Register for the Banks Classic Tournament via this link: 17th annual Banks Classic Tournament is proud to be an
Oregon Mid High State Qualifier tournament. 1st and 2nd place teams will qualify to attend this
state tournament in Salem, OR. Our tournament for boys and girls competitive teams, grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 is scheduled for Saturday-Sunday January 21-22, 2023 (Possible games on Friday night Jan 20 if there are teams available and interested).
Registration is on a first come, first served basis. The cost of the tournament is $275/team if registered by January 1st, $300 after January 1st. If registering 2 or more teams from the same program at the same time there is a $25.00 discount per team. There is a four game guarantee. No All-Star teams, please.
Payment options: Check or credit card (via Venmo) - additional payment instructions below
Your registration will not be final until payment is received. Confirmation email will be sent after payment is received.
Questions? Contact us at
[email protected]============================================================================================
Mail a check payable to Banks Youth Basketball Association. Please put team name(s) and division(s) on memo line.
Mailing Address:
Banks Youth Basketball Association
ATTN: Banks Classic Tournament
PO Box 165
Banks, OR 97106
Payment via credit card is accepted via Venmo. @BanksYouthBasketball
In the Venmo memo/notes please state that this is the for BYBA Classic and add the team name(s) and division(s).