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Mason District Little League

Our Kids. Our Community. Since 1955.

MDLL Local Rules

Mason District Little League Majors Selected Playing Rules


The rules are either reiterations or in addition to the “Little League Baseball OfficialRegulations and Playing Rules”. Managers are expected to know the Official Rules and the localMDLL rules.


·           Remind parents that only players, managers, and coaches are allowed on the bench or in the dugout. Players are not allowed to leave the dugout except to warm up the pitcher or use the bathroom. (3.17)

·           All batters, base runners, and player 1st/3rd base coaches must wear helmets with facemasks or “C-­‐flaps.”

·           The offensive team shall use a continous batting order using all players for the entire game. (4.04)

·           The offensive team may use two adult base coaches; however, at least one manager/coach must remain in the dugout at all times. (4.05)

·           On-­‐Deck batters are not permitted.  Bat boys/girls must be uniformed team members only and must wear a helmet with facemask or c-­‐flap.

·           Pitchers get 8 pitches to the catcher or other teammate and/or 1 minute to warm-­‐up between innings. (8.03)

·           The “10-­‐run” rule does not apply for league and interleague games. (4.10)

·           A batter shall be called out if after showing bunt, the batter swings at that pitch (MDLL only rule). Pitchers league age 14 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements:

·       If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·       If a player pitches 51 -­‐ 65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·       If a player pitches 36 -­‐ 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·       If a player pitches 21 -­‐ 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·       If a player pitches 1-­‐20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.

A pitcher who delivers 41 or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day. Both teams should be prepared to provide to the umpire and the opposing team accurate pitch counts both for pitchers presently pitching and pitchers who pitched during the previous four days. Pitcher may be removed during an at-­‐bat.


During the 2014 season, players may advance on a third strike that is not caught in flight by the catcher. Little League amended Rule 6.05(b) in the Baseball Rule Book to read:

ØØ 6.05 -­‐ A batter is out when – (b) Little League (Majors)/Junior/Senior/Big League

1)      a third strike is legally caught by the catcher;

2)      a third strike is not caught by the catcher when first base is occupied before two are out.


Time Limits.


·           For Saturday games, no new inning may start after two hours from the official starting time as determined by the umpire.

·           For weeknight games, no new inning may start after 1 hour and 45 minutes from the official starting time as determined by the umpire.

·           Any inning started prior to the applicable time limit will be completed regardless of the duration of the inning, unless the game is halted by the umpire for reasons other than time limits.

·           A grace period of 15 minutes from the scheduled starting time shall be given to a team that does not have at least 9 players to start the game. After this 15 minute grace period, any team that does not have at least 9 players to start or complete a game shall forfeit that game. Managers are encouraged to utilize the Player Replacement Process before a game commences to ensure they have sufficient players on hand. During the Fall season only, Managers may look for lateral substitutions of players within or below their own Division to ensure they will have enough players to continue a game already in progress. Use of a lateral transfer must be reported to the Player Agent immediately after the conclusion of the game.


Official Game (4.10-­‐4.12).

·           9 players must start and finish the game for each team.

·           A ”regulation” game is 6 complete innings. A game is considered an “official” game after 4 complete innings, or when the visiting team has batted at least four complete innings and has fewer runs than the home team, if the game reaches its time limit as stated above or is halted by the umpire.

·           Extra Innings: If after the time limit has expired and no game is scheduled to follow, there will be a maximum one-­‐hour extension for extra innings from the maximum time limit. This means that no new inning may start after one additional hour, although any inning that has started may be played to completion. This extension can only be used for “extra” innings in the case of a tie game-­‐-­‐not to complete a game that is already an “official” game with one team ahead and the time limit has been reached. A regulation game that is tied after four or more completed innings and halted by the umpire, shall be resumed from the exact point that play was halted.

·           If a game is halted by the umpire before it has become an "official" game, but after one or more complete innings have been played, it shall be resumed exactly where it left off. If less than one inning has been completed, the game shall be replayed from the beginning. If a game is halted by the umpire after the 4th inning, the following scenarios apply:


1.      If the game is halted at the end of an inning (i.e. time limit), the team ahead at the time the game is halted is declared the winner.

2.      For games halted in the middle of an inning, if the home team was in the lead at the end of the previous inning, and the visiting team has taken the lead in the inning in which the game is halted, the game shall be resumed exactly where it left off at a later date. If the visiting team is in the lead at the end of the last full inning and the home team has not taken the lead in the inning in which the game is halted, the visiting team shall be declared the winner. If the home team is in the lead in the inning in which the game is halted, the home team shall be declared the winner.

