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Barrington Little League

Barrington Little League


T-Ball Rules and Guidelines

League Objectives

  • Tee Ball is a co-ed instructional league where the coach's job is to teach skills, build player confidence, promote good sportsmanship, and begin to instill a life long love of baseball.
  • Coaches should teach proper batting stance, proper throwing motion, and proper fielding position (ready position).  Coaches should also focus on maximizing the number of players who can hit a ball, throw to first base, and promote a fun learning environment.

Game Scoring:

  • Games are three innings or one hour
  • A half-inning is over when a team records 3 outs, or when each player has had a chance to bat.
  • Players are to be called out when appropriate and must leave the playing field.  Players should be taught that making an out is part of the game and is not something to be embarrassed about.
  • No official game score will be maintained
  • Coaches should not maintain a scorebook so that they can focus on actively coaching their players instead.
  • Tee Ball may be played on an all grass field.  However, coaches should mark off minors level field dimensions.

Pitching & Catching:

  • Each team should field a pitcher.
  • Catchers are not allowed.
  • Plays at the plate should be discouraged.


  • Each player on the team will be included in the batting order regardless of playing a field position(continuous batting order).
  • Coaches should rotate the batting order so that all players get to bat at the top and bottom of the order.
  • Players must remain together, away from the field, without a bat until they are up.  Only the batter should be holding a bat.
  • Bunting is not allowed.
  • No strikeouts.
  • A ball is foul if it does not reach 15ft from home plate.
  • A player may take seven swings at the ball prior to returning to the bench.  This is not considered an out.


  • Players should spend an equal number of innings in the infield and outfield.
  • There should be a clear distinction between infielders and outfielders (ie, it shouldn't look like there are 7 infielders even if the batter is unlikely to hit the ball into the outfield).


  • Runners may not advance on overthrows to first base.
  • Runners may continue to advance if the ball gets past the infielders or enters the outfield.
  • The play is over when the ball is returned to the infield.
  • Runners must avoid contact with fielders.  Sliding is always okay, although runners can simply avoid the tag as well.
  • Head-first slides are not allowed. 
  • Runners who turn to their left after over-running first are not called out, however they should be taught the appropriate rule.


  • Stealing is not allowed.


  • In each half-inning, a coach from the batting team will serve as umpire for calls in the field.
  • Opposing coaches should NOT argue calls in any manner during an inning.  Between innings, coaches can discreetly discuss consistent and significant problems with pitch calls.



Barrington Little League
P.O. Box 282 
Barrington, Rhode Island 02806

Email: [email protected]

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