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Barrington Little League

Barrington Little League

Barrington Little League Board of Directors


President:  Aaron Aguiar                                                                    [email protected]

Vice President: Jim Peluso                                                                [email protected] 

Secretary:  Jeremy Jokell                                                                       [email protected]

Treasurer: Rob Kynchalski                                                              [email protected]

Player Agent: Steve Boyajian                                                      [email protected]

Safety Officer:  Heather Piazza                                                                  [email protected]

Coaching Coordinator: Mike Lunardelli                                [email protected]

League Information Officer: Michelle Aguiar                        [email protected]

Sponsorship/Fundraising Manager: Luke Almeida            [email protected]

Concession Manager: Leo Espindle                                               [email protected]

Equipment Manager: Jody Corcoran                                        [email protected]

Uniform Manager: Mike Floriani                                                 [email protected]

Umpire Coordinator: Mike Floriani                                                [email protected]

Opening Day: Steve Boyajian                                                               [email protected]

Fall Ball Coordinators: Mike Raia                 [email protected].        
                                                   Marc Coppolino  [email protected]

At Large:  Jeff Possiel

Division Directors:









             Minors / Junior Minors:                     




The Board of Directors is elected at the League's Annual Meeting by the League's Regular Members in good standing.

Only registered volunteers in good standing are eligible to be Regular Members and vote for the Board or be nominated for a position on the Board.  A registered volunteer is anyone who has registered on our website and been approved and confirmed as a "Coach", "Manager" or "Non-Coaching Volunteer".  Note: registering as a volunteer is free and does not obligate the registrant to actually be a Coach.

Registering as a volunteer/Coach enables the League to perform a background check to help safeguard our children. Completing an application does not bind you to any specific responsibilities, but enables you to participate in various capacities (e.g., coach or manager) if you wish.   

Regular Members must register annually for each year they wish to be members.  Regular Members who fail to register by September 30th each year will be removed from the rolls and shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership, but may re-register at any time after the annual meeting and shall be immediately reinstated.  

If you are a Regular Member in good standing and cannot attend the Annual Meeting, you are still able to vote by contacting the President or Secretary prior to the meeting and submitting a written ballot.  



Barrington Little League
P.O. Box 282 
Barrington, Rhode Island 02806

Email: [email protected]

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