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Barrington Little League

Barrington Little League


What to report – An incident that causes any player, manager, coach, umpire, or volunteer to receive medical treatment and/or first aid must be reported to the BLL Safety Officer. This includes even passive treatments such as the evaluation and diagnosis of the extent of the injury.

When to report – All such incidents described above must be reported to the BLL Safety Officer within 24 hours of the incident:

How to report - Reporting incidents can come in a variety of forms. Most typically, they are telephone conversations. At a minimum, the following information must be provided:

  • The name and phone number of the individual involved.
  • The date, time, and location of the incident.
  • As detailed a description of the incident as possible.
  • A preliminary estimation of the extent of any injuries.
  • The name and phone number of the person reporting the incident.
  • Coaches should submit to the Safety Officer a completed Accident Notification Form within 24 hours.

BLL Safety Officer’s Responsibilities – Within 24 hours of receiving the BLL Accident Notification Form, the BLL Safety Officer will contact the injured party or the party’s parents and:

  • Verify the information received.
  • Obtain any other information deemed necessary.
  • Check the status of the injured party.  
  • If medical treatment is required (e.g., ER or doctor’s visit), advise the parent or guardian of BLL's insurance coverage and the provision for submitting a Little League Claim Form.
  • If the injury is serious, periodically call to learn the status of the injured party, and check if assistance is necessary (e.g., submitting insurance forms) until the incident is considered “closed” (i.e. no further claims are expected and/or the individual is participating in the League again).



Barrington Little League
P.O. Box 282 
Barrington, Rhode Island 02806

Email: [email protected]

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