3.      A half-­‐inning officially starts at the completion of the third out in the previous half-­‐ inning.


·                Games that are resumed at a later date can be completed (through the full 6 innings, or into extra innings if needed) immediately preceding or following the next scheduled game between the same teams. A pitcher can pitch in both games on the same day subject to the appropriate pitch count limitation. NOTE: The regularly scheduled game and the innings of the resumed game played that day shall be considered as a single game for pitch count purposes. When a game is halted, the pitcher of record may continue pitching in the same game on any subsequent date provided said pitcher of record has observed the required days of rest. If a pitcher has been replaced on the mound before the suspended game was halted, s/he may not return to pitch in the resumed game.


Player Rules.

·       Players are assigned to teams via draft. The Draft Process used by MDLL is specified in the Draft Rules Appendix.


·       In Majors Division, 9 players play on the field. No player may sit out two innings until all players sit out one inning (except a starting pitcher may keep playing until pulled from pitching at which time the pitcher must sit an inning). All players must play at least one inning in the infield. (MDLL ByLaws)


·       In the event that a team will field less than 10 players, the Manager may utilize a Player Call-­‐up for temporary or permanent replacements (see “Player Replacement Rules Appendix”).  There are two kinds of Player Call-­‐ups.  Temporary Call-­‐ups are Players who are asked to play in a higher Division to replace a Player who will miss a game(s) for a limited period of time.  Permanent Call-­‐ups are Players who are moved permanently to a Team in a higher Division to replace a Player who has resigned or been removed from their Team (due to injury, disciplinary action, or call-­‐up to a higher Division).


·       A warning will be issued for the first violation of the “Player Replacement Rules.” A second violation will result in forfeiture of the game the violation occurred in. A third violation will result in the suspension of the manager for a period to be determined by the President (or Board). The President shall have the discretion to determine if a violation has occurred.


End of Season Round Robin Rules.

·           The last three Majors regular season games will be part of a round robin tournament. Each team will play each other. The two teams with the most games won of the three round robin games will play the final majors game. If there are no two winning teams, the two teams that allowed the fewest runs. For example, Team A’s record is 1 won/ 1 loss, Team B’s record is 1 won/1 loss, and Team C’s record is 1 won/1 loss would be a three way tie. Team A had 3 runs scored against them, Team B had 5 runs scored against them, and Team C had 10 runs scored

against them. The final game would be Team A and Team B. If there is still a tie after using runs allowed, a coin toss will be used.

·           The pitch counts will be as if all games were played back-­‐to-­‐back. For example, if Team A and Team B play game 1 and Team A plays Team C in game 3 two days later, any pitcher that pitched more than 20 pitches in game 1, will not be eligible to pitch in game 3. However, any pitcher that pitched between 20 and 35 pitches will be able to play in the final game. The table below shows the maximum eligible pitch counts for each game.



Game 1

Game 2

Game 3


Team A

All players based


Pitchers with 20

Players that


on previous


or less from

pitched 35 or




game 1

less from game 1





and 20 or less





from game 3

Team B

All players based

Pitchers with 20


Players that


on previous

or less from


pitched 35 or



game 1


less from game 1





and 20 or less





from game 2

Team C


All players based

Pitchers with 20

Players that



on previous

or less from

pitched 35 or




game 2

less from game 2





and 20 or less





from game 3

Pre-­‐Game/Post-­‐Game Responsibilities and Warm-­‐up Rules.

·           At Mason District Park Field #1, the home team will occupy the 3d base dugout. The Home team is responsible for preparing the field prior to each game. That includes lining the base paths, necessary raking, etc. The Visiting team is responsible for taking down the field after the game. That includes filling in holes in infield and batter’s box and locking up tools and equipment in the storage box. Bases should be left on the field.

·           The Home team may use the field for warm-­‐ups from 25 minutes to 15 minutes before game-­‐time. For games with only 15 minutes available before game start, both teams will receive five minutes of infield warm-­‐ up time, or such other time as determined by the umpire. Important Note: If the field is not ready prior to 25 minutes before game time, the additional field preparation time will be sacrificed from the Home team warm-­‐up time.  The Visiting team has the field 15 minutes until 5 minutes before game-­‐time.  At 5 minutes prior to game-­‐time, both teams must return to their dugouts, and managers must meet with the umpires for the pre-­‐game conference. The "official" start time will be established and the umpire will keep the time clock.

·           Both teams are responsible for picking up trash in the dugouts, stands, and field after the game. Remind players and parents that keeping our parks clean is everybody's responsibility.

