McLean Youth Soccer adheres to a no refund policy. However, each year we have players who are affected by injury, illness, relocation, etc. which may affect their ability to play for a certain length of time or the remainder of a season. When this occurs, it creates a domino effect for all the other families fees to compensate for the lost funds of the injured player as they are calculated on a per player basis. This also affects the Club’s operating budget.
At McLean Soccer, we have been looking for a solution that will help families and teams when they are faced with these unforeseen situations. During the current times that we are all facing, this concern is even greater. With the USSCI sports insurance, families, teams and the club will all have protection. Review your options here -
We encourage you to check out the details of and purchase this optional coverage to protect the financial commitment you are making for your athlete. Please note this insurance covers the following depending on which of the two plans you choose:
- Injuries - Injuries that leave the athlete unable to play for 30+ days
- Illness - Illness that renders the athlete unable to play for 30+ days
- Death - The Death of the Athlete or Parent
- Mental Illness – Player forced to withdraw from the program due to a Mental Illness
- Job Relocation - Moving out of the area for your employer greater than 75 miles
- Job Loss - A loss of employment in the household from a W2 employee
The coverage price for the insurance depends on your players specific program fees and which of the two plans you choose. Click HERE for additional information.