Website Manager

Mason Dixon Soccer League

Current Vacancies and Positions Open for Nominations

Currently, MDSL has the following vacancies in Appointed Positions

Currently, the following Board positions are vacant/up for nomination :
Compliance Officer 

If you are interested in a position, please contact any Board of Director member or the Board President, via email at [email protected].


MDSL Board Titles and Duties

OFFICERS (elected positions, serve 2-year terms)

Current: Cristina Rowe**

The President shall preside at all meetings of the M.D.S.L.; enforce the constitution, bylaws and such rules and regulations which may be enacted by the M.D.S.L.; call such meetings to order as are herein provided; cast a deciding vote on all issues at any meetings of the Board; supervise the affairs of the M.D.S.L.; sign all warrants for the payment of monies in excess of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the treasurer; act as chairman of the executive committee of the Board; act as ex-officio member of all committees with voice only; sign all contracts and documents with the secretary and be the official representative of the M.D.S.L. in all legal and other matters.

The President shall be one member of the five (5) member committee responsible for the annual selection of Travel team coaches.

In addition to the above, the president may represent or appoint a representative for the M.D.S.L. at the following:

a)      All Sports Booster Club & Appropriate subcommittee Meetings

b)      S.R.R.B., Borough & Township Meetings (as needed)

c)       Regional Workshops of the affiliated leagues.

d)      Conferences of the affiliated leagues.

The President shall appoint all committees and chairpersons and perform such other duties as the league may from time to time direct.

Executive Vice-President
Current: Heath Plumb**

The Executive Vice-President shall perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of the President during his or her absence or incapacity, and in the event that the office of President shall become vacant, the Executive Vice-President shall succeed to the position of President and shall call for a special election for the offices of President and Executive Vice President to be held within sixty (60) days.

Current: Maura Koller**

The Vice-President shall be the current Board member who has served in an elected position, without interruption, for the longest duration and is not the current President or Executive Vice President. The Vice-President shall perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of the President in the absence of the President and Executive Vice-President.

Fields Coordinator
Current:  Phillip Rowe

The Fields Coordinator shall be directly responsible for coordinating volunteers to ensure that fields are created, maintained, lined and properly marked according to M.D.S.L. and affiliated league guidelines; shall inspect goals and nets for damage and/or need of replacement; shall present a budget request to the treasurer to properly maintain fields. 


Intramural Coordinator
Current: Nichole Schismenos**

The FALL Intramural Coordinator shall be directly responsible for overseeing the operation of the Intermural divisions; shall assist the Website Administrator with FALL Soccer registration; shall oversee the instruction of coaches in that program; shall also form and set teams, schedule practices, resolve any disputes within the division; shall sit on the Laws Committee; shall coordinate with the Spring and Indoor Coordinators to provide assistance in the creation of teams; shall work with the treasurer to create a budget for projected expenses; shall be present (or provide representation) at any championship games within that division.

Games Commissioner
Current: Ethan Rowe

The Games Commissioner shall be responsible for all scheduling of intramural games and tournaments; schedule the referees, hold clinics for them and supervise them during the season; reschedule games when necessary; oversee the year end tournament and be present at the championship games; shall serve as chair of the Laws Committee; shall be responsible for managing disciplinary issues that arise during all seasons and during the tournament; may coordinate with the Spring and Indoor Coordinators on the assignment and scheduling of referees and games.

Current: OPEN

The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the M.D.S.L.; shall keep attendance record at all meetings of the Board and executive Board committee; hold the official copy of the constitution and bylaws and a record of all amendments thereto; disseminate to the Board any proposed changes to constitution within 5 days of receipt; record minutes of meetings of the Board, the executive committee, and present them for approval at the following meeting; collect and preserve a record of minutes of committee meetings; conduct the necessary correspondence incidental to the M.D.S.L. business. In addition, the Secretary shall maintain copies of all current forms, Board member lists, and all other forms used by M.D.S.L. (e.g. coach handouts, letters to team parents, etc.) and be directly responsible for other duties assigned by the President.

Compliance Officer:
The compliance officer shall keep a record of all compliance documents for MDSL volunteers and inform the Travel Coordinator, Games Commissioner, K-3 Fall IM Coordinator, 4-12 Fall IM Coordinator and Spring IM Coordinator of which volunteers are in compliance.

Travel Coordinator

Current: Maura Koller**
The Travel Coordinator is responsible for organizing the tryouts for travel; gathering evaluators for these tryouts; work with the travel registrar in organizing tryouts; attend affiliated league meetings each month and report back to the full Board on the findings; present a budget to the league treasurer on projected expenses for the year; assign fields for practices and games; shall serve as a member of the travel committee; shall calculate player rankings and report these results to the travel committee for approval prior to the selection of travel teams.

Travel Registrar
Current: Heath Plumb**

The Travel Registrar will work with the Travel Coordinator in organizing tryouts for travel; be responsible for all registration processes required by affiliated league for travel; communicate with all required forms; aide in registering teams for M.D.S.L. selected tournaments; shall relay all pertinent information to coaches regarding travel; shall serve as a member of the travel committee.

Current: Michael Finke

The Treasurer shall have charge of the financial affairs of the M.D.S.L.; keeping accurate financial records and shall present a detailed report of the league’s financial position at each Board meeting; shall prepare and present budget, with advice from the other officers of the Board, at the organizational meeting; shall deposit all monies in the name of the M.D.S.L. with a depository which shall be designated by the M.D.S.L.; execute receipt for all such monies which are paid to him/her, including registration fees; liquidate all bills against the M.D.S.L. after same have been approved by the Board and after he/she has received properly executed warrants for that purpose. Warrants in excess of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) must be countersigned by the President.

Uniform Coordinator
Current: Noah Boslet

The Uniform Coordinator shall be responsible for the procurement of and coordinating the distribution of all uniforms for all league programs.

Website Administrator
Current: Tim Stello

The Website Administrator shall oversee the maintenance of the web site, serve as a liaison between the league and its website provider, as well as coordinate the website for all programs’ registration throughout the year; shall work with the Secretary to ensure all league documents are preserved online.


Equipment Coordinator

Current: Phillip Rowe

The Equipment Coordinator shall maintain inventory of all soccer equipment of the M.D.S.L.; shall coordinate disbursement of soccer equipment to the coaches of the respective leagues; shall procure new equipment for each season with the prior approval of the President; shall coordinate the collection of equipment at the end of each season.

Soccer Clinician
Current: Joe Capri**

The Soccer Clinician shall coordinate soccer clinics and camps; shall provide guidance for soccer training for coaches and players; shall be a resource for all certifications (referee and coaching)

Public Relations Coordinator
Current: Maura Koller

The Public Relations Coordinator shall be directly responsible for all public relations activities to promote Mason Dixon Soccer in a professional, positive and consistent manner; shall develop and present to the board all public relations ads, articles, fliers, etc.; shall maintain a relationship with vendors to use M.D.S.L’s logo and maintain a contact list with all local newspapers and television stations; shall act as liaison to the school district.

Special Events Coordinator
Current: Committee

The Special Events Coordinator shall be directly responsible for coordinating Family Soccer Day and for working with the Fund Raiser Coordinator to coordinate the Team Parent meeting; shall coordinate picture day and other special events during the year as directed by the Board.

Fundraising Coordinator
Current: Victoria Sowards

The Fundraiser Coordinator shall be directly responsible for the coordination of intramural and travel fundraisers.



 = Position is currently vacant or holder has chosen to leave the position.

** - denotes travel committee member