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Banks Youth Basketball

Banks Youth Basketball Policies & Procedures

Updated October 21, 2021

This post outlines BYBA policies and procedures that BYBA volunteer and coaching staff will operate by and act in accordance with. It is intended as a reference for players, parents, and coaches throughout the year. Please read it carefully and in its entirety as players will be required to participate with knowledge of and adherence to the policies while parents will be required to sign associated consent forms when registering their athlete.

1.0 Overview

1.1 Introduction

Thank you for considering Banks Youth Basketball Association (BYBA) as you seek a healthy environment to prepare your athlete with life lessons unique to competition and team sport.

This outlines BYBA policies and procedures that BYBA volunteers and coaching staff will operate by and act in accordance with. It is intended as a reference for players, parents, and coaches throughout the year. Please read it carefully in its entirety as players will be required to participate with knowledge of and adherence to the policies while parents will be required to sign associated consent forms when registering their athlete.

1.2 Mission and Values

We want to be an asset to our community. We believe our passion and gifts best combine to teach children the game of basketball and life lessons associated with it. We believe that if children are taught to learn and love hard work they will contribute to and become the community we want to live in. To this end, we partner with the student athlete, their parents, and school coaches to maximize their potential.

1.3 Small Ball and 3rd-4th Grade Recreational teams

Small ball and the Recreational program are designed to introduce athletes to the game of basketball. To begin to build the skill, knowledge and passion for playing in an organized sport. They are designed to promote teamwork, dedication and hard work.  All athletes will have an opportunity to be part of a team. To build skill and basketball IQ.

1.4 Competitive teams for 5th – 8th Grade Are Not Recreational

BYBA 5th – 8th is not a recreational, equal-play, trophy-for-all-participants that does not care about winning and losing. Our teams compete and play to win. Teams are limited in size and all players will get an opportunity to play in games, but players determine their playing time based on their attendance and performance in practice. With that in mind, the coach will allocate minutes in games that give the team the best chance to compete and individuals to develop.

1.5 Coaching and Volunteers

All coaches are screened. BYBA requires that our coaches be knowledgeable, positive yet demanding, passionate, thoughtful, prepared, able to communicate, and most of all willing and able to teach.

BYBA is required to comply with the Banks School District Contractor/Facility Use Statement of Assurance COVID-19 Staff Vaccinations and the Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division; Chapter 333, Division 19, Investigation and Control of Diseases: General Powers and Responsibilities. (OAR 333-019-1030), enacted on August 25, 2021. (Policy and Procedures - Banks Youth Basketball Association (BYBA) policy and procedure concerning compliance with OAR 333-019-1030 dated October 20,2021)

1.6 Winning Vs. Success

There is nothing wrong with wanting to win. Given the choice, all teams would choose to win, but not at all costs. There is a difference between being focused and being obsessed. The means of developing a team is more important than the win-loss record. Winning is not the only important outcome for us.

We teach that the opportunity for success is available to everyone. Focusing on such traits as commitment, hard work and determination, rather than solely on the competition outcome promotes player growth.

2.0 Registration and Membership Processes

BYBA is open to beginners for skill development and intermediate or advanced level players who wish to play. Teams are separated by gender, age/grade and skill level to create the best possible experience for our players. Please note that team formation is affected by evaluation numbers, player skill, gym availability, and coaching talent. BYBA reserves the right to modify its team offerings at any time.

Gender Identity Participation. We follow the guidelines formed by the OSAA. As is true with all eligibility determinations, the student's member school will be the first point of contact for determining the student's eligibility. When a student registers for athletics or activities the student shall indicate the student's gender during that registration process, consistent with other school enrollment procedures. Athletics and activities personnel should refer to member school processes for registration/enrollment information. Disputes regarding these gender identity determinations will be resolved solely at the member school level; because of the diversity of private and public-school rules that may bear on such determinations, and gender identity issues being particularly sensitive.

