Website Manager

Sno-Valley Wildcats


WCJFA Board Roles & Responsibilities

All board members are expected to:

  • Report to the board immediately any individual or activity that poses an immediate safety concern or violation of GEJFA or WCJFA rules.

  • Assist with key WCJFA events such as player registration, equipment distribution & return, fundraising, concessions, and field management.

  • Attend all regularly scheduled board meetings, and attend all special board meetings as necessary.

  • Respond in a timely manner to all board requests. Complete agreed-upon tasks promptly.


The President presides over all board meetings and supervises and controls all businesses and affairs of the WCJFA.

Primary responsibilities

  • Organizes and presides over board meetings.

  • Enforces WCJFA bylaws and the rules and policies established by GEJFA and WCJFA.

  • Signs legal instruments and documents of the organization.

  • Receives bills for annual dues, league fees, and other costs associated with the league. Picks up mail from the WCJFA PO box regularly.

  • Works with the Treasurer to establish the annual WCJFA operating budget.

  • Serves as a standing member of the Coach Selection Committee, and reviews recommended coaching candidates with the Coaches Rep prior to submission to the board.

  • Is authorized to temporarily suspend any individual until a matter is reviewed and ruled upon by the board.

  • May vote on issues only to break a tie.

  • Reserves facilities for cheerleading practices, football practices, and games.

  • Works with the Registrar to coordinate preseason football camps with Mt Si High School.

  • Works with the Treasurer on annual renewals of WCJFA non-profit status, WCJFA insurance, WCJFA websites, and other essential accounts.

  • Works with the Vice President to solicit sponsorship money from major corporations.

  • Periodically consults with board members on their roles and helps them assess their performance.

  • Delegates job responsibilities to board members as necessary.

  • Oversees and monitors key WCJFA events and committee activities.

  • Oversees and monitors assigned tasks, and takes action to ensure that tasks are completed on time.

  • Works with fellow board members to make sure board resolutions are carried out.

  • Participates in annual budget planning, focusing on recurring and new operations costs.

Vice President

The Vice President works in partnership with the President as a vital part of board leadership. In absence of the President, or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform the duty of the President.

Primary responsibilities

  • Reviews monthly the detail of all WCJFA disbursements, as provided by the Treasurer, and requests supporting documents as necessary.

  • Assists the President in administering WCJFA bylaws, policies, and rules of the WCJFA.

  • Chairs the WCJFA Grievance Committee.

  • Assists the President in overseeing and monitoring key WCJFA events and committee activities.

  • Participates in annual budget planning, focusing on recurring and new operations costs.

  • Carries out special assignments as requested by the President.

  • Key member of the WCJFA Coaches Selection Committee.

  • Works with Fundraiser and local businesses in soliciting contributions to WCJFA.


The Treasurer serves as the custodian of WCJFA financial assets, and is responsible for managing all funds and securities processed by WCJFA and ensuring that annual WCJFA budgets do not exceed WCJFA income.

Primary responsibilities

  • Develops and maintains a bookkeeping system to ensure accurate financial accounting and timely reporting.

  • Maintains and retains accurate accounting records/bookkeeping. Organizes records for period audit or IRS review.

  • Coordinates with board chairs to establish, with board approval, the annual WCJFA operating budget. Prepares the annual operating budget, reviews it with the President, and obtains approval from the board.

  • Issues at the monthly board meeting a summary financial record of all receipts, expenditures, and balances at the end of the previous calendar month, including year-to-date budget estimates and actuals.

  • Provides to the Vice President a complete detail of all disbursements and provides support as requested, monthly.

  • Prepares and files annual taxes and all other necessary financial reports.

  • Coordinates all insurance matters for the program, and obtains board approval for any changes to insurance, financial or otherwise.

  • Signs checks and other financial or legal instruments as approved by the board.

  • Maintains financial and legal files, and coordinates with Secretary for archival purposes.

  • Determines eligibility for requested refunds per policy and the amount due, and reports all approved refunds to the Registrar within 7 days.

  • Leads, coordinates, and manages annual budget planning activities.

  • Tracks, processes, and deposits all funds received in the name of WCJFA.