·           Email all game pitch counts within 48 hours to: [email protected]


These rules are in affect while playing at Mason District Fields. While playing interleague at another leagues fields (FCKLL) you should still follow the “Player Rules”. You should also play with the continous batting order rules. While Home team during Interleague play, you are responsible for both Home team and Visiting team reponsibilities.



Majors and AAA Divisions


The draft is moderated and presided over by the Player Agent (or a Board officer in their place, as directed by the President). The decisions of the Player Agent are final. Draft rules are in accordance with the Little League Operating Manual.


DRAFT ATTENDANCE -­‐ Each Division Manager, Player Agent, and other necessary board members may attend the draft. Players and assistant coaches may not attend the draft process at any time.


PLAYER NOTIFICATION -­‐ When the draft is complete, trading period ends and the Player Agent has finalized the rosters, all managers will be notified that they may contact the players on their respective rosters. Do not contact any drafted player until you are authorized in writing by the Player Agent. Violation of this rule is cause for Suspension of the Manager.


CONFIDENTIALITY -­‐ The Draft is kept completely confidential, including Skills Evaluation results, player draft order and trades. Each individual attending the draft is responsible for maintaining confidentiality of the draft and draft materials. Violation of this rule by a Manager is cause for Suspension of the Manager; Violation by the Player Agent or other attendees will result in a Penalty determined by the remaining Board members.


DRAFT ORDER -­‐ The Draft Order is established by random selection. This establishes a serpentine order throughout the draft (1-­‐n, n-­‐1). Teams at each end of the order effectively have two consecutive picks straddling the end and beginning of consecutive rounds.


DRAFT POOL -­‐ The Draft Pools are established by the Player Agent. Pursuant to Little League Rules, all players League Age 12 will be included in the Majors draft pool and must be selected for a Majors roster (unless a Petition to Play Down is received from the Player’s parents and accepted by the Player Agent or a Player’s participation in the Majors Division is judged to be potentially harmful to themselves or other players (as determined by the unanimous agreement of the Division Managers and with the concurrence of the Player Agent, the Board, and the District 4 Administrator)).


Additionally, for the Majors draft, Players who played in the Majors Division during the prior Spring season will be automatically included on a Majors roster.


To be eligible for the draft in either Majors or AAA, a Player must attend try-­‐outs and be properly registered.


DRAFT POOL CANDIDATES -­‐ A list containing all candidates for the Division draft, along with their player number, name, School attending, and Little League age will be provided to all Managers prior to the commencement of the Draft.


COACHES -­‐ In accordance with Little League rules, there is no pre-­‐selection or assignment of a Coach’s child to a Manager. Managers must draft that player during normal draft process.

PLAYER OPTIONS -­‐ Little League rules allow for Player Option arrangements to be made with the Player Agent for specific circumstances including:


•  Drafting siblings -­‐ once one sibling is drafted, the Manager must select the other sibling in the next round, unless the players’ parents have indicated their children may play for other teams. The Player Agent will notify all Managers of the parents’ preference prior to the draft.

•  Manager's own child (children) involved in the Majors Draft must be drafted onto their team by the draft round determined by the Player’s Age, as specified by the Little League Operating Manual (see table below). These provisions also apply for Managers having eligible siblings in the draft. While Little League rules allow the Manager the option to not draft their own child, the MDLL strongly discourages this. A Manager must indicate they will not exercise the option in writing to the Player Agent no later than 24 hours before the draft so that information can be shared with the other Managers.


Draft Round

League Age







Source: Little League Operating Manual 2014, pg. 61.


For the AAA Draft, the Player Agent, after consulting with the Managers participating in that Division, will assign the Manager’s children to a Round.


DRAFT LIMITATIONS – Before the draft begins, the Player Agent in consultation with the Board will establish the minimum and maximum number of players a Manager can select, by Little League Age, for each Division’s draft. The Player Agent will establish and communicate these rules prior to, or at the start of, the draft selection meeting. Any Manager in jeopardy of not filling the minimum number of players for an Age will be alerted during the Draft by the Player Agent -­‐ and required to make selections to come into compliance with the rule. Should an issue be caught after a selection, the Player Agent may rule that a prior pick be released. The minimum number rule is waived if all players of that age have already been selected.



◦                             12 year olds: Establish minimum number of 12 year olds per team in order to ensure that all 12 year olds are placed on Majors teams. No team may have more than 8, per Little League rules.

◦                             10 year olds: The maximum number of 10 year olds per Majors team is 4.

