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Banks Youth Basketball




In order to advance the principles of sportsmanship and fair play and to promote mutual respect
among players, coaches, referees and spectators, the Banks Youth Basketball Association has established a
“Code of Conduct.”

The Code of Conduct shall govern the actions of players, coaches, and spectators. The Code is intended
to provide behavioral guidance and establish clear expectations for all involved. The Code was not conceived
to address every possible behavioral circumstance; however, it shall serve as the Association’s standard for
behavioral evaluation.

It shall be the obligation of all program participants, spectators and volunteers, to comply with the
terms and provisions of the Code of Conduct. Any person violating the Code shall be subject to administrative
action, up to and including discussion of infraction, suspension and ultimately removal from position, team or
game attendance of any or all Banks Youth Basketball Association activities. All players, coaches, and
spectators represent the BYBA program, Banks community and our youth; please act accordingly.

Coaches shall remain unconditionally supportive of the Association’s commitment to the ideals of good
sportsmanship, team play, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority. Likewise, coaches shall remain
sensitive to the physical and emotional wellbeing of the players on his/her team. In order to adhere to these
doctrines the coaches agree as follows:
All Coaches:
• Coaches will be positive role models and instill in their players the principals of good sportsmanship
and team play.
• Coaches teach the game of basketball to the best of their ability and will do their best to provide the
players a positive experience.
• Coaches will ensure that winning and/or losing teams do so in a manner, which exhibits respect and
good sportsmanship.
• Coaches will treat all players, parents, spectators and league officials with respect.
• Coaches will provide instruction in a manner that is constructive and supportive and will not ridicule or
demean any player, coach or spectator.
• Coaches will not tolerate behavior that endangers the health or wellbeing of a child.
• Coaches will comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policy and procedure as
established or endorsed by Banks Youth Basketball.
• Coaches will be drug and alcohol free while at any Banks Youth Basketball event and will not use any
tobacco products in gymnasiums or basketball courts.
• Coaches acknowledge the need to demonstrate fundamental proficiencies with respect to the game of
basketball and first aid. Consequently, all coaches agree to attend, any skill sessions that may be
required by the Banks Youth Basketball Board.
• Coaches will report all technical fouls (coach, player and/or spectator) to the BYBA president, who will
then report them to the Varsity head coach.

Classic Coaches:
• Coaches will receive a budget at the beginning of the season to be used for scheduling tournaments
and games. It is the responsibility of the coach to keep track of this budget.
• If a team wants to play additional games or tournaments than their budget allows, it is the coach’s
responsibility to collect the funds. Once the budget is exhausted, the BYBA will not be involved with
the payment of additional games or tournaments
• At the end of the season all funds remaining will be used by the BYBA to help with scholarships,
insurance, uniforms or other needs of the program. No funds will be given back to the team nor shall
extra funds be rolled over into the next season.

The Parent and Spectator shall support the players, coaches, and officials. Parents and Spectators shall not
“coach” or “officiate.” Parents and Spectators agree as follows:
• Parents and Spectators will be positive role models and do their best to provide the players with a
positive experience.
• Parents and Spectators will display the principles of good sportsmanship and team play.
• Parents and Spectators will make certain that their children show respect for all other players, coaches,
officials and spectators.
• Parents and Spectators will treat all players’ coaches and referees with respect and will not ridicule or
• Parents and Spectators will comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policy
and procedure as established or endorsed by the Banks Youth Basketball Association.
• Parents and Spectators will respect the opponent and avoid any confrontation with opposing players,
spectators, coaches, or referees.
• Parents and Spectators will be drug and alcohol free while attending any Banks Youth Basketball
Association events.

Players shall...
• Display good sportsmanship and team play at all times.
• Follow the direction of the Coaching Staff.
• Respect all, coaches, players, league officials, and spectators.
• Be on time and ready to play for all games and practices.
• Let the coach know prior to a game or practice if he/she will be unable to attend.

Players shall not...
• Use abusive or profane language.
• Taunt or humiliate any other player.
• Question a referee’s call.
• Abuse, mistreat or mishandle any Banks Youth Basketball equipment or property.

All technical fouls (coaches, players and/or spectator) will be reported to the BYBA president and then the
Varsity head coach. The Varsity coach will discuss the situation surrounding the incident. It is understood that
an occasional issue can arise, however; a pattern of issues will result in discussion of possible suspension
and/or removal from position, team and/or game attendance of any or all Banks Youth Basketball Association


Banks Youth Basketball
PO Box 165 
Banks, Oregon 97106

Email: [email protected]
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