2.1 Team Divisions

BYBA expects to field teams at each grade for boys and girl’s grades K – 8th. If there are enough players at evaluations to create multiple teams in a single grade the teams will generally be formed according to skill level. We believe this gives players of differing skill levels the opportunity to maximize their practicing and playing time, and ultimately, their improvement.

2.2 Evaluations

There will be designated days for evaluations as determined by the BYBA. BYBA Board, Banks High School Coaches and Youth coaches will work together in creating teams for all team divisions. Children residing outside of the Banks School District may apply to participate in the BYBA youth programs but will not be given precedence over children who attend Banks School District or reside within its boundaries; regardless of skill level. 

Attendance at the evaluation session is required to be eligible for selection. If there is an extenuating circumstance and the player is not able to attend, they must contact the BYBA prior to the evaluations.   BYBA will run a fast-paced series of drills and scrimmaging in order to maximize the opportunity for players to display their skills.

2.3 Evaluation Process

All evaluations are closed to spectators with the exception of the small ball program. One parent or guardian may attend the evaluation.  Evaluations begin with a brief introduction and explanation followed by warm-ups. Players then participate in various drills and scrimmaging. BYBA evaluates players on many skills throughout the process including fundamentals such as shooting and ball handling as well as intangibles such as effort, basketball IQ and a positive attitude.

2.4 Parent Expectations

Parents are entirely responsible for ensuring their child is properly registered and outfitted for evaluations. Failure to do so may hamper your athlete’s ability to make a team. If parents have any questions regarding the coaching staff, practice/tournament schedule, player fees, or BYBA in general, please send an email prior to evaluations.

2.5 Notification Process

BYBA will email all participants of the final rooster assignments.  If you do not receive an email, please check your spam or junk folder.

It will be stressed to players and parents at evaluations that BYBA will communicate the roster to them via the email address they used to register.

2.6 Acceptance

It is BYBA’s expectation that all players at evaluations will accept their roster spot on any team should one be offered to them. If at any time during the evaluation period, a player does not wish to be considered for a team, please inform BYBA staff immediately. 

There will be NO refunds or stop payments allowed for any reason, except those situations explained below.

3.0 Financial Payments

3.1 Financial consideration

BYBA recognizes that Small Ball, Recreation and Competitive basketball is an investment in your athlete’s development. Each year, BYBA players become better basketball players and people. We are deeply committed to what we do so no decision, including player dues, is made without much consideration. Need-based financial aid and a sibling discount is available to those who qualify.  

3.2 Payment plans

Payment plans are available for season registration as well.

Small Ball K – 2 Season cost is $ 50.00

Recreation 3rd. – 4th. Season cost is $ 75.00

Competitive 5th – 8th Season cost is $165.00

3.3 Financial

BYBA wants to support families in need and has a limited amount of aid available. BYBA bases the financial aid model off the public school reduced-price/free lunch program.

To apply, parents must send a copy of their official school lunch letter to BYBA showing they qualify for the reduced-price or free lunch program.  If not a part of the school reduced or free lunch program and still need assistance, please contact the Board directly.

3.4 Sibling Discount

For those families with multiple children playing, BYBA has set up a 10% sibling discount to reduce the cost of each child after the first. The discount will be taken during the checkout process. If you do not see a discount notify BYBA once all registrations are complete.

3.5 Late Policy

Accounts are considered late one week after the installment is due and will be charged an additional $25 late fee for each week past due. Players with an outstanding balance will not be allowed to practice or compete until paid in full. 

3.6 Refund Policy

The policy of Banks Youth Basketball Association is to issue no refunds after a child has played in a sanctioned game or practice. Prior to playing in a sanctioned game or practice a refund of the registration fee will be issued.

4.0 Parent Expectations

Parents' most important role is to support their child, team and coaches. Players will undoubtedly have a hard practice or a rough tournament, and it is the parent’s job to support the overarching goals the team is striving to achieve. Please remember, your child’s success or lack of success on the court does not indicate what kind of parent you are. But, having an athlete that is coachable, respectful, a great teammate, mentally tough, resilient and who tries their best is a direct reflection on your parenting.

