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Why Support FNLL

We work closely with local businesses to help us better serve our baseball community.  Our relationship with local businesses are typically in the form of sponsorship and/or volunteering opportunities.  Sponsorship, donations, and fundraising help us keep registration costs low while providing a great experience for our players.  We don’t want to price out any of the kids in the market that we serve which includes downtown Frederick and the northern parts of Frederick County.  

As a completely volunteer run 501(c)(3) [EIN: 52-1651720], we depend on volunteers.  All of our coaches, officers, and board members are volunteers.  We’re also supported by an army of parent volunteers.  Some of our sponsors and other organizations looking for volunteer hours help supplement our parents' volunteer hours.  This allows our parents to be present during their kids’ games instead of having to work the concession stand at every game.  Volunteer umpires are also desperately needed.  Nationally Little League is struggling to find volunteer umpires.  If we were to have to move to paid umpires, it would price out lower income groups.  We will pay to train any volunteer umpire and pay for their gear.

How to Sponsor

Thank you for considering us as a community partner.  If you would like to donate, volunteer, or sponsor please contact Ashley White at [email protected] or 443-567-1327.

Thank You to our FNLL Sponsors

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