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Northwest Washington Little League

Code of Conduct

In addition to general and division specific house rules for all players and coaches, the Northwest Washington Little League (NWLL) adheres to a code of conduct for players, coaches and parents and all those who are associated with our League who accept, participate in, and/or enjoy the benefits of NWLL. Our League philosophy is that we honor the games of baseball and softball and keep the focus on the children.


Parents, players, and coaches commit to always:

1.     respect the games of baseball and softball, by playing hard and refusing to bend the rules to win; Playing well and fairly is the essence of the game.
2.     respect our opponents, by playing “fierce but friendly;”
3.     respect the officials, by showing dignity, honor, and respect, even when we disagree;
4.     respect to ourselves, by maintaining a high standard of moral character in the face of adversity;
5.     respect the fields and facilities we use by leaving them cleaner than we found them

NWLL Members commit to:

1.    praise good effort regardless of the outcome of the game;
2.    treat everyone with respect and never ridicule or yell at participants for making a mistake or losing a competition;
3.    positively support all managers, coaches, and players;
4.    respect the decisions of the umpires;
5.    learn the rules of the game and the policies of NWLL, and uphold the League’s principles;
6.    cheer only in a positive and encouraging manner;
7.    accept and practice the idea that a team’s reputation is built not only on its playing ability, but also on its sportsmanship, courtesy, and manner;
8.    avoid engaging in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing, taunting, refusing to shake hands, or using profane, obscene, or vulgar language or gestures;
9.    maintain a sports environment that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, and refrain from their use at all NWLL sports events;

Parents Code of Conduct

Parents must remember to set a good example for the players in their baseball/softball development by remembering at all times that:

·         The game is for our children, not us, and our league is about their learning and development, not merely about whether they win or lose.
·         We offer positive feedback to players and we find and celebrate the “little successes” that our children have during each game.
·         We cheer at all games within the spirit of fair play and do our best to cheer the effort, regardless of the outcome. We are mindful in “lopsided” games where excessive cheering for our own “winning” team might be hurtful to the other team.
·         We will promote the emotional and physical wellbeing of the athletes ahead of any personal desire we may have for our children to win.
·         We leave the coaching to the coaches during games and practices. We shall do our best not to give our child instructions during the game or practice unless we are official coaches of the team or have been asked by one of the official coaches to assist.
·         We will inform the coach of any physical or other disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.
·         We will demand that our child treat other players, coaches, officials, and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex, or ability, and we will do the same.
·         We do not criticize the umpires openly or directly, during or after games. Any criticism is to be done in writing to the Division Commissioner or Board President, not orally.
·         We will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.
·         We show the quality of our sportsmanship during and after each and every game and help our child remember to thank the game officials after the game without regard to the result, and to shake hands with their opponents willingly and sincerely.
·         We work to understand the rules of baseball and softball and of NWLL and take responsibility for our child following those rules.
·         We do our very best to have our child at each practice and game, on time and ready to play.
·         We will emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit our children over winning, and we will also de-emphasize games and competition in the lower age groups.
·        We understand that (upon review) NWLL can, and will if necessary, suspend our individual privilege to watch our child play should we behave in a manner that violates this code of conduct, is rude, or is otherwise offensive.
·         We agree to do our best to have as much fun watching the game as the players have playing the game.

NWLL Players:

1.    I will follow the spirit of the Little League Pledge to play fair, strive to win, but win or lose always do my best.
2.    I will not argue with umpires or other game officials.
3.    I will not verbally disrespect another player, coach, umpire, game official, League official, volunteer, or spectator.
4.    I will not make disparaging remarks to opponents.
5.    I will not throw bats, helmets, gloves, balls, or other equipment in anger.
6.    I will never attempt to injure another player, coach, umpire, or spectator. 

NWLL Coaches:

  1. I will adhere to all Little League safety guidelines.
  2. I will teach all children to play fair and do their best.
  3. I will promote good sportsmanship, teach strong baseball/softball skills, and have fun in the process.
  4. I will treat each player as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development that is present for players in the same age group.
  5. I will focus on providing instruction commensurate with players’ abilities so all players have the opportunity to advance their skills towards their full potential, gain confidence and develop self-esteem, as well as establish a solid foundation for further baseball/softball competition.
  6. I will teach each player, especially through personal example, to be humble and generous in victory and proud and courteous in defeat. I will emphasize and foster a team atmosphere and not individual achievements.
  7. I will work collegially with umpires, opposing coaches, and league officials and seek to deescalate conflict and collegially resolve disagreements.
  8. I will treat all umpires, regardless of age, with respect. In the event of a dispute, I will conduct myself with decorum and once the umpire has made their final ruling, I will respect that ruling.
  9. I will be responsible in caring for equipment, fields, dugouts, and stands.
  10. I will maintain an open line of communication with players and their parents. I will be approachable. When approached by a parent to discuss any issue, I will interact and respond in a courteous manner.


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Northwest Washington Little League

PO Box 39071 
Washington, District of Columbia 20016

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