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Northwest Washington Little League

NWLL League & Division Rules


Since 1989, Northwest Washington Little League (NWLL) has been affiliated with Little League International and follows their rules and regulations. NWLL maintains general rules for all players and coaches, and division-specific, house rules outlined below. Softball specific house rules are located here.

Additionally, NWLL requires all players, coaches, and parents to adhere to a code of conduct. If you have any questions or concerns regarding rules or conduct, please contact the appropriate Division Commissioner.

A. General Rules

All rules from the Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball and Softball manuals are in force unless modified or superseded below

Children and adults not currently registered to play or coach with NWLL may not participate in a game, scrimmage, skills clinic, practice, or tryout.  No exceptions.

Northwest Little League players must reside and/or attend school in NWLL's boundary or secure a waiver from Little League International under special circumstances. 

B. Code of Conduct see here.

C. Sportsmanship Rules

Good sportsmanship is one of the core values of NWLL. All players, coaches, and parents will follow the code of conduct, and learn and follow principles of good sportsmanship, which include respecting umpires, teammates, coaches, the fields, and especially players and coaches on the opposing team. For example,

  1. Teams will shake hands after each game.

  2. Each team is responsible for cleaning up the field and bench areas after games or practices and disposing of trash.

  3. Players and coaches will encourage teammates.

  4. Players, coaches, and parents will recognize good play by the opposing team and, in all instances, refrain from shouting at, taunting, attempting to distract (e.g., the catcher may not speak to an opposing batter), or making disparaging comments (such as “no batter”) directed at players on the opposing team.

  5. Players, coaches, and parents are not to sit behind the backstop because doing so distracts the players, especially the pitcher.

  6. When a batter is hit by a pitch, the batter and pitcher will shake hands.

  7. When a player, coach, or umpire is injured during a game, all players in the field will take a knee until it is suitable to resume play.

  8. Players will run onto and off of the field between innings (i.e., no walking)

  9. All players must wear their full, league-issued uniforms with jerseys tucked in. (i.e., no caps or jerseys from other teams or organizations)

  10. At no time will any player, coach, umpire, or parent curse or use abusive language.

  11. At no time will players or coaches kick, slam, or otherwise abuse equipment or facilities where we play.

  12. Players, coaches, and parents are not to question the umpire’s call of balls and strikes. Coaches may ask umpires before the start of a game to describe the strike zone that will be used during the game and communicate the answer to the players.

  13. Players will not argue with umpires. A coach who has a question about an umpire’s call may ask for time and in a calm and respectful tone ask the umpire to explain the call or request an appeal from another umpire officiating the game. At no time is a coach or umpire to raise his or her voice and argue. If a coach believes that an umpire has improperly interpreted the rules, the coach has the right to continue to play a game under protest and/or report the matter to the Division Commissioner.

  14. The Board of Directors of Northwest Little League has requested the umpires to enforce its policy of good sportsmanship. Enforcement may include the removal of any coach or player during a game or a request that a parent leave the field. If a coach is ejected, he or she is required to leave the premises immediately (i.e., the coach may not hang around in the crowd or remain within visual or verbal proximity to the field), the assistant coach will assume the coaching duties and the game will proceed. If there is no assistant coach or if the assistant coach is also ejected, the game is forfeited by the team with the ejected coach(es). If a player is ejected, the player's spot in the batting order shall be considered an automatic out for the rest of the game.

  15. If there is an ejection, the coaches of both teams are required to contactthe Commissioner for their division and Board President as soon as possible after the game. If a player or coach is ejected from a game by the umpire, the full circumstances must be reported by the coach, in writing, to the Commissioner and Board President immediately thereafter. Coaches or players ejected from a game will be disqualified to participate in the next scheduled game. Depending on the circumstances of an ejection, the Division Commissioner with input from the Board of Directors may determine harsher penalties up to suspension for the remainder of the season.

D. Weather Policy

  1. Prior to the first game(s) of the day, the Division Commissioners will decide any widespread cancelations given inclement weather or poor field conditions as swiftly as possible. Players and coaches should assume their game is on until they hear from the Commissioner or coach.

  2. For interleague games, officials of the league hosting the game will determine postponements due to poor playing conditions. Visiting teams should assume their game is on until they hear otherwise.

  3. Once a game is underway, umpires will determine whether to suspend or postpone a game if conditions are unsuitable for play. In Class A and AA, coaches from both teams can mutually determine whether to postpone a game.

