Baseball and Softball Field Maintenance
A. Determining Field Playability

The decision to play on fields that are too wet is the number one cause of damage to ball fields and the top reason for player injury. And often, techniques used to make a wet field “playable” cause additional damage. Making the tough call to postpone a game due to wet conditions is the best decision for player safety and to preserve season-long playability of the ball fields.

B. Water Removal Techniques for Skinned Infields
The most important mistake to avoid is the removal or movement of infield mix. A level field will drain better and have fewer puddles. Low spots or depressions catch and hold water EVERY TIME!
Use a pump to remove puddles.
1. Dig a hole and place the field mix out of your way.
2. Let the water drain into the low spot you’ve created.
3. Use the pump to move the water into a bucket.
4. Empty the bucket outside of the playing field into a drain.
5. Replace the field mix into the hole and level with a rake.
DO NOT Use These Methods on Wet Fields!
· DO NOT use brooms to disperse puddles.
· DO NOT sweep a puddle into the grass.
· DO NOT remove muddy infield mix from the field.
All of these unfortunate techniques move infield material and leave a depression or low spot that will hold water every time it rains.
For small or shallow puddles, use a water absorbent pillow.
1. Allow the absorbent material to soak up the water.
2. Have a bucket nearby to wring out the pillow or sponge.
3. Empty the bucket of water off the field of play into a drain.

After the standing water has been removed, use a rake or nail drag to loosen the infield mix so it will dry more quickly. Allow time to air dry.

C. Addition of Field Drying Agents
Calcined and vitrified clay marketed under the brand names Turface, Pro’s Choice, Diamond Pro, Rapid Dry, and Profile are the most common products used to assist with wet infield conditions. These products should be used judiciously for two reasons: they are an expense to the program and they change the properties of the infield mix when used abundantly.

Steps for Applying a Drying Agent
1. First remove as much water as possible using the pump or pillow method.
2. Use a spreader, shovel, or hand to evenly apply a thin layer of the drying agent.
3. The material may be lightly incorporated using a rake or left on top of the infield mix.