◦                             Remaining slots on roster may be any combination of ages from those available in the candidate pool.

•  AAA

◦                             10 year olds: Establish minimum number of 10 year olds per team in order to ensure that all 10 year old candidates for AAA are placed on AAA teams.

◦                             Remaining slots on roster may be any combination of ages from those available in the candidate pool.

DRAFT PROCESS -­‐ The draft process will be used for each Division, in the following order: Majors, then AAA.


•  The Player Agent will call the Draft to order.

•  If the draft order has not been determined, a drawing will determine the order.

•  All available candidates will be made available for viewing, either on paper or projected on a screen, or both.

◦                             The first team with a draft pick will have 90 seconds to make that selection. The period to make the selection will start when the Player Agent states, "(team name), you are now on the clock."

◦                             If no selection has been made with 15 seconds remaining, the Player Agent will announce the time remaining in the selection, announcing again at the five-­‐ second mark.

◦                             If no selection is forthcoming at the end of the 90 second window, the Player Agent will assign the player with the next oldest player to that team.

◦                             Teams with two consecutive selections may not combine the 90 second time limits.

•  Teams make their selections by announcing the name of the player. After a selection has been made, the Player Agent will repeat back the name to ensure accuracy.

•  Each following selection will have the same 90 second time limit

•  All teams must select a player in every round and maintain a full roster at all times during the season.


The ongoing draft selections and remaining available players will be available for all Managers to view.


TRADES -­‐ Trades must be completed in the draft room (i.e. this is the only time trades are permitted). Exceptions to this timing rule requires the Player Agent and President’s approval. All teams in the trade must have the required number of players outlined by the Player Agent prior to commencement of the draft on their respective rosters and no trade is final until the Player Agent approves the trade.


AAA Draft – The AAA draft will occur on the day following the Majors draft. Players who are not drafted to a Major Division team will be part of the Draft Pool, along with other Players whose parents indicated they want their Player to only be considered for the AAA Draft. In all other respects, the AAA Draft will mirror the Majors Draft.


TRYOUTS -­‐ All registering players league age 10, 11 and 12 year olds who did not participate on a Major division team in the prior spring season, are required to participate in the tryout process. The tryout schedule is posted on our website.


During the tryout sessions players will demonstrate skills of throwing, fielding, and hitting. Major and AAA Division managers will attend each tryout session to assess all the players.


Players unable to attend their scheduled time must contact the Player Agent in advance to re-­‐ schedule their time.

Appendix: Player Replacement Rules (Majors, AAA, AA).


There are two kinds of Player Call-­‐ups.  Temporary Call-­‐ups are Players who are asked to play in a higher Division to replace a Player who will miss a game(s) for a limited period of time.

Permanent Call-­‐ups are Players who are moved permanently to a Team in a higher Division to replace a Player who has resigned or been removed from their Team (due to injury, disciplinary action, or call-­‐up to a higher Division).


A warning will be issued for the first violation of the “Player Replacement Rules.” A second violation will result in forfeiture of the game the violation occurred in. A third violation will result in the suspension of the manager for a period to be determined by the President (or Board). The President shall have the discretion to determine if a violation has occurred.


Temporary Roster Replacements


Before any game can be played, each respective Manager must determine if there are enough players to field a team in a particular game. While the decision to play is left to the sole discretion of that Manager; **MDLL strongly recommends that a team dress at least 10 players per game.


The call-­‐up list (the Available Player List) shall be comprised of eligible players from the respective Division immediate below the Division in question. (i.e., Major Division will select from eligible Minor AAA Division, Minor AAA Division will select from Minor AA Division.) An ‘eligible player’ is a player evaluated by his/her current season Manager or the Division Coordinator to have the skill level considered appropriate for the next higher division and said player’s parents have agreed to have their child participate in call-­‐up games, subject to normal scheduling and availability.


Players will be placed in order on the Available Player List, based on judgments rendered by the Managers of their Division, the Division Coordinator, and the Player Agent. Players will be selected off the list in round-­‐robin order so that every Player on the Available Player List has an opportunity to be called up before a Player receives a second opportunity. If a player misses his/her turn in the round robin, he/she will be eligible the next time their turn in the rotation comes up.


Upon learning that a temporary player is required to fill a roster spot, the Manager will:


1.      Notify the Player Agent that a Temporary Replacement Player is Requested. Requests should be made via email or phone to the Player Agent. The Manager shall provide the Player Agent with the name of the player(s) missing the game, a formal request for a player(s) as well as date, time of the game.