  • Collects and files all invoices from creditors. Processes accounts payable and receivable.

  • Coordinates with the Registrar to establish, with board approval, WCJFA registration payment plans, hardship discounts, and refund policies.

  • Coordinates with the Registrar to collect and process registration fees, and to verify that all participants have paid for activities they've registered for.

  • Coordinates with the Fundraiser to collect and process funds from donors and fundraising events.

  • Prepares and submits the audited financial statement as required by IRS designation 501(c)3, annually.

  • Renews non-profit corporation status with the Secretary of State of Washington, annually.


The Secretary is responsible for WCJFA administrative functions.

Primary responsibilities

  • Records the minutes of all regularly scheduled and special board meetings. Distributes meeting minutes to board members for approval prior to the next scheduled board meeting.

  • Certifies meeting minutes for external parties, as necessary and when instructed by the President.

  • Manages WCJFA record keeping, and ensures the safety and accuracy of board records.

  • Participates in annual budget planning, focusing specifically on costs related to record-keeping and archives.

  • Arranges and schedules board meetings, and communicates meeting time/location to board members.

  • Organizes and maintains important WCJFA documents, including meeting minutes, bylaws, legal documents, and so on, for future reference.

  • Coordinates annual election process for Board of Directors.

  • Maintains a record of WCJFA responsibilities, recurring tasks, and procedures. Maintains WCJFA historical records for future reference.

  • Maintains a record of WCJFA preferred vendors/suppliers, and contact information for future reference.

  • Key member of the WCJFA Coaches Selection Committee.

  • Key member of the Player Assignment Committee.


The Registrar is responsible for managing registration and recruitment activities for all WCJFA players and participants.

Primary responsibilities

  • Coordinates and conducts the annual signup process for all cheerleaders, football players, and staff.

  • Coordinates with the Treasurer to verify that all participants have paid for activities they've registered for.

  • Maintains a complete and accurate database of participant records, including player demographic information, birth certificates, age/weight, elementary school designation, waivers and release forms, player transfer forms, coach forms, background checks, and so on.

  • Coordinates requisite registration information with GEJFA. Coordinates with the System Rep to maintain complete and accurate rosters and submit to GEJFA.

  • Serves as the primary contact for questions concerning the program.

  • Participates in annual budget planning, focusing specifically on costs related to registration.

  • Oversees all registration and recruitment activities, including marketing and recruiting communications, official event registration, registration fees and payments, and refunds.

  • Conducts the registration process for football and cheer.

  • Conducts the registration process for preseason football camps.

  • Key member of the Player Assignment Committee.

  • Collects and retains equipment deposit checks. Assists with return of deposit checks when equipment is returned.

  • Coordinates with the Treasurer to establish, with board approval, WCJFA registration payment plans, hardship discounts, and refund policies.

  • Coordinates with the Equipment Manager to track equipment returns (and return of equipment deposit check).

Communications Coordinator

The Communications Coordinator is responsible for overseeing and disseminating all correspondence distributed from WCJFA to our coaches, players, staff, and community.

Primary responsibilities

  • Participates in annual budget planning, focusing specifically on costs related to communications (marketing, websites, messaging software, and so on).

  • Serves as the primary point of contact for all communications sent from WCJFA to our coaches, players, staff, and community.

  • Organizes and maintains standard correspondence, including annual communications to the community, coaches, parents, and players.

  • Works with local newspapers to promote WCJFA youth football and cheerleading.

  • Ensures adherence to WCJFA branding requirements (official name, team colors, letterhead, website style, and so on) in external communications.

  • Coordinates with WCJFA website administrators to publish information to our WCJFA websites.

  • Monitors WCJFA website and Facebook page to ensure information is current.

  • Works with the Registrar to design and develop marketing and recruiting communications.

  • Maintains the Team Parent checklist and serves as the main contact for all Team Parents.

  • Coordinates with Team Parents on key WCJFA events, such as equipment distribution, uniform distribution, team roster handouts, picture day, and so on.

  • Coordinates picture day with preferred vendor photographer, Football Coaches Rep, and Cheer Coaches Rep.

  • Advertises open board positions. Maintains and publishes board contact info.