4.1 Overall Commitment

Parents will support their players by positively cheering, not coaching or officiating. Parents will assume financial responsibility and pay in a timely manner. Parents will do their best to ensure players arrive at events on time. Lastly, parents will be amicable to all parents, players, coaches, and referees.

4.2 Parent Code of Conduct

1.       I understand that I am representing Banks Youth Basketball Association, and I will always do my best to positively represent the organization and its values.

2.       I promise to let the coaches coach and will not coach my child or child’s team from the sidelines during practices or games.

3.       I promise to let the referees ref and will not yell at them or berate them before, during, or after games.

4.       I will do my job as a parent, which means that I will not speak negatively about any coach or player, but rather positively encourage and support my child and my child’s teammates and coaches.

5.       I will not make the car ride home a poor experience for my child.

6.       I will abide by all local gym rules regarding mask requirements, social distancing and vaccination policy.

4.3 Communication with Coaches and BYBA

Should any questions or concerns arise pertaining to your child’s status with respect to their team, parents should follow the process of discussion described below in order to understand the situation:

1.       If players have concern(s), they are encouraged to first reach out to the coach for a one-on-one meeting.

2.       If there is still concern following the player-coach meeting, then parent(s) and player(s) will set up a mutually agreed upon meeting with the head coach.

3.       No discussion will take place during practice times or on game days. Although this might require patience, please realize the coach is responsible for the entire team and should not be expected to focus on one individual at crucial team events.

4.       If concern(s) still exist on behalf of any party, a phone call or meeting involving the BYBA leadership, head coach, player(s) and parent(s) may be warranted to seek resolution. Only after such a meeting will the matter be resolved and closed.

All problems and concerns are vetted only in a scheduled meeting. All outcomes will be confidential and private. Sending inappropriate or accusatory emails to any BYBA staff, coaches, team representatives or fellow parents is strictly prohibited.

5.0 Player Expectations

Players are expected to maintain a team-first attitude. Players should expect to learn and continue to build upon their fundamentals. Likewise, players will learn about the strategic basketball game, including offensive and defensive systems. Most of all, players and teams are expected to play tough, play smart, and play together.

5.1 Player Code of Conduct

1.       I understand that I am representing Banks Youth Basketball Association, and I will always do my best to positively represent the organization and its values.

2.       I will demonstrate good sportsmanship, which means I will be respectful of all players, coaches, referees, and parents.

3.       I will not whine, complain, make excuses, or pout when things do not go my way.

4.       I promise to be as enthusiastic about the success and accomplishments of my teammates as I am of my own.

5.2 Technical Fouls/Ejections

Any player that receives a technical foul will be automatically subbed out of the game by the team coach. It will then be up to the team coach depending on the nature of the technical as to if that player re-enters the game. Any player ejected from the game will be automatically suspended for the remainder of that tournament and further disciplinary action may be taken by BYBA.

5.3 Communication with Coaches

Players should email, call, or text coaches to setup a time outside of practice and tournaments to discuss skill development, playing time, team chemistry or other issues that may arise. Coaches will talk or meet with players to discuss the player’s concerns. Coaches will give direct feedback to players to use as a guideline for resolving the issue. Players are expected to reply to coach texts, emails and communications within a timely manner.

5.4 Three Offense Violation Policy

As you’ve read, BYBA has Code of Conduct policies for our players and parents and we require strict adherence. Along with this, BYBA also has a three-strike violation policy for players and parents that violate their respective Code of Conduct. Please see expected outcomes below with the understanding that further disciplinary action may be taken by BYBA as the situation warrants.

·         First Offense – Verbal/Written Warning

BYBA leadership issues verbal warning/written warning in email form after the offense is reviewed.

·         Second Offense – Parent Suspension

The second offense could be the same or a different violation/offense. BYBA leadership will issue a suspension in written form via email. This means that the player and/or parent is suspended from attending the remainder of the tournament AND the next tournament. If that parent does attend games, coach should be instructed not to play their child at all during the games in which parent is in attendance. If parent does not adhere to suspension and attends games, they will be expelled from program.