  4. It’s permissible to play or practice in light rain, but AA coaches are encouraged to pitch to their team when conditions are too wet or muddy for the machine.

  5. In the event of rainout, coaches are encouraged to work together with their division commissioner to schedule makeup games at a mutually convenient time at a NWLL permitted field. During the spring season, all rainouts in the Majors and AAA divisions must be made up.

  6. Immediately pause a game or practice at the first sign of thunder or lightning and seek shelter in a vehicle or building (never under a tree).  Umpires (or Coaches in Class A and AA) are instructed to wait 20 minutes after the most recent visible instance of lightning before restarting the game.

Suspended Games

  1. At the first instance of lightning or thunder, umpires (or, for Class A and AA games, coaches) shall halt the game or practice and remove the teams from the field. Umpires are instructed to wait 20 minutes after the most recent visible instance of lightning before restarting the game.

  2. A game is to be suspended if the umpire determines that darkness prevents the game from being completed safely.

  3. Every effort will be made to complete games that are suspended due to weather, darkness, or time limits, preferably prior to the next time the teams meet, or at the teams’ next meeting. If, in the opinion of the Division Commissioner, the game cannot be rescheduled, the score will revert to the score at the end of the last completed inning.

  4. All players are eligible to participate in a continued game regardless of whether they participated in the start of the game or whether they departed the game before it was suspended. These additional players will be inserted at the bottom of the lineup. There is no ‘automatic out’ for players who are not in the lineup for a continued game.

E. Game Rules
see Division House Rules below

F. Safety Rules

In AAA Baseball (Minor Player Pitch for softball) and older Divisions, policies are enforced solely by the umpires; in Class A and AA baseball and Coach Pitch softball, by coaches.

  1. All coaches must complete a background check annually and concussion management certification every two years.  The background check will be completed through the NWLL registration website. 

  2. Coaches and other league volunteers should never be alone with a player who is not their own child.  It is the responsibility of parents and caregivers to pick up their players on time and work together to ensure that a single player is not left behind with a volunteer. Coaches and volunteers should not give rides to players without another person in the vehicle and 1:1 coaching is not allowed without the player's parent or caregiver present.

  3. NWLL recognizes the presence of potentially life threatening peanut allergies among some of our players. We strive to be a peanut free organization and prohibit peanuts and products that contain peanuts from any league sponsored activity. Parents of players with any serious food allergy should inform their coaches at the start of each season. Coaches and parents should make all reasonable accommodations to ensure the safety of our players.

  4. All players must remain in the dugout when not in the field, on base, batting or warming up in a designated bullpen area.

  5. During games, only the player at bat may hold a bat (Majors and younger).

  6. A batter who, after swinging at a pitched ball, slings the bat either onto the field of play or in the direction of the catcher and umpire is automatically out. The batter is not automatically out for slingling the bat in foul territory; however coaches should instruct their players to drop the bat discreetly. When a batter is called out for throwing the bat, a dead ball ensues and runners must return to their bases.  Umpires have the discretion of providing both teams with one warning per game after the first instance of a thrown bat.

  7. Batters, players acting as base coach, and base runners must wear helmets.

  8. Base runners must never purposefully remove their helmet while on the field (including when walking back to the dugout). Penalty: Player is out. A player who wishes to remove his or helmet must be granted time out before removing their helmet.

  9. Base runners may not "take out" a fielder who is in the process of making a play. The runner must either slide, feet first, or give up. Penalty: Player is out, play dead.

  10. A fielder who does not have the ball may not fake a tag to induce a runner to slide unnecessarily or to return to previous base. Penalty: Once play stops, all base runners are awarded one extra base.

  11. Headfirst sliding is not allowed. The penalty for sliding headfirst is the runner being called out. However, a headfirst dive to the base of origin during a rundown is permitted.
  12. A base runner advancing from third base to home plate must avoid contact with the fielder whenever a play at home plate is occurring or likely to occur. A runner failing to avoid contact will be called out by the umpire. Sliding is one way of avoiding contact, but not the only way.

  13. Catchers may not block with plate unless the catcher has possession of the ball or is attempting to field the ball in a manner in which plate blockage is incidental (not deliberate).

  14. Catchers must wear full gear during games, including a mask with throat guard. Male catchers are required to wear a protective cup.

  15. A registered a manager or coach IS permitted to warm up a pitcher at home plate or in the bullpen or elsewhere at any time (regular season only).