  • Advertises key WCJFA event calendar dates, including equipment distribution and all major preseason, regular season, and postseason events.

  • Maintains a database of current and former WCJFA participants and their contact info (name, addresses, email, phone numbers, and so on).

  • Maintains a current contact and no-contact list.


The Fundraiser is responsible for raising funds for the WCJFA, through individual or corporate donations or other means, with an overarching goal of reducing program and participant expenses.

Primary responsibilities

  • Coordinates all fundraising activities, including individual and corporate donations, sponsorships for WCJFA participants, and corporate volunteer matching programs.

  • Coordinates co-fundraising events with the Mt Si High School Wildcat Booster Club.

  • Develops and establishes, with board approval, an annual fundraising plan.

  • Participates in annual budget planning, focusing specifically on costs related to fundraising.

  • Administers events designed to raise money for the program.

  • Coordinates with sponsors to obtain logos for WCJFA website.

  • Reaches out to local businesses to solicit financial support for WCJFA.

  • Reaches out to the community to solicit donations and sponsorships.

  • Evaluates the effectiveness of the fundraising efforts and identifies methods of enhancing fundraising activities for next year.

  • Coordinates with preferred vendor Spiritwear providers.

Equipment Manager

The Equipment Manager is responsible for all WCJFA football gear, football uniforms, and equipment.

Primary responsibilities

  • Participates in annual budget planning, focusing specifically on costs related to football gear and equipment.

  • Develops and executes an equipment maintenance, storage, and purchasing plan.

  • Develops and executes a plan for distributing equipment to players.

  • Develops and executes a plan for equipment return.

  • Throughout the season, assists coaches in replacing/repairing equipment as necessary.

  • Obtains competitive bids from prospective suppliers of equipment, uniforms, and equipment refurbishing.

  • Coordinates with the Treasurer to order football gear, uniforms, and equipment (football tees, medical supplies, and so on).

  • Develops and executes a plan for distributing uniforms to players.

  • Before the season begins, assembles coaches gear and coordinates distribution with Football Coaches Rep.

  • Throughout the season, assists coaches in replacing/repairing equipment as necessary.

  • Throughout the season, provides practice field equipment and maintain as necessary.

  • At the end of each season, takes an inventory of all reusable football gear, uniforms, and equipment. Evaluates the condition of all returned equipment.

  • Keeps the equipment storage sheds orderly and organized to facilitate ease of access, distribution, and inventory.

Field Manager

The Field Manager is responsible for ensuring that home games run smoothly and without incident.

Primary responsibilities

  • Attends all home games to enforce Snoqualmie Valley School District, GEFJA, and WCJFA rules and policies, or oversees one or more delegates serving in this role.

  • Serves as WCJFA weighmaster, facilitating home and visiting team rosters and weigh-ins.

  • Secures and schedules scoreboard operators and announcers for home games.

  • Participates in annual budget planning, focusing specifically on costs related to field management and home game expenses.

  • Coordinates with the President and Treasurer to provide cash payments to scoreboard operators and announcers at home games.

  • For the Jamboree and the two post-season consolation games played at home, if any, helps to recruit volunteer officials and provide basic instruction as necessary.

  • For home game days, prepares field equipment (chains, lights, etc) and make sure everything is ready for the first scheduled game.

  • Ensures that proper medical supplies are available for all scheduled home games.

  • Throughout the game day, ensures that the games, scoreboard, and broadcasting are running smoothly and without incident. Governs broadcasting for tone, timing, and impartiality of announcements.

  • Manages and resolves gameday incidents as they arise and report any issues to the President following the games.

  • Assists on-field officials and scoreboard operators with proper timeclock management throughout each game, and particularly during games when the mercy rule is in effect. Understands the GEJFA mercy rule and its implications on the game.

  • After home game days, ensures that the field/stadium is left in better condition than we found it.

  • Serves as communications liaison between Mt Si Stadium facility managers, on-field game officials, coaches, scoreboard operators, and announcers.

  • Serves as primary point of contact for gameday emergencies and field-related issues.

Coaches Rep

The Football Coaches Rep serves as the liaison between the board and the WCJFA Wildcats team coaches, and is responsible for ensuring that all football coaches are aware of GEJFA and WCJFA league rules, policies, and procedures.