·         Third Offense – Family Expulsion

The third offense could be the same or a different violation/offense. In this case, the parent, player, and family are expelled from our program. BYBA leadership will inform parent/family of expulsion from the program. The family will not be allowed back into the BYBA program. A refund for the season will not be given.

6.0 Risk Management

6.1 Insurance Policy

All BYBA participants are required to have accidental/medical insurance that will cover them in the event of injury or illness. 

6.2 Release Liability

During the registration process, parents will agree they’ve read and understand our Policies and Procedures and agree to the below Release and Waiver and COVID-19 release of Waiver. Coaches will also agree to and sign the below Release and Waiver and COVID-19 Release of Waiver.

I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Banks Youth Basketball Association, its parent, subsidiary and affiliated entities and/or any officers, partners, members, directors, coaches, employees, servants, agents, licensees and assigns of any of the foregoing, from and against any and all suits, awards, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees and related costs) arising out of injury or damages to participant in connection with his/her participation in any Banks Youth Basketball Association program or event. I hereby authorize Banks Youth Basketball Association to act for me according to their best judgment in any medical emergency situations.

Participant agrees that any pictures, audio, or visual recordings taken of him/her in connection with the seminar can be used for publication, promotion, articles, shows and advertisement without additional consent and without compensation at this time or any other time.


6.3 COVID -19 or any other deemed health concern

Athlete Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless for Communicable Diseases Including COVID-19.

The novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”), has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. While rules, guidance, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist. Banks Youth Basketball Association (“BYBA”) cannot completely mitigate the transfer of communicable diseases like COVID-19 especially when involved in basketball. Participation in basketball includes possible exposure to and illness, injury, or death from infectious diseases including COVID-19. In consideration for providing my child the opportunity to participate in basketball and any related transportation to and from basketball events, both my child and I voluntarily agree to waive and discharge any and all claims against BYBA and release it from liability for any exposure to or illness or injury from an infectious disease including COVID-19, including claims for any negligent actions of the BYBA or its board and volunteers, to the fullest extent allowed by law, for myself, my child, our estates, our heirs, our administrators, our executors, our assignees, and our successors. I also agree to release, exonerate, discharge and hold harmless BYBA, its Board of Directors, the individual members thereof, and all officers, agents, employees, volunteers, and representatives from all liability, claims, causes of action, or demands, including attorney fees, fines, fees, or other costs (e.g. medical costs) arising out of any exposure to or illness or injury from an infectious disease including COVID-19, which may result from or in connection with my child’s participation in basketball I further certify and represent that I have the legal authority to waive, discharge, release, and hold harmless the released parties on behalf of myself and the above-named student. I certify that I have read this document in its entirety and fully understand its contents. In exchange for the opportunity to participate in basketball, the above-named student and I freely and voluntarily assume all risks of such hazards and notwithstanding such, release BYBA from all liability for any loss regardless of cause, and claims arising from the student's participation in basketball.



Coach or Volunteer Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless for Communicable Diseases Including COVID-19. 

The novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”), has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. While rules, guidance, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist. Banks Youth Basketball Association (“BYBA”) cannot completely mitigate the transfer of communicable diseases like COVID-19 especially when involved in basketball. Participation in basketball includes possible exposure to and illness, injury, or death from infectious diseases including COVID-19. In consideration for providing myself the opportunity to participate in the BYBA program and any related transportation to and from BYBA events, I voluntarily agree to waive and discharge any and all claims against BYBA and release it from liability for any exposure to or illness or injury from an infectious disease including COVID-19, including claims for any negligent actions of the BYBA or its board and volunteers, to the fullest extent allowed by law, for myself, our estates, our heirs, our administrators, our executors, our assignees, and our successors. I also agree to release, exonerate, discharge and hold harmless BYBA, its Board of Directors, the individual members thereof, and all officers, agents, employees, volunteers, and representatives from all liability, claims, causes of action, or demands, including attorney fees, fines, fees, or other costs (e.g. medical costs) arising out of any exposure to or illness or injury from an infectious disease including COVID-19, which may result from or in connection with my participation in the BYBA program.  I further certify and represent that I have the legal authority to waive, discharge, release, and hold harmless the released parties on behalf of myself.


