Our club raised $1,795! Great job everyone rallying for a great cause and special thanks to our very own Bethanne (our club's referee assignor) who initiated this for us - As a survivor, this cause is near and dear to her and many of us, alike.
Learn more about goPINK
Donations to goPINK help cover the costs of therapy for cancer survivors served by Middlesex Health Cancer Center
Oct 29, 2022 - Amber Kapoor of Middlesex Health accepted a check from Chad Wilson, President of the Portland Soccer Club. The club's players wore pink socks in October to raise awareness for breast cancer, and collected $1,795 for the GoPink foundation. Donations to goPINK help cover the costs of therapy for cancer survivors served by Middlesex Health Cancer Center.

Thanks Anne (U10 Boys Coach) for designing the check and Karen (U12 Boys Parent) for taking the photo!