2.      The Manager will Consult the Available Player List for their Division. After consulting the Available Player List, which is published on the League Website, the Manager shall contact the next available player and update the Available Player List to note that the player has been claimed. No other team may claim a Player once a claim has been

registered on the Available Player List. Any other contact made to a player or parent will be considered tampering.


3.      The Manager will inform the Player Agent of the Player Selected Prior to the Start of the Game. Managers will email/text/phone the Player Agent the name of the Player they have claimed.


The league will monitor call-­‐ups by team to insure ALL call-­‐ups are given a chance to play and that certain players are not being used repeatedly. The call-­‐up procedure does not apply to non-­‐draft leagues or Single-­‐A level/coach pitch/T-­‐Ball Divisions.


A temporary replacement player shall be selected from a list of eligible players maintained for each divisional level and maintained by the Player Agent (the Available Player List). The criteria for the list will be as follows:


a.                              Immediately following the draft the Player Agent will assemble a call-­‐up list that consists of at least the 10 highest rated players at each divisional level based upon evaluation score provided by the Managers of that level. This list will be maintained for two (2) weeks from Opening Day.

b.                              Two (2) weeks following Opening Day, the Player Agent will contact each AAA and AA manager and the respective Division Coordinators via email and request the manager provide two players deserving of the privilege to “play up” based on merit and skill. The Player Agent and Vice President reserve the right to override the Manager’s selection for the play up list.

c.                               If a Manager does not submit the required number of players to the call-­‐up list, the Player Agent, in consultation with the Vice President, will name the remaining players.

d.                              In consultation with the Division Managers, the Player Agent will update this list periodically through the season to reflect Player development. A Manager may make a recommendation to the Player Agent to replace and/or add a player to the call-­‐up list based on his/her progression over the season.

e.                              The list will be managed on a game by game rotational basis (“round robin”). A player will play in a single game then move to the bottom of the list. Once all players have been given the opportunity to play “up” the first person on the list begins again. If a player cannot play in a game where he or she is requested to play up he or she will lose their turn, **except if the reason the player can’t play up is because he or she is playing for their assigned team.


A lower level Manager may not protect a player from being called up simply because utilizing a player may cause their team to be less viable.  The call-­‐up system is about developing players by exposing them to a more advanced system of play.


A Temporary Call-­‐up can NEVER play the position of Catcher or Pitcher under any circumstances.

A Temporary Call-­‐up must bat last in the order (after roster players) if starting the game since MDLL utilizes a continuous batting order.


A Temporary Call-­‐up cannot be used to start a game over a roster player in the event of 10 players. However, once called up, they must play a minimum of 6 consecutive outs in the field and bat at least once.


There are NO Temporary Call-­‐ups during playoffs without prior permission from the MDLL President.


Replacements for the Loss of a Permanent Player


In order to qualify for a replacement resulting from a permanent loss of player due to injury, dismissal or resignation, the Manager and the Player’s family will need to present the Player Agent with one of the following.

a.  A signed letter or other correspondence (email) to the Manager (or Board) from the player’s parents is required to verify a resignation. (Note: If a player simply stops attending practice/games and the Manager is unable to get a response from the Player’s Parents, the Manager should note that when informing the Player Agent of their request for a Permanent Replacement).  Players who resign and wish to return the following year must attend a new tryout.

b.  A doctor’s note indicating the players has sustained an injury and will not be able to return in a reasonable period of time.

c.  If a player is to be dismissed for any disciplinary reason, the Manager must submit a letter outlining the reasons for the dismissal to the Board of Directors. A dismissal must be approved by the Board of Directors.


The Player Agent will inform the Board when a Permanent Loss is recorded.


If a team requires a replacement player after the draft and/or rosters are completed, the team has the option of acquiring a player from the Division directly below them.


After notifying the Player Agent of the loss of the player, the Manager may:


(1)  choose not to take a replacement, provided the team is above the minimum roster requirement;

(2)  request a permanent replacement; or

(3)  call-­‐up players on a game-­‐by-­‐game basis, following the same procedures detailed in the Temporary Replacement section.


If the Manager desires a permanent replacement, the Manager will be presented with a list of the six (6) oldest players available from the Division below their team to choose from. If a selection is made, that Player becomes a permanent member of the selecting team.

Contact Us

Mason District Little League

4270 John Marr Dr. #592 
Annandale, Virginia 22003

Phone: 571-544-6355
Email: [email protected]

Mason District Little League

4270 John Marr Dr. #592 
Annandale, Virginia 22003

Phone: 571-544-6355
Email: [email protected]
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