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Midway Athletic Club

Midway Athletic Club


We suggest you sign-up for weather related field closure alerts using the steps below.  Additionally, you can call the inclement weather line to hear field closures.

To be alerted via email or text, please join statusme.  Instructions are as follows:

  1. go to
  2. click on the “join now” button to register as a new user
  3. enter the required information and click on the register button
  4. follow the instructions in step 1 to set up your text messaging and email
  5. follow the instructions in step 2 to join a club – the club you want to select from the list is Forsyth County Baseball/Softball. Once selected, click the submit button
  6. once submitted, click on the “next” button at the top of the page
  7. lastly, you’ll need to join the club for Baseball Fields by clicking the “join” link in the section titled “Your clubs”
  8. click on “done” at the top of the page
  9. you’ll now receive the type of notice(s) that you selected when the field status changes

Contact the inclement weather line at 770-886-2851 for a taped recording.


Midway Athletic Club
Please log in and click on your homepage settings above to add contact info. 

Email: [email protected]

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