  16. A player wearing a hard cast is not allowed to play in games.

  17. Only appropriate bats may be used in baseball activities.  For majors and below - All baseball bats must adhere to the USABats standard and be marked accordingly and may not be altered.   Exceptions include:
      • Bats that say “T-ball” may be used in Class A only
      • Bats used for softball should be labeled appropriately and adhere to Little League Bat Rules (Rule 1.10 – Softball).
      • Solid, one-piece wood bats that adhere to Little League’s regulations will be allowed for play with or without the USA Baseball mark. Multi-piece wood bats must have the USA Baseball mark to be approved for play
      • Coaches may use fungo bats in practice

18. All injuries must be reported to the appropriate Division Commissioner, League Safety Officer, Board President.
G. Baseball Pitching Rules

  1. NWLL follows current pitching rules from Little League Baseball: 85 pitches max per pitcher per game ages 11-12. 95 pitches max per pitcher per game ages 13-16. 85 pitches max per pitcher per game ages 11-12. 75 pitches max per pitcher per game ages 9-10.  50 pitches max per pitcher per game for age 8 and under. 
    For those that want more information on pitch counts, please visit Little League Baseball Pitch Count Resource Page.

  2. If a pitcher reaches the pitch-count limit for their age in the midst of facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until the batter reaches base, the batter is retired, or the third out is made to complete the half-inning.

  3. Coaches, in coordination with parents, must consider pitch counts sustained in non-NWLL games (e.g., travel baseball)

  4. Players who play catcher for 4 innings can't pitch in the same game; pitchers who pitch more than 41 pitches may not play catcher in the same game.

  5. Once a player is removed as pitcher, the player cannot pitch again in the same game.

  6. Delivery of a single pitch constitutes having pitched an inning.

  7. Within 24 hours after each game, AAA and Majors coaches must report to their Division Commissioners the final game score, along each pitcher's name, league age and number of pitches thrown.

  8. Baseball pitchers league age 14 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements:
    1-20 no rest; 
    21-35 one day rest; 36-50 two days rest; 51-65 three days rest; 66+ four days rest.

  9. Baseball pitchers league age 15-16 must adhere to the following rest requirements:
    1-30 no rest; 31-45 one day rest; 46-60 two days rest; 61-75 three days rest; 76+ four days rest.

  10. Intentional walks are not permitted in NWLL house games.

H. Baseball Infield Fly Rule | AAA and older

An INFIELD FLY is a fair fly ball (not including a line drive nor an attempted bunt) which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort, when first and second, or first, second and third bases are occupied, before two are out. The pitcher, catcher and any outfielder who stations himself in the infield on the play shall be considered infielders for the purpose of this rule. When it seems apparent that a batted ball will be an Infield Fly, the umpire shall immediately declare "Infield Fly" for the benefit of the runners. If the ball is near the baselines, the umpire shall declare "Infield Fly, if Fair." The ball is alive and runners may advance at the risk of the ball being caught, or retouch and advance after the ball is touched, the same as on any fly ball. If the hit becomes a foul ball, it is treated the same as any foul. If a declared Infield Fly is allowed to fall untouched to the ground, and bounces foul before passing first or third base, it is a foul ball. If a declared Infield Fly falls untouched to the ground outside the baseline, and bounces fair before passing first or third base, it is an Infield Fly. On the infield fly rule the umpire is to rule whether the ball could ordinarily have been handled by an infielder not by some arbitrary limitation such as the grass, or the base lines. The umpire must rule also that a ball is an infield fly, even if handled by an outfielder, if, in the umpire's judgment, the ball could have been as easily handled by an infielder. The infield fly is in no sense to be considered an appeal play. The umpire's judgment must govern, and the decision should be made immediately. When an infield fly rule is called, runners may advance at their own risk. If on an infield fly rule, the infielder intentionally drops a fair ball, the ball remains in play despite the provisions of Rule 6.05 (L). The infield fly rule takes precedence. (from Major League Baseball Rules, Chapter 2.00: Definition of Terms, available online.) Prior to the start of the game, the umpire will inform the coaches of the opposing teams how the umpires will call infield fly rule on any given play, either vocally or using a hand signal (e.g., pointing skyward).

Note: All Little League International and NWLL League Rules listed above are in effect at all times unless otherwise noted here.

Majors Baseball

Games are six innings long. A game is declared official if the home team is ahead after 3.5 innings or the visiting team is ahead after 4 innings. Extra inning games are permissable as long as they fit within the time limits detailed below.

