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Sno-Valley Wildcats

Refund Policies

Refund Policies

Following are WCJFA refund policies for cheer, football, football camp, and season-ending injuries.


  • Cheer

    Registration fees for cheer are $450. This includes a registration fee of $100 and a uniform purchase order of $350 (includes warmups).

    Refund policy:

    • Players who quit before the uniforms are ordered (June 10) are eligible to receive a full refund ($450).
    • Players who quit before the end of the first week of practice are eligible to receive a refund of 75% of the $100 registration fee ($75).
    • Players who quit before the end of the second week of practice are eligible to receive a refund of 50% of the $100 registration fee ($50).
    • Players who quit after the second week of practice are not eligible for a refund.


    Registration fees for football are $450.

    Refund policy:

    • Players are eligible to receive a full refund if:
      • they decide not to play before the first day of summer camp
    • Players that quit after the beginning of camp but before the first day of regular season practice are eligible for a full refund minus $50 for camp fees ($400)
    • Players who quit before the end of the first week of practice are eligible to receive a refund of approximately 75% of the registration fee ($300).
    • Players who quit before the end of the second week of practice are eligible to receive a refund of approximately 50% of the registration fee ($200).
    • Players who quit after the second week of practice are not eligible for a refund.


    Players who suffer a season-ending injury may be eligible for a partial refund. To be eligible, the injury must have occurred in a WCJFA-sanctioned football practice or game, and must be confirmed by an injury report from the head coach. For all season-ending injuries, even those that can be verified by an objective source such as a broken bone that requires a hard cast and/or crutches, a letter from a physician is required.


    Refund policy:

    • Players who suffer a verifiable season-ending injury before the first regular-season game are eligible to receive a refund equal to the registration fee minus $100 for costs paid to GEJFA and WCJFA for insurance, field use, and equipment, or $275.
    • Players who suffer a verifiable season-ending injury between the first regular-season game and the mid-point of the season (end of September) are eligible to receive a refund of $175.
    • Players who suffer a season-ending injury in October or November are not eligible for a refund.

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