Further I confirm and attest the documentation provided to the BYBA as required to volunteer for a school-based program under OAR 333-019-1030 is accurate, true and genuine. I agree to assume the risk if I falsified the documents provided to the BYBA. With the understanding the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has adopted rules that implement ORS 431.110(7) and ORS 433.004(1)(d), laws that give OHA the authority to control communicable diseases like COVID-19. OHA’s rules require healthcare providers, school and school-based program staff to submit vaccine documentation or a request for a medical or religious exception, to their employer or other responsible party. Violating OHA’s rules is a Class A misdemeanor under ORS 431.990 and ORS 433.990. If OHA obtains evidence that someone has submitted false information in order to appear in compliance with its vaccination rules, OHA can refer the matter to local or state law enforcement for investigation. A Class A misdemeanor is punishable by up to 364 days imprisonment and a $6,250 fine.

I further understand and authorize the BYBA to provide and release the vaccine documentation or exception documentation I provided to the Banks School District and/or the Oregon Health Authority upon their request.

I certify that I have read this document in its entirety and fully understand its contents. In exchange for the opportunity to participate in the BYBA program, I freely and voluntarily assume all risks of such hazards and notwithstanding such, release BYBA from all liability for any loss regardless of cause, and claims arising from my participation in the BYBA program.

6.4 Safety Policies and Procedures

The development of the BYBA Safety Policies and Procedures is not meant to be punitive, but rather designed to protect everyone involved. The below points are to be enforced among leadership, coaches, players, and parents.

·         Coaches will avoid being alone with a player in non-public settings, including but not limited to, cars and hotel rooms.

·         At no time will a coach, or parent verbally, physically or sexually abuse a player.

·         Profanity is prohibited.

·         Parents and/or guardians of players ejected from games will require written notification by the coach to BYBA leadership.

·         Other incidents of inappropriate behavior by coaches, parents, and/or players including physical or verbal altercations, threats and related activities at games or team events will be reported to BYBA leadership. Suspension or expulsion from the club will be considered.

6.5 Emergency Procedure

In the event of an emergency, the coach on-site will contact all appropriate medical and protection agencies.

6.6 Grounds for Season Termination

Every effort will be made to ensure the positive experience for all players and parent members involved. Termination of a player is a right reserved by the organization as a last resort when all other resources of conflict resolution have been exhausted.

7.0 Parent/Player Acknowledgment

Acknowledgment of Policies and Procedures

By checking the acknowledgement box during the BYBA membership purchase process, you (BYBA guardian/parent of minor participating player, Coach or Volunteer) understand and agree to the contents and provisions of this post and any other policy manuals, practices and/or procedures of BYBA. Also, you understand and agree that nothing in this Policies and Procedures post constitutes a guaranteed membership. Lastly, by checking the acknowledgement box during registration you further understand that the contents of this post are the property of Banks Youth Basketball Association.


IN CONSIDERATION of being given the opportunity to participate in any Banks Youth Basketball Association activity, including scheduled, supervised activities and trips, during the year.

1) I ACKNOWLEDGE, agree and represent that I understand the nature of basketball and that I am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activity.

I FULLY UNDERSTAND that: (a.) basketball ACTIVITIES, and travel to and attendance at various events, INVOLVE RISKS AND DANGERS of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability and death (“Risks”); (b.) these Risks and dangers may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in the activity, the condition in which the activity takes place, or the negligence of the Releasees named below; (c.) there may be other risks and social and economic losses either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I FULLY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSSES, COSTS, AND DAMAGES I incur as a result of my participation in the activity.

I AGREE AND WARRANT that I will examine and inspect each activity in which I take part as a member of Banks Youth Basketball Association and that, if I observe any condition which I consider to be unacceptably hazardous or dangerous, I will notify the proper authority in charge of the activity and will refuse to take part in the activity until the condition has been corrected to my satisfaction.

