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Northwest Washington Little League

Double A Division Program:

  • Age Group: Boys and Girls, League Ages 7-8
  • Field Size: 60-foot basepaths, Little League dimensions
  • Level of Play: Basic, Developmental
  • Season(s): Spring (late Mar-mid Jun) | Fall (early Sep-early Nov)
  • Typical Schedule: One Saturday afternoon game per week; One practice per week
  • Typical Game Location: Palisades Rec Center, or Volta Park

Background: AA Players learn to hit a ball (35-40 mph) from a pitching machine operated by an adult coach. There are no walks, as players must hit to reach base.

A premium is placed upon learning how to throw, catch, and play regular defensive positions. Emphasis remains on instruction and teamwork, while building fundamental baseball skills. AA play is exciting and fast-paced. Players quickly become accustomed to pitching machines, and because of no-walk rules, there is continuous hitting, fielding and base running on nearly every play.

AA Division teams are typically organized on a neighborhood, school or church basis; however, all age-appropriate children who reside or attend school in NWLL’s boundary are welcome and will be placed on a team. Since there are no tryouts and draft to competitively balance AA teams and because the division is highly focused on skill development, scores are not kept; therefore there are no published win/loss record or team standings. There is also no AA Division All-Star Game or Championship Series.

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Northwest Washington Little League

PO Box 39071 
Washington, District of Columbia 20016

Email Us: [email protected]
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