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Midway Athletic Club

7U/8U Baseball Major and Minor Rules

7U/8U Baseball Major and Minor Rules

7 & 8 Year Old Spring Baseball

Major Rules

There must 1 major team for every four teams that are registered. 

All Players must go through player evaluations.  A player who does not attend evaluations is NOT eligible for the Major Division. 

Ø  Team must have at least 7 players to start a game and at least 7 to finish a game. No out will be charged if a team starts with 7 players. Teams dropping below 7 players will forfeit the game.


Ø  Base distance is 60 feet.

Ø  Pitching mound will be 40 ft.


Ø  The offensive team may score a maximum of 3 runs per inning. 6 run maximum in 6th inning and any extra innings.


Ø  A complete game shall be 6 innings (5 1/2 if the home team is ahead). No new inning may begin after the 1 hr & 25 minute mark of the game or when the run differential reaches the point where a team is mathematically eliminated.


Ø  Dropped 3rd strike by the catcher will be an out.


Ø  There will be NO WALKS ALLOWED.  The batter either puts the ball in play or an out is recorded. 


Ø  See Batting Order Rule (Rule 8.2). WARNING - coaches who skip a player without just cause will be brought before the Disciplinary Committee.


Ø  PITCHING RULES:  Each Kid Pitcher will be allowed 3 pitches. If he does not throw a strike in the first 3 pitches, then the adult pitcher will come in and have 2 pitches. If the kid pitcher does throw at least one strike in those first 3 pitches, he earns two more pitches. If the at bat is not completed after 5 or less pitches from the kid pitcher, the adult pitcher will enter and have 1 or 2 pitches depending on the number of strikes on the batter. If a batter is hit by the pitch of the adult pitcher, they are not awarded first base. A foul ball on the final pitch from the adult pitcher will not be an out (foul ball on the last pitch will be treated as a two strike foul, resulting in another pitch). The adult pitcher must have one foot in contact with the pitching rubber at the time the pitch is released. The youth pitcher must be either even with or behind the pitching rubber during coach pitches. 


Ø  There will be NO WALKS ALLOWED.   The batter either puts the ball in play or an out is recorded. 


Ø  If a pitcher pitches 2 innings in a game, the pitcher must have at least on day of rest before pitching again. See Rule 15.11 for statement concerning balks.




Ø  See On-Field coaches (Rule 15.6). No other defensive coaches are allowed on the field.




Ø  Play shall be called dead when:  A ball is thrown outside the fence, play becomes dead and each runner is entitled to one extra base.


Ø  Stealing is NOT permitted. Runners must stay in contact with the base until the ball is put into play. 

Ø  There is no appeal in this league. Any runner who misses a base or leaves a base early when tagging up on a fly ball will be called out by the umpire when play stops.


Ø  Team will place 9 players on defense, using 3 outfielders and have free substitution. A short fielder is not allowed. Team must have a catcher with required catcher’s equipment.

Ø  Defensive players may not be positioned within the baseline. Penalty: Umpire shall instruct the coach to move the defensive player out of the baseline.

Ø  Outfielders must remain 5 yards behind the bases until the ball has been put into play by the batter. Penalty: If an outfielder is closer before a ball is put into play by the batter, the batter and all other base runners will be awarded 1 base and no out will be recorded.

Ø  Umpire may instruct coach to move players back.


Ø  Catcher must wear mask with throat protector, athletic protective cup, and chest protector & shin guards. A regulation baseball will be used for game play.

Ø  INFIELD FLY: Will apply to this league.



7 & 8 Year Old Spring Baseball

Minor Division


Team must have at least 7 players to start a game and at least 7 to finish a game. No out will be charged if a team starts with 7 players. Teams dropping below 7 players will forfeit the game.


Ø  Base distance is 60 feet.

Ø  Home plate arc shall be drawn 20 feet in front of home plate to designate the dead ball area.

Ø  A 10 foot diameter circle shall be drawn across the front edge of the pitching rubber (42') to designate location for youth pitcher.

Ø  A pitching line will be drawn from center of 20 ft arc to the center of pitching circle at (42’).


Ø  The offensive team may score a maximum of 5 runs per inning. 10 run maximum in 6th inning and any extra innings.


Ø  A complete game shall be 6 innings (5 1/2 if the home team is ahead). No new inning may begin after the 1 hr & 25 minute mark of the game or when the run differential reaches the point where a team is mathematically eliminated.


Ø  Each batter shall receive 3 strikes (swing and miss or foul ball constitutes a strike) or 5 pitches, whichever comes first. A foul ball on the fifth pitch shall not count as an out. Failure to swing at the fifth or any subsequent pitch will result in the batter being out.

Ø  Bunting is NOT ALLOWED


Ø  See Batting Order Rule (Rule 8.2). WARNING - coaches who skip a player without just cause will be brought before the Disciplinary Committee.


Ø  See Adult Pitcher Rules (Rule 15.4 & 15.7) concerning the adult pitcher. The adult pitcher must pitch overhand. Adult pitcher must pitch with one foot in contact with or astride the pitching line. Adult pitcher may NOT stride inside the bunt arc. The youth pitcher must remain in the circle until the ball has been hit.


Ø  No other defensive coaches are allowed on the field.

DEAD BALL AREAS:  Play shall be called dead when:

Ø  All advancement of runners is, in the judgment of the umpire, halted.

Ø  A batted ball does not travel beyond the 20 foot arc drawn in front of home plate.

Ø  A ball is thrown outside the fence, play becomes dead and each runner is entitled to one extra base.


Ø  Stealing is not permitted. Runners may not advance on wild pitch or passed ball.

Ø  Runners must stay in contact with the base until the pitch reaches home plate. Penalty for leaving early is an out.

Ø  There is no appeal in this league. Any runner who misses a base or leaves a base early when tagging up on a fly ball will be called out by the umpire when play stops.


Ø  Team will place 10 players on defense, using 4 outfielders and have free substitution. A short fielder is not allowed.

Ø  Team must have a catcher with required catcher’s equipment.

Ø  Defensive players may not be positioned within the baseline. Penalty: Umpire shall instruct the coach to move the defensive player out of the baseline.

Ø  When games are played on fields 225 feet or smaller, the outfielders must be lined up in the grass before the ball is put in play. On larger fields, the outfielders must be at least 15 feet behind the baseline before the ball is put in play.


Ø  Catcher must wear mask with throat protector, athletic protective cup, and chest protector & shin guards. A regulation baseball will be used for game play.


Ø  Does not apply to this league.


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