I HEREBY RELEASE, discharge, and covenant not to sue Banks Youth Basketball Association, directors, agents, officers, volunteers and employees, other participating groups, any sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises, on which the activity takes place, (each considered one of the Releasees herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations; and I further agree that if, despite this release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement, I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releasees, I WILL INDEMNIFY, SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releasees from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as a result of such claim to the fullest extent permitted by law. I have read this agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature and intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.

I, the undersigned participant, for myself and for my heirs, executors, legal representative, successors and assigns, hereby waive all claims and/or course of action, including negligence, against Banks Youth Basketball Association, any affiliate, and all of their officers, directors, employees, coaches, volunteers and agents, arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in Banks Youth Basketball Association.





PARENTAL CONSENT (if participant is under the age of 18).

AND I, the minor’s parent and/or legal guardian, understand the nature of basketball activities and the minor’s experience and capabilities and believe the minor to be qualified to participate in such activity. I hereby release, discharge, covenant not to sue, and AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD

HARMLESS each of the Releasees from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on the minor’s account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or part by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations, and further agree that if, despite this release, I, the minor, or anyone on the minor’s behalf makes a claim against any of the above Releasees, I WILL INDEMNIFY, SAVE, AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releasees from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liability, damage, or cost any may incur as the result of any such claim, to the fullest extent permitted by law.


This is to certify that I, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, do consent and agree to his/her release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Release from any and all liabilities incident to my minor child’s involvement or participation in these programs as provided above, even if arising from their negligence, to the fullest extent permitted by law. I have instructed the minor participant as to the above warnings and conditions and their ramifications.


BYBA Parent Pledge

1.       As a BYBA Parent I will let players and coaches take responsibility for the first goal of winning. I will relentlessly focus on the second, more important, goal of using sports to teach life lessons to my child and other youth.

2.       I will positively encourage my children, their teammates, and coaches.

3.       I will set an example for my child by honoring the game and will encourage him/her to remember to respect the rules, opponents, officials, and teammates. If the official makes a call against my team, I will Honor the Game and be silent!

4.       I will use a self-control routine to avoid losing my composure when things go wrong. I will take a deep breath, turn away from the game to refocus, count backwards from 100 or use self-talk (“I need to be a role model. I can rise above this.”).

5.        I will limit my comments during the game to encouraging my child and other players (from both teams).

6.       I will get my child to practice and games on time and will be on time picking my child up after games and practices.

7.       I will refrain from making negative comments about my child’s coach in my child’s presence or other parents’ presence. I understand that this will help to avoid planting negative seeds in my child’s mind that can negatively influence my child’s motivation and overall experience.


BYBA Coaches Code of Ethics

The function of a coach is to educate students through participation in competition. A youth basketball program should be designed to enhance academic achievement and should never interfere with opportunities for academic success. Each student should be treated with the utmost respect and his or her welfare should be considered in decisions by the coach at all times. Accordingly, the following guidelines for coaches have been adopted by the BYBA Coaching Staff.

The coach shall be aware that he or she has a tremendous influence, for either good or ill, on the education of the student and, thus, shall never place the value of winning above the value of instilling the highest ideals of character.

The coach shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession. In all personal contact with students, officials, athletic directors, school administrators, the media, and the public, the coach shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct. This shall include appropriate use of all electronic/social media.

The coach shall avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco products when in contact with players.

The coach shall master the contest rules and shall teach them to his or her team members. The coach shall not seek an advantage by circumvention of the spirit or letter of the rules.

The coach shall respect and support contest officials. The coach shall not indulge in conduct that would incite players or spectators against the officials. Public criticism of officials or players is unethical.

The coach should meet and exchange cordial greetings with the opposing coach to set the correct tone for the event before and after the contest.




Banks Youth Basketball
PO Box 165 
Banks, Oregon 97106

Email: [email protected]
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