Starting the Game

  1. Teams unable to field the minimum of 8 players within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time will automatically forfeit the game. If both teams are unable to field 8 players, the game will be rescheduled by the Division Commissioner.

  2. Players arriving late, after the game has started, are placed at the end of the batting order.

  3. If a player leaves a game early, their turn at bat will be skipped for the remainder of the game and does not count as an automatic out.

Time Limits

  1. The umpire will be the official timekeeper of the game. 

  2. Each game is scheduled to last 2 hours.

  3. If there is a following game scheduled: There is a 2 hour time limit from the actual start time. However, the umpire may not allow a new inning to commence more than 1 hour 50 minutes after the scheduled start of the game.

  4. If the game has not ended 2 hours after its scheduled start and, in the opinion of the umpire, an inning can be completed with little additional time, the umpire may allow play to continue after the 2 hour time limit provided the two coaches of the game in progress and the two coaches of the game to follow agree.

  5. If the start of a game is delayed by the late arrival of an umpire, the time limits discussed above are to be determined from the actual start time of the game rather than from the scheduled start time.

Ten Run Rule

  1. If the home team is ahead by 10 runs after 3 1/2 innings, or if the visiting team is up by 10 runs after 4 innings, the umpire shall ask the coach of the team that's behind if he or she wishes to continue the game.

  2. Games involving the ten run rule are subject to the 2 hour time limit.

Scrimmages Following Forfeit

  • The coaches of both teams may agree to scrimmage during the time slot of a game that has been forfeited or that has ended prematurely. If the umpires elect not to participate beyond the first three inning of the scrimmage, the coaches shall umpire and, for safety reasons, shall call balls and strikes from behind the pitcher.

Games are six innings long. A game is declared official if the home team is ahead after 3.5 innings or the visiting team is ahead after 4 innings. Extra inning games are permissable as long as they fit within the time limits detailed below.

Starting the Game

  1. Teams unable to field the minimum of 8 players within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time will automatically forfeit the game. If both teams are unable to field 8 players, the game will be rescheduled by the Division Commissioner.

  2. Players arriving late, after the game has started, are placed at the end of the batting order.

  3. If a player leaves a game early, their turn at bat will be skipped for the remainder of the game and does not count as an automatic out.

Time Limits

  1. The umpire will be the official timekeeper of the game. Each game is scheduled to last 2 hours.

  2.   There is a 2 hour time limit from the actual start time. However, the umpire may not allow a new inning to commence more than 1 hour 50 minutes after the scheduled start of the game.

  3. If the game has not ended 2 hours after its scheduled start and, in the opinion of the umpire, an inning can be completed with little additional time, the umpire may allow play to continue after the 2 hour time limit provided the two coaches of the game in progress and the two coaches of the game to follow agree.

  4. If the start of a game is delayed by the late arrival of an umpire, the time limits discussed above are to be determined from the actual start time of the game rather than from the scheduled start time.

Ten Run Rule

  1. If the home team is ahead by 10 runs after 3 1/2 innings, or if the visiting team is up by 10 runs after 4 innings, the umpire shall ask the coach of the team that's behind if he or she wishes to continue the game.

  2. Games involving the ten run rule are subject to the 2 hour time limit.

Scrimmages Following Forfeit

  • The coaches of both teams may agree to scrimmage during the time slot of a game that has been forfeited or that has ended prematurely. If the umpires elect not to participate beyond the first three inning of the scrimmage, the coaches shall umpire and, for safety reasons, shall call balls and strikes from behind the pitcher.


  1. No stealing is allowed in the first 4 games of the season.
  2. Stealing is allowed starting with game 5 of the season, this includes stealing home.

Games end after two hours or six full innings of play, whichever occurs first.

Ground Rules

  1. Coaches from both teams will meet to review the boundaries of the field of play prior to the start of the game.
  2. Home team is determined by flip of coin before start of game.
  3. The coach operating the pitching machine will also serve as the umpire when his/her team is at bat unless both coaches agree to another arrangement prior to the start of the game.
  4. Players not in the field or at bat should be behind the fence at all times. This includes on-deck batters.
  5. Batters preparing to hit next are allowed to get their batting helmet on and get ready, but should NOT get a bat in their hands until they are walking up to bat.
  6. Batters and baserunners must wear batting helmets at all times during games or practice.
  7. Catchers must wear full gear, including a protective throat guard. Male catchers must wear a protective cup.
  8. Players must wear their team jersey (tucked in) and cap while playing the field during games.
  9. Managers are encouraged not to tally a score and to de-emphasize the “winner” of the game, recognizing AA teams are often unbalanced (i.e., no tryouts and draft) and there are no standings. Competitive play in NWLL begins at the AAA level.


