committees. A president may manage, coach or umpire, provided he/she does not serve on the protest committee, nor serve as tournament team manager or coach. The president also represents the league in the District organization. (10 hours/week)


Vice President - The vice president presides in the absence of the president, works with other officers and committee members, is ex-officio member of all committees, and carries out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the president. A vice president may manage, coach or umpire, provided they do not serve on the protest committee. (Varies ~2 hours/week)


Secretary - The secretary maintains a register of members and directors, records the minutes of meetings, is responsible for sending out notice of meetings, issues membership cards and maintains a record of league’s activities. (3 hours/month)


Treasurer - The treasurer signs checks as directed by the local league’s constitution, dispenses league funds as approved by the board of directors, reports on the status of league funds, keeps local league books and financial records, prepares budgets, and assumes the responsibility for all local league finances. (3 hours/month)


Player Agent - The player agent conducts annual tryouts, is in charge of player selection, assists the president in checking birth records and eligibility of players and generally supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to or from the Minor Leagues according to provisions of the regulations of Little League Baseball. The player agent must not manage, coach or umpire in the division over which he/she has authority. (12 hours at beginning of season)


Player Agent (AAA & Majors) – Assists player agent but focused on the AAA & Majors divisions.


Player Agent (TBall – AA) - Assists player agent but focused on the AAA & Majors divisions.

Player Development - The player development manager will help players at all levels of the game develop the physical capabilities, and skills they need to achieve their full potential.  Baseball is a dynamic environment and working together with coaches and players in each facet of a development plan. (3 hours/month)


Recruitment Coordinator - Player recruiter identifies opportunities to recruit players. Distribute flyers to local schools, staff registration events, and help the Player Agent as needed. Post signs in neighborhoods. (4 hours prior to each season)


Information Officer - The information officer manages the league’s official home page on, manages the online registration process and ensures that league rosters are maintained on the site, assigns administrative rights to league volunteers and teams, and ensures that league news and scores are updated on a regular basis. He/she collects, posts and distributes important information on League activities including direct dissemination of fund-raising and sponsor activities to Little League International, district, public, league members and media, serves as primary contact person for Little League and regarding optimizing use of the Internet for league administration and for distributing information to league members. (2 hours/week)


Volunteer Coordinator - The volunteer coordinator helps to identify parent volunteers for Board positions and for ad hoc volunteer needs. For board positions the President will work with the volunteer coordinator to identify appropriate candidates. For as hoc volunteer requirements, the designated lead for the event or activity will provide the requirements for volunteers to the coordinator that the coordinator will work to fill. (2 hours/month)

Sponsors Coordinator – Helps to identify and reach out to previous and future sponsors for the league. This could include calling sponsors, visiting locations, and even speaking with parents about asking companies for donations or becoming sponsors.

Safety Officer - The safety officer coordinates all safety activities including supervision of ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program), ensures safety in player training, ensures safe playing conditions, coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries, solicits suggestions for making conditions safer, and reports suggestions to Little League International through the ASAP system. (12 hours in Spring)

Scheduling Coordinator- Determines and maintains schedules for practices and games. Coordinates with other Leagues to set up interleague play. Reschedules in event of rainouts or other reasons. Posts schedule on website and distributes to League Board members, Coordinators, Coaches, Umpires and other leagues. (3 hours/week during the season)


Other League Officials


Coach Each team has two coaches of record. These are the full-time coaches who work closely with the manager and help to run practices and develop the players’ skills. (6 to 10 hours/week during the season)


Majors Coordinator The Majors Coordinator works with the Major’s coaches to prepare coordinated practice and game schedules, local rules and policies and similar topics. The Coordinator assists in scheduling make-up games and coordinating with other leagues for play in their division. The coordinator works with other league officers as necessary for smooth operation of the league. (20 hours/season)

AAA Coordinator The AAA Coordinator works with the AAA coaches to prepare coordinated practice and game schedules, local rules and policies and similar topics. The Coordinator assists in scheduling make-up games and coordinating with other leagues for play in their division. The coordinator works with other league officers as necessary for smooth operation of the league. (20 hours/season)