Primary responsibilities

  • Recommends for adoption by the board any rules, policies, and equipment necessary for the safety of WCJFA participants.

  • Serves as the primary point of contact for all football coaches, including head coaches and assistants.

  • Ensures that all football coaches are aware of GEJFA and WCJFA league rules, policies, and procedures pertaining to football.

  • Chairs the WCJFA Coaches Selection Committee.

  • Works with the GEJFA League Representative and other board members as required to organize and conduct preseason coaches meetings.

  • Monitors and ensures the completion of coaching certifications required by GEJFA and WCJFA.

  • Coordinates and conducts the annual mandatory coaches meeting to educate coaches on GEJFA and WCJFA rules and policies, including coaching guidelines, player safety, equipment fitting, player discipline, and related football matters.

  • Coordinates with head coaches to ensure that game reports are submitted to GEJFA on time.

  • Participates in annual budget planning, focusing specifically on costs related to coaching (USA Football, HUDL, coaches gear/equipment, and so on).

  • Key member of the WCJFA Grievance Committee.

  • Recruits and interviews candidates for football coach positions and recommends viable candidates to the board.

  • Assigns board-approved coaches to their assigned teams.

  • Reviews and recommends off-season coaching clinics or other approved USA Football training for coaches.

  • Coordinates field lining prior to the first day of practice.

System Rep

The System Rep serves as the liaison between GEJFA and the WCJFA board, advocating for WCJFA coaches, players, and the community.

Primary responsibilities

  • Attends all GEJFA meetings and advises the board on all matters pertaining to GEJFA, WCJFA, and the league in general.

  • Coordinates with the Football Coaches Rep to ensure that coach certifications are completed as required by GEJFA and WCJFA policy. Maintains a file for on-demand reporting.

  • Throughout the season, provides to the board a league-wide report on all GEJFA infractions.

  • Works with the Football Coaches Rep and the WCJFA Board to ensure that players and coaches are in compliance with GEJFA rules and policies.

  • Ensures that WCJFA is aware of, and follows, any new guidelines approved by GEJFA.

  • Chairs the Player Assignment Committee.

  • Key member of the WCJFA Grievance Committee.

  • Key member of the WCJFA Coaches Selection Committee.

  • Presents the position and votes in accordance with decisions set forth by the WCJFA Board at all GEJFA meetings.

Cheerleading Coordinator

The Cheerleading Coordinator serves as the liaison between the board and the WCJFA Wildcats team coaches, and is responsible for ensuring that all cheer coaches are aware of GEJFA and WCJFA league rules, policies, and procedures.

Primary responsibilities

  • Serves as the primary point of contact for all cheerleading coaches, including head coaches and assistants.

  • Manages the cheerleading schedule for cheering at home and away games.

  • Coordinates with the cheer coach and Treasurer to order cheer uniforms and other expenses.

  • Ensures cheer coverage for two home games per week, representing all levels on a rotation schedule.

  • Participates in annual budget planning, focusing specifically on costs related to cheer (uniforms, poms, indoor practice facilities, and so on).

  • Recommends for adoption by the board any rules, policies, and equipment necessary for the safety of WCJFA participants.

  • Ensures that all cheer coaches are aware of GEJFA and WCJFA league rules, policies, and procedures pertaining to cheer.

  • Recruits and interviews candidates for cheerleading coach positions and recommends viable candidates to the board.

  • Recommends and reserves, with board approval, an indoor practice facility for the cold-weather months.

  • Coordinates with Mt Si High School cheer coach to participate in the annual Mt Si Wildcats Scarlet and Gray Scrimmage festivities and photo.

  • Coordinates with the cheer coach to schedule the annual parents meeting.

  • Coordinates cheerleader participation in the Railroad Days Parade in Snoqualmie (usually in mid-August).

Board Members

Joe Schmidlapp

Jason Wilmott
Vice President

Noah Barry

Adrian Au



Thomas Grisso
Greater Eastside Rep

Heidi Rothman
Communications Coordinator

Brian Wall
Equipment Manager

Jason Stiles
Coach Rep

Angela Redekopp
Cheer Coordinator

Field Manager



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