  1. A maximum of 10 defensive players shall be on the field at one time with only one pitcher/fielder near the pitching machine. The batting lineup should be continuous, comprising the full team.
  2. Free substitution in the field is allowed, but the continuous batting order must be maintained. 


  1. The pitching machine shall be operated by the coach or adult manager of the team at bat.
  2. The operator of the machine is the only coach allowed inside the baselines during play.
  3. A coach may not play a defensive position (including catcher) during the game.
  4. Only one player/fielder should be positioned near the pitching machine.
  5. Only RIF #10 balls can be used in machine pitch games.
  6. In case of wet weather or equipment malfunctions, the adult manager or coach shall pitch to his/her own team.

Rules of Play

  1. There are no walks.
  2. There is no stealing and leading off. Runners may only advance the moment the batter makes contact with the ball.
  3. Batted balls that hit the pitching machine or coach operating the machine result in a single (and dead ball). Runners already on base advance to the next base.
  4. Bunting is not permitted.
  5. There is no infield fly rule.
  6. Runners may advance only one base on overthrows out of play (i.e., beyond the first- or third-base lines).
  7. During a single at bat, play stops when the ball is returned to the pitcher and s/he is within ten feet of the pitching machine. When the pitcher receives the ball, runners who are less than halfway between bases must return to the previous base.
  8. Baserunners and fielders must avoid collisions with one another. A runner who collides with a fielder attempting to field a ball shall be called out even if the contact occurs within the baseline. If a runner collides with a fielder not making a play, the play shall be called dead and ALL runners advance to the next base.
  9. Baserunner is out when running more than three feet away from his/her baseline to avoid being tagged, unless such action is to avoid interference with a fielder fielding a batted ball.
  10. Baserunners may slide feet first only. Coaches are encouraged to issue one warning per season to their players who slide head first and then call the player out for further infractions.
  11. Batters shall not throw their bat. Coaches are encouraged to issue one warning per season to their player who throws his/her bat and then call that player out for further infractions.
  12. Big barrel bats are illegal. Big barrels are 2 5/8″ and 2 ¾” and will not have the Little League approved notation on them. Please use bats with a maximum 2 ¼ inch diameter.
  13. An inning ends after three outs or ten batters, whichever occurs first. The tenth batter shall continue to run until the catcher receives the ball and touches home plate, at which time the play stops.


Ground Rules
  1. Coaches will confer before the game and mutually review the core rules of game play: (1) how outs are recorded, and (2) the number of pitches per batter.
  2. Games are 3 innings or 1:15 minutes, whichever comes first.  A new inning may not begin less than 15 minutes before the scheduled end time of the game.  The game ends exactly at the game time limit and the team at-bat does not finish its half-inning.
  3. A soft (e.g., sponge-core) ball must be used.  The softer ball has a lesser impact and the sponginess helps players with their grip.
  4. Every player in the lineup bats.
  5. There are nine (9) players in the field.  Coaches of the fielding team assign their players to positions: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base; shortstop; four outfielders, and one fielder near the pitcher’s mound (see below for details).
  6. No player shall sit out two (2) consecutive innings and each player will play at least two (2) innings of a 3-inning game.
  7. Coaches of the fielding team may stand in the field with their team but may not touch a live ball.  A ball that hits a coach of the fielding team is dead and play stops. 
  8. Free substitution of players in the field is permitted in case of injury or disciplinary problems.
  9. No one, coach or player, plays the position of catcher. 
  10. The coach stands approximately 15’ from home plate (in the pitching mound area at Rose Park, one to two steps in front of the pitching rubber).
  11. The coach pitches underhand to all batters.  The objective is to deliver the ball on as flat of a trajectory as possible (i.e., do not lob the ball on high arc) and with spin.
  12. The batter has three (3) pitches, total, to put the ball in play.  This includes pitches swung and not swung at by the batter.  After the 3rd pitch the assistant coach/volunteer will place the tee on home plate and the player will hit the ball off the tee.
  13. A fielder is positioned to the side of the pitching mound and diagonally (either glove or throwing side) behind the pitcher (i.e., coach).  No fielder can be in front of the pitcher or abreast of the coach-pitcher before a ball is put into play.  After a ball is put into play, a fielder may move in front of the pitcher.
  14. The coach-pitcher will not attempt to field any batted ball.  

