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Ground Rules

We are blessed to own Staley Stadium and call it home for most of our games.  The ground-rules for Staley Stadium are as follows:

  • The infield tarp if stored along the outfield fence is out of play
  • The wood landings outside the dugouts are out of play

Rules of the Game

The rules of the game follow the book rules of Little League Baseball. With the following clarifications:

Fall baseball doesn’t fall under the purview of Little League, therefore we play by District 2 Fall Ball rules.


League Options

  • 1.01 - we will reduce the number of players needed to start Minors and Majors games from 9 to 8

  • 4.04 & 6.05.2n - from 1.01, the missing 9th player will be skipped over in the lineup without penalty

  • 1.04 - we will allow Juniors to play with 80 or 90' bases

  • 3.04 - we will allow a courtesy runner for catchers and/or pitchers when there are 2 outs (In the minors this only applies to catchers and it also applies when there are 4 runs)

  • 4.10a2 - regulation will be

    • Intermediate/Jr/Sr:  Whichever comes first, book regulation (7 Innings if not called) or 1:45 minutes with no new inning starting after 1:45

    • Minor/Major:  Whichever comes first, book regulation (6 Innings if not called) or 1:45 minutes with no new inning starting after 1:45

    • Tee Ball: Whichever comes first, 4 Innings or 1 hour

  • 4.10e - we elect that the mercy rules apply even when it is the visiting team that has the advantage

  • 4.19g - Minor league protests do not need to be resolved before the next pitch

  • 5.07 - we will not suspend the 5 run rule in the last inning in Minors

  • 6.02c - allows the batter to step out of the box with one foot so long as the pitcher hasn't started their motion

  • 6.05b2 - the dropped 3rd strike rule applies in the Majors

  • 9.01d - we will not consider stealing signs unsportsmanlike behavior due to the difficulty in adjudicating such an infraction

  • 9.04a - allows the umpire to call the game from behind the mound if he/she desires

  • we will use CBO in the regular season as it is required in tournament play

Fogle Tournament rules will mirror those of the Gregg Quedeweit Tournament of Champions with the following exceptions and clarifications

  • FNLL will act as the Tournament and Game Director

  • CBO is in force

  • Regular season minimum play rules are in force 

  • Coaches are permitted to warm up catchers

  • Player Pools are allowed so long as they follow the book and any district rules

  • End of Game Tournament Rules are in force (Blue Book Tournament rules 11-14)


Below is a high level overview of the general rules for each division.

  • Majors (Same as Minors Kid Pitch with the following notations)

    • Dropped 3rd strike rule applies

    • only allowed 3 in the outfield

    • There isn't a 5 run/inning limit

  • Minors

    • No base stealing or lead offs

    • Runners must avoid collisions at all bases.  If a player doesn't slide on a close play, the runner will be called out.

    • No head first sliding unless it is back to a bag

    • 4 outfielders are allowed if agreed upon by the coaches

    • 3 outs or 5 runs max/half inning, whichever is reached first

    • unlimited substitutions

    • Minimum defensive playing time

      • ≤ 3 inning game = 3 outs

      • ≥ 4 inning game = 6 outsBalks will not be called

    • Infield fly rule applies


      • Pitching

        • 5-8 warm up pitches between each half inning.  More pitches may be given to new pitchers summoned into the position during the inning.

        • Pitch count limits by age are in the rule book.  If the pitcher hits their limit while facing a batter they may continue to pitch to that batter until the batter is called out or reaches base.

        • The rule book should be reviewed regarding players who serve as both pitchers and catchers as the number of pitches thrown or innings caught are directly related to one another in terms of limitations.

        • The rule book includes the days of rest required based on the number of pitches thrown.

        • Any part of the pitcher’s undershirt or T-shirt exposed to view shall be of a solid color. The pitcher’s undershirt sleeves, if exposed, shall not be white or gray. Neoprene sleeves, if worn by a pitcher, must be covered by an undershirt.

        • Players in the Minors who are League Age 12 are not permitted to pitch.  Those players will also have league approved waivers to be in the Minors.

        • A manager or coach may visit the mound twice per inning without making a substitution.  On the third visit, the pitcher must be removed.


      • 8 good pitches only allowing additionally for an egregious last pitch where the better doesn't swing

      • 2 coaches on the field for defense + 1 to assist the catcher if applicable

      • base coaches determine if a player is out or safe and if a ball is fair or foul

      • No extra bases on overthrows, however, players may continue to run on a ball hit into the outfield until it is returned to the infield.  Players that had not advanced at least halfway to the next base by the time the ball is returned to the infield must go back to the previous base.

  • Tee Ball

    • There are no strikeouts

    • Every batter is safe regardless of any made defensive plays

    • The last batter in the order runs all the bases therefore pushing all base runners home

    • It is permissible to pitch to a batter.  If doing so, the batter gets 3 pitches and if they don't get a hit, then they hit off the tee.


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