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Westport Police Athletic League

Home Facility Health & Safety Protocols

Home Facility Health & Safety Protocols

Updated as of February 4, 2021

Health Screening

  • Shortly before attending the event, all participants (coaches, players) are required to self-screen (or to be conducted by a parent/guardian, for a player) for any observable illness, including cough or respiratory distress, which would prevent them from attending, and to take their temperature.
  •  Any participant with a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher will be prohibited from attending/participating, should remain at home and contact their healthcare provider.
  • Should a participant display repeated COVID-19 symptoms or the onset of a fever during practice or Games, she/he will be immediately removed to an isolated safe area; in the case of a player without a parent present, the parent/guardian will be contacted to come immediately and take the player home
  • Upon arrival, All players, coaches, referees, staff and spectators will have temperatures taken.
    • Any person with a temperature checks of 100.4 or higher will not be allowed entry.
    • A second check will be taken 10 minutes from 1st temperature check, if this check is again 100 or above they must leave the premises regardless of where they are coming from such as previous practice or game.
    • During the 1st and 2nd check the player/person must separate themselves outside of facility and away from others while still be in clear site.

Facility Entrance/Exit

  • St. Ann Church (481 Brewster Street, Bridgeport)
    • Entrance will be through the MAIN gym entrance
    • Exit will be through the side gym doors at bottom of ramp.
    • Teams will not be allowed to enter the gym until the facility is wiped down and cleaned in between games.
    • Please do not have your team arrive more than 15 minutes prior the start time of your game.
  • Holy Trinity Greek Church (4070 Park Avenue, Bridgeport)
    • Entrance will be through the MAIN gym entrance
    • Exit will be through the side exit doors.
    • Teams will not be allowed to enter the gym until the facility is wiped down and cleaned in between games.
    • Please do not have your team arrive more than 15 minutes prior the start time of your game.


  • All players, coaches and spectators must abide by 6-foot social distancing guidelines.
  • Spectators: NO spectators permitted for practices and ONE spectator per player is permitted for home games, if facility allows for 6 feet of social distancing between spectators.
  • Players must bring their own mask to practices and games. 
  • Per the State they will be required to wear masks at all times, including during play, upon entry to and exit from the gym, and when not engaging in active play.
  • Players will be required to wear masks during play and while seated on the bench
    • They may only lower masks for water breaks, etc. when six feet apart.
    • Players will be required to wear masks upon entry to and exit from the facility.
  • Coaches will wear masks at all times.
  • Players should bring their own hand sanitizer for individual use when coming into contact with any shared surfaces or objects.
  • Player benches will have each chair space 6 feet apart.
  • All spectators must always be masked in the facility.


  • Parents/caregivers are advised to drop off and pick up their own child and not use carpools.
  • No congregating in groups before or after practice or games, including in areas adjacent to court or in parking lots. Players are to wait in their car with a guardian until just prior to the start of practice or games.
  •  Players and spectators are asked to quickly gather personal belongings after practices or games and head to their cars, so that the group to follow can use the facilities.

On-Court Guidance  

  • Peer and coach interaction - No physical contact is permitted, including high-fives, handshakes, fist bumps, or hugs.
  • Players and coaches are to avoid touching their face, mouth, eyes or nose during events.
  • No spitting allowed.
  • Players and coaches must cover their coughs and sneezes with either a tissue or the inside of their elbow. Used tissues must be immediately disposed of properly in a trash receptacle and hand sanitizer used immediately afterward. Equipment
  • Arrive to the field/gym dressed and ready to play, with masks. We recommend that players bring extra masks.
  • No equipment/ bags on the sidelines - leave them in the car. Only a change of shoes, water bottles, mouth guards and hand sanitizer to the court.
  • Clearly label all water bottles and hand sanitizer.
  • Please make sure all needed clothing adjustments to be made by parents/guardians are done prior to practice or games.
  • Players will be directed, upon entry to the location, to socially distanced (6-feet apart) designated spots will be marked off where they can place their water bottles.
  • No sharing of any personal equipment, water bottles or hand sanitizer.
  • Coaches and Westport PAL staff will handle touching of and moving of equipment.
  • All equipment (balls, cones) will be sanitized after each practice or game.
  • For consecutive practices (with a 15-minute time buffer), separate equipment (balls, cones) will be used for each session.
  • Parents/guardians/caregivers are advised to wash player clothing, water bottles and mouth guards, as well as to disinfect all footballs, after each use.

Water Fountain

  • Not available for use
  • All players must bring individual labeled water bottles.

PAL Basketball Registration Listings

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Westport Police Athletic League

Westport, Connecticut  
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