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Barrington Little League

Barrington Little League


Barrington Little League Code of Conduct:

No Board Member, Manager, Coach, Player or Spectator shall:

·         At any time, lay a hand upon, push, shove, strike, or threaten to strike an official.

·         Be guilty of heaping personal verbal or physical abuse upon any official for any real or imaginary belief of a wrong decision or judgment.

·         Be guilty of a written, online, press or social media attack upon any board member, official, manager, coach, player or spectator relating to baseball or softball or any real or imaginary belief of a wrong decision or judgment.

·         Be guilty of an objectionable demonstration of dissent at an officials’ decision by throwing gloves, helmets, hats, bats, balls, or any other forceful unsportsmanlike action.

·         Be guilty of unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of a game against the body of an opposing player.

·         Be guilty of a physical attack upon any board member, official, manager, coach, player or spectator.

·         Be guilty of the use of profane, obscene, prejudiced or vulgar language in any manner at any time.

·         Appear on the field of play, stands, or anywhere on the BLL complex while in an intoxicated state at any time.  Intoxicated will be defined as an odor or behavior issue.

·         Be guilty of gambling upon any play or outcome of any game with anyone at any time.

·         Smoke while in the stands or on the playing field or in any dugout at any time. Smoking will only be permitted in designated areas which will be 200 feet from any spectator, stands or dugouts.

.         Be guilty of possession and/or use of firearms, tobacco products, cigarettes (including e-cigarettes and vapors), controlled substances, and/or alcoholic beverages in any form at any practice and/or game site, on the playing field, benches, and/or in dugouts.

·         Be guilty of discussing publicly with spectators in a derogatory or abusive manner any play, decision or a personal opinion on any players during the game.

·         As a manager or coach be guilty of mingling with or fraternizing with spectators during the course of the game.

·         Speak disrespectfully to any player, manager, coach, official or representative of the league.

·         Discriminate against any player, manager, coach, official or representative of the league on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, gender, sexual orientation or religious preference.

·         Be guilty of tampering or manipulating any league rosters, schedules, draft positions or selections, official score books, rankings, financial records or procedures.

·         Challenge an umpire’s authority. The umpires shall have the authority and discretion during a game to penalize the offender according to the infraction up to and including removal from the game.

The Code of Conduct also applies to conduct occurring during All-Stars and other interleague play (both in Barrington and when traveling to outside host locations).  Barrington Little League Board Members, Managers, Coaches, Players and Spectators must remember that they represent Barrington Little League and the wider Barrington community, and be courteous guests, treating other leagues, their rules, officials, managers, coaches, players, fields and facilities with the same degree of respect as required of Barrington Little League rules, officials, managers, coaches, players, fields and facilities during regular season in-town events between Barrington teams.

The Code of Conduct is not an all-inclusive laundry list of all activities that violate the rules of Barrington Little League and Little League International, and the Board reserves the right to take appropriate action whenever necessary to ensure safety and protect the integrity and reputation of the League and its rules, procedures and principles.  The Board of Directors will review all infractions. Depending on the seriousness or frequency, the Board may assess disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the League.

Game Ejections

A player, coach or manager that is ejected from any game by an umpire shall not be eligible to return to his/her team as a player, coach or manager until the Board of Directors affirmatively determines that such player, coach or manager is eligible to return.

Violation of Safety Equipment Rules

Any player who violates any Barrington Little League safety rule by intentionally failing to wear League-mandated safety equipment while at-bat or in the field, shall be removed from the game by the manager, for the remainder of the game.  The manager shall also promptly report any such violation to the Player Agent.

Little League International Regulation XIV(a) – Field Decorum

  1. The actions, on or off the field, of players, managers, coaches, umpires, and league officials must be above reproach.  Any player, manager, coach, umpire, or league representative who is involved in a verbal or physical altercation, or an incident of unsportsmanlike conduct, at any game site or any other Little League activity including through online or social media, is subject to disciplinary action by the local league Board of Directors.


Barrington Little League
P.O. Box 282 
Barrington, Rhode Island 02806

Email: [email protected]

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