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Sno-Valley Wildcats

Practice Policy

Practice Policy

Players are expected to arrive on time to every practice unless they have been excused by the head coach in advance.

Because football is a team sport, tardiness and missed practices can impact the entire team. If you are uncertain if your child can attend practice or any related football event, please contact the head coach as soon as possible.

Game Eligibility

When reviewing the practice policy, keep in mind the following game eligibility requirements.

  • Per GEJFA rules, players may not engage in collision contact activities until they have attended at least two (2) non-collision contact practices outfitted in their practice equipment. Players must then participate in three (3) collision contact practices before participating in a game. 

  • Per WCJFA rules, first year players (those playing in the Wildcats program for the first time) must fully participate in a minimum of 10 practices to be eligible for game competition. The Jamboree counts as a practice.

Practice Policy

  • Players are expected to be on time and to participate in the entire practice.

  • Coaches and parents should work together to avoid player tardiness. If after a coach/parent conference, tardiness remains an issue, discipline of the offending player is at the coach's discretion. Practice locations and practice times are established well in advance of the season and cannot be adjusted.

  • For your child to be excused from practice, you must contact the head coach before the scheduled event, as soon as possible after you're aware the event may be missed.

  • Acceptable excused absences include: mandatory school function, illness, and serious injury. In all cases, you must contact the head coach in advance for your child to be excused.

  • Players who have minor, non-debilitating injuries must attend practice to be eligible to play in that week's game, even if such injury prohibits participation in practice. 

  • Disruptive behavior may lead to player suspension. Head coaches must notify the child's parents and the WCJFA President in advance if any disciplinary action is to be taken. 

  • Players are unable to participate in a game are expected to join their team on the sideline wearing their jersey (but no helmet/pads).

  • Players who pose a safety risk to themselves or others may be withheld from games by the head coach.

  • A head coach may discipline players for violating the Player Code of Conduct.

  • A head coach may impose more severe discipline for repetitive absences or for player safety reasons.

  • If a player is going to miss game time for disciplinary reasons, the head coach must notify the parents of the affected player and the WCJFA President prior to the game in which disciplinary action is to take place. Players facing game time penalties are still required to meet all game day requirements. 

Penalty for Unexcused Absences

The following serves as a guideline for disciplining players for unexcused absences. Head coaches may impose lighter or heavier penalties depending on the situation, though exceptions should be applied fairly to all players on the team.

  • One unexcused absence throughout the week: Player is suspended for the first half of the upcoming game.

  • Two or more unexcused absences throughout the week: Player is suspended from the entire upcoming game.

Penalty for Excused Absences

Players missing practice time for any reason, even when excused, may also be suspended from playing in the upcoming game. Head coaches may impose lighter or heavier penalties depending on the situation, though exceptions should be applied fairly to all players on the team.

  • One excused absence throughout the week: No penalty.

  • Two excused absences throughout the week: Player is suspended for the first half of the upcoming game.

  • Three or more excused absences throughout the week: Player is suspended from the entire upcoming game.

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