AA Coordinator The AA Coordinator works with the AA coaches to prepare coordinated practice and game schedules, local rules and policies and similar topics. The AA coordinator sets the number of teams and coaches for those teams. The AA coordinator assigns players designated for AA to the teams. The Coordinator assists in scheduling make-up games and coordinating with other leagues for play in their division. The coordinator works with other league officers as necessary for smooth operation of the league. (20 hours/season)

A Coordinator The A Coordinator works with the A coaches to prepare coordinated practice and game schedules, local rules and policies and similar topics. The A coordinator sets the number of teams and coaches for those teams. The A coordinator assigns players designated for A to the teams. The Coordinator assists in scheduling make-up games and coordinating with other leagues for play in their division. The coordinator works with other league officers as necessary for smooth operation of the league. (20 hours/season)

Tee Ball Coordinator The Tee Ball Coordinator works with the Tee Ball coaches to prepare coordinated practice and game schedules, local rules and policies and similar topics. The Tee Ball coordinator sets the number of teams and coaches for those teams.  The Tee Ball coordinator assigns players designated for Tee Ball to the teams. The Coordinator assists in scheduling make-up games and coordinating with other leagues for play in their division. The coordinator works with other league officers as necessary for smooth operation of the league. (20 hours/season)


Coaching Coordinator - The Coaching Coordinator is responsible for training our coaches.

The CC will set up coach’s training sessions before the start of the spring season. The coaching coordinator works to ensure MDLL players are taught consistently as they progress through little league. (16 hours/season)



Quartermaster – The quartermaster purchases uniforms for the league in Spring and Fall. The quartermaster determines quantities of material, places orders, distributes uniforms and approves payment by the treasurer for material bills. The quartermaster also purchases equipment for the league in Spring and Fall.  The quartermaster determines quantities of material, places orders, distributes equipment and approves payment by the treasurer for material bills.  (20 hours/season)



Umpire Coordinator – Responsible for hiring and training of all umpires for baseball and softball. Coordinates with the President to schedule all training clinics, seminars, etc. Organizes and directs all training clinics, seminars, etc. Coordinates with the President and Field Scheduling Coordinator to prepare all umpire work schedules. (10 hours/season plus umpiring)

Chief Umpire – The Chief Umpire is responsible for coordinating with the Division 4 Umpire Officer and keeping MDLL abreast of changes in rules and policies. (2 hours/spring)

Field Maintenance Officer- The Field Maintenance Officer ensures materials are on hand at our playing fields (lime, liners, rakes, etc.) and that the fields and dugouts are ready for play at the beginning of Spring and Fall seasons. (4 hours/beginning of the season)

Batting Cage Coordinator The Batting Cage coordinator ensure the batting cage is ready for Spring practices and keeps and publicizes the batting cage schedule. (1 hour/week during the season)

Fall Ball Coordinator The Fall Ball Coordinator works with the President and division coordinators to identify managers and assists with player registration. The Coordinator works with the Field scheduler and the Umpire Scheduler to coordinate practice and game schedules, interleague rules and policies and similar topics. The coordinator works with other league officers as necessary for smooth operation of the league. (20 hours/season)

Manager Individual responsible for handling all aspects of team management: instructing players in the proper techniques of baseball during practice, game management, soliciting volunteers to assist in running the team, demonstrating proper sportsmanship, and insuring that the players are safe at all times—just to name a few. The manager must represent the attitude and philosophy of the league. (6 to 12 hours/week during the season)

Team Parent The team parent assists the manager by coordinating the team’s participation in league events, coordinating snack assignments, the team party and much more. (1 to 2 hours/week)

Team Scorekeeper Responsible for keeping accurate game statistics in a team score book. Scorekeeping includes entering the lineups, recording every pitch, hit, etc. while following the standard procedures used universally by scorekeepers. (2 hours/game)



Contact Us

Mason District Little League

4270 John Marr Dr. #592 
Annandale, Virginia 22003

Phone: 571-544-6355
Email: [email protected]

Mason District Little League

4270 John Marr Dr. #592 
Annandale, Virginia 22003

Phone: 571-544-6355
Email: [email protected]
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