There are no strikeouts but outs may be recorded in the field in the following ways:

  1. Force
  2. Tag
  3. Balls caught in-flight
  4. Before being touched by a fielder, batted balls that contact the base runner(s)
  5. The batter-runner and/or base runner(s) hinders a fielder who is in the process of fielding the ball.  No outs (strike out, force, tag, or base running) are recorded.
  6. A batter-runner or runner passes another runner who is not out.
  7. Batters and base runners who make outs return to the bench and remain there until the end of the half inning.
  8. Regardless of how many outs are recorded, the half-inning ends when a team bats around/every player has an at-bat.
  9. On batted balls hit through the infield, the batter-runner may advance freely until the time when a fielder picks up the ball.  At that point, the batter-runner returns to the base last touched.  If the batter-runner has passed 3rd base by the time a fielder picks up the ball, the batter-runner advance to home. However, the batter-runner may not pass another runner on the bases; should this occur, the batter-runner must return to the base last touched before passing the other runner
  10. Intentional bunting (e.g., squaring up to bunt, offering a bunt at a pitched ball, drag bunt) is not allowed.  Any ball put into play on an intentional bunt is a foul ball and the batter continues his/her at-bat.  The pitch counts toward one of the three that the batter receives per at-bat.  “Swinging” bunts (poor or weak contact) are permissible and balls put in play are live.  There is no “minimum distance travel” for a batted ball to be considered live.  

Base Runners:

  1. Shall not advance on overthrows
  2. Shall not lead nor take secondary leads
  3. Shall not slide into any infield base (feet-first slides into home are permitted as no one is covering home and there are no plays at home)
  4. Shall keep a batting helmet on at all times while on base
  5. Shall advance one base on balls hit to the infield and may advance more than one base on balls hit through the infield until a fielder picks up the ball.  When a fielder picks up a ball that has been hit to the outfield, the ball is immediately dead and the play is over.  The coach(es) of the fielding team will hold up their hands to signal that the ball is dead.  If, at that point, the batter-runner and runners are half-way to the next base, the batter-runner and runners will occupy the by next base.  If they are less than half-way to the next base, they will return to the base last touched.  


Officials of the league hosting the game will determine postponements due to poor playing conditions. Visiting teams should assume their game is ON until they hear otherwise.

Interleague Majors Baseball Updated March 2015

  • Majors division interleague games follow Little League International rules EXCEPT coaches may utilize a continuous lineup and free substitutions.

Interleague AAA Baseball Updated March 2015

AAA division interleague games follow Little League International rules EXCEPT:

  • Coaches may utilize a continuous lineup and free substitutions.

  • There is a strict 5-run limit per inning, regardless of which team is ahead.(i.e., this includes circumstances in which a team is down by >5 runs in the bottom of the last inning -- play would stop once that team scored 5).

  • Mercy rule after 4 innings.Two-hour limit; must continue to finish playing full inning if started before 1 H 45 time marker.

  • The most dramatic departure from NWLL's AAA house rules is that there are no limits on stealing, including stealing home.

Interleague AA / Machine Pitch Baseball Updated March 2015

Ground Rules

  1. Coaches will review the boundaries of the field of play prior to the start of the game
  2. The coach operating the pitching machine will also serve as the umpire when his/her team is at bat unless both coaches agree to another arrangement prior to the start of the game
  3. Score is not kept and managers must also encourage players and spectators not to count/discuss the score or who is "winning" or "losing"


  1. A maximum of 10 defensive players shall be on the field at one time. The batting lineup should be continuous, comprising the full team.
  2. Free defensive substitution is allowed, but the continuous batting order must be maintained


  1. The pitching machine shall be operated by the coach or adult manager of the team at bat
  2. The operator of the machine is the only coach allowed between the lines during play.
  3. A coach may not play a defensive position (including catcher) during the game.
  4. In case of wet weather or equipment problems, the adult manager or coach may pitch to his/her own team

Rules of Play

  1. Maximum of 8 pitches total per batter; however, an at-bat will not end on a foul ball
  2. No walks
  3. No called strikes
  4. Three (swinging) strikes and out
  5. No infield fly rule
  6. Batted balls that hit the pitching machine or coach operating the machine result in a single (and dead ball). Runners already on base advance to the next base.
  7. Runners may advance only one base on overthrows out of play (i.e., beyond the first- or third-base lines)

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Washington, District of Columbia 20016

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