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Mason District Little League

Our Kids. Our Community. Since 1955.

Player Assessment

Overview A skills assessment or tryout is conducted to determine the skill level of players. Children ages 9 to 12, who did not play in Majors the previous spring, participate in tryouts. Any child aged 9 or above must participate in a skills assessment to be eligible to participate on a Majors or AAA. Any league 8-year olds who would like to be considered for selection to a AAA team must participate in a skills assessment.

At the skills assessment/tryouts, the managers and coaches rate each player’s ability to hit, throw, run, field fly balls, and field ground balls. The skills assessment/tryout is approximately 30 minutes in length.

What to Bring Each player should come equipped to play ball. Children should wear gym shoes (no cleats) and comfortable clothing, as they will be running in the gym. Each player should bring his/her glove. Bats and helmets are provided; however, players are encouraged to bring their own helmet, if they have one.

Eligible Players When the skills assessment/tryouts are over, the player agent creates a list of players eligible for draft selection at each level.



Balancing the League

Everyone involved in Little League wants what is in each child’s best interest:

1.     Each child wants to have fun playing baseball.

2.     Parents want their children to have a positive experience.

3.     MDLL wants the teams to be selected so that each child has a fair opportunity to participate and contribute.

The skills assessment/tryout and draft is the Little League-approved method for achieving these goals.

Although MDLL is sensitive to the wishes of parents regarding the level into which their child is drafted, it is Little League’s policy that a child will play at the level at which he/she is drafted. This rule means that by registering to play baseball, a child (and his/her parents) agree to play at whatever level the managers determine is best, based on the child’s ability. If you wish an exemption, you may discuss your situation with the player agent; however, all exemptions, detailing the reasons for the exemption, must be submitted in writing to the player agent. Exemptions may be granted to have siblings playing together on a team. MDLL’s job is to ensure that each player is playing at an appropriate level.

The draft is the method which most successfully:

·       Distributes talent into the appropriate level of play (i.e., Majors, AAA, AA), keeping the league strong and growing.

·       Distributes talent evenly throughout each level, making the games more competitive and fun.

·       Promotes the safety of the players (if a player is playing above his/her skill level, he/she could be hurt. If a player is playing below his/her skill level, he/she could hurt others).

The list of Major-eligible players is compiled by the Player Agent or designated individual. Managers draft from the Majors-eligible list. Typically, there are more players on the Major-eligible players list than there are available positions on Major teams. Not

every child on the list will be drafted to Majors. The remaining players are included in the AAA draft and are available to be called up to the Majors to fill vacancies that may occur during the season.

Once the Majors teams have completed their draft, a list of AAA-eligible players is prepared for that level’s draft. Those not selected in the AAA draft will be placed on AA teams.

Team Assignment for AA, A, and T-ball

For T-Ball, A, or AA teams, a player’s parents may request the team for which he/she plays. If no request is made, players are assigned by home/school area. Every attempt is made for each team to have an equal number of each age group to balance the competitiveness of teams. The division coordinator forms teams. Once teams have been assigned, the manager will contact each player’s family with the practice schedule.



Keep in mind that we are working within a draft system and following established Little League policies and guidelines. MDLL attempts to balance these policies and guidelines with what is in the child’s best interest and the league’s best interest. Share any concerns in an appropriate manner:

1.     Use the comments section on the registration form and end-of-season surveys. These comments are kept confidential. They are reviewed by the Player Agent and when appropriate, shared with the managers.

2.     If necessary, you may submit a written request to the Player Agent to exempt your child from playing for one specific manager or coach.

3.     Contact the player agent. The player agent is your child’s advocate within the system and knows what options are available for your child.

Contact Us

Mason District Little League

4270 John Marr Dr. #592 
Annandale, Virginia 22003

Phone: 571-544-6355
Email: [email protected]

Mason District Little League

4270 John Marr Dr. #592 
Annandale, Virginia 22003

Phone: 571-544-6355
Email: [email protected]
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