Arkansas United Soccer Club

Academy FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Arkansas United Academy?
The Arkansas United development Academy is for U9-U10 players who are interested in learning soccer from world-class trainers. Each training session will be run in a fun, exciting manner and players are expected to come ready to focus and work hard.

What makes Academy different from Recreational teams?

The primary focus of the Academy Program is simple: Individual player development. We want to provide appropriate training for all members of the Academy. Instead of having set “teams” where players play and compete with and against the same players day in and day out, our coaches create the training groups to provide the players with the appropriate level of competition and success that each player needs to maximize development and enjoyment of the game.
Players will be developed individually to perform in a number of team situations or dynamics. Players will be placed in different and multiple positions to ensure they understand the game from multiple vantage points. All players will spend a significant portion of each session working on ball mastery to again ensure that they are easily able to adapt because of their confidence with the ball at their feet.·    This program offers a more intensified training curriculum than offered in our recreational program. This part of the program serves as a great introduction and preparation for competitive soccer.

Is Academy also for players older than U10? 

The U11-U12 Classic teams will also train in the Academy style.  However, U11-U12 Classic teams are separate competitive teams  - all players will have to try-out.  Please see Classic program information for more details.

How much does Academy cost? 

The registration fee is $250

What’s included in the costs? 

State registration; 2 jerseys, shorts, socks; weekly skills sessions and team curriculum led by professional, licensed coaches; maintained and game ready fields; Referee fees. Players will need to purchase shin guards and cleats (discounts on cleats can be found in the club store).

When is practice?  
 Academy training occurs three times a week for 90 minutes.  Players must attend at least two of the training sessions each week.  Two of the sessions will focus on technical skills and a third will focus on applying individual skills with passing and receiving and group play for game situations.  The training groups will be divided by gender and level of play.  A training schedule will be posted closer to the start of the season.

Why not just practice and play in the same groups?
It has been well recognized that players will not develop and reach their full potential at the same rate or at the same time. More often than not, so-called weaker players at younger ages become some of the best and strongest soccer players in their teenage years. In order for all players to reach their potential, they need proper training and development at an early age. That is what the Academy Program is designed to do.

Think about any team your child has been a part of in the past. There are typically 1-2 players that are the “strongest” players and 1-2 that are your “weakest” players. In any given practice the 1-2 top players become bored because the training session is too easy while the 1-2 weakest players become frustrated because the training session is too hard. The Academy training pool system alleviates both of these problems by giving us the freedom to move players where it is best for them. Players that are already strong will be placed in a tougher training group. If we have players that are struggling with some concepts we will place them with an appropriate training group so they can develop quicker. This will challenge both sets of players at their current playing level while also allowing them to have the success that they need to enjoy the game.   

Are the training groups the same for the whole season?

Training groups are created to provide each player with an appropriately challenging  peer group.  As players progress, the coaches have the ability to shift players from group to group to reflect their development. 

 Are the training groups the same as the teams?

Not all the time. Teams are created from players from all training groups to create balanced teams, but all players train and interact with each other at each training session. Each team will have a different focus catering to the needs of each group. Ex: A more technically advanced group may focus on the introduction of a team tactic while a younger or less technical group might focus on ball mastery or 1v1 moves during a game.

Will there be opportunities for the training groups to play as a team?

Yes. There will be opportunities for players of similar abilities to play on the same team at friendly games and tournaments.
How old is the Arkansas United Academy program?

Arkansas United introduced the Academy, its most progressive training and development program in the fall of 2010.

Is Academy just for elite players?

No. If you are interested in learning excellence in soccer, then you belong with an Arkansas United team. The Program is designed to develop the individual players skills. We encourage ANY player who has a strong desire to learn the skills to play soccer at a higher level to register for our Academy.  You (or Your child’s) current playing level does not matter. We ask that all players come to each training session equipped with ears ready to listen and an attitude geared toward working hard. Coaches do have the right to suspend any player that is found to hold the group back because of behavioral issues. However we will never alienate a player because of ability.

Will there be tryouts?

No. All players who want to participate in the Academy will be taken. All you have to do is sign up, work hard, and have fun!

Is Academy “competitive” or Pre-Classic soccer? 

Academy teams are registered with the Arkansas State Soccer Association as Recreational Academy teams. The academy is focused on increasing the skills of all players regardless of their current skill level.  They are not “competitive” in the sense that ‘classic’ teams are. All players will get playing time; there are no try-outs. The number of goals isn’t the only thing that is important.  The Academy strives for an atmosphere that encourages players to try new moves, make good decisions, and put new skills into action during the course of games.  Of course, like all sports a competitive spirit is encouraged – there is always something to play for. We will always prepare to win the correct way and we will never skip steps toward development to win. A trophy now is cute, but a lifetime of good habits is our goal.

Do you need volunteer coaches for academy teams?

Arkansas United Academy teams are trained by our licensed, professional coaching staff.

Who do Academy teams play?

Arkansas United Academy teams compete in house, outside of the club locally and within the state academy league.  The Academy also participates in jamborees and tournaments.  Team skill and ability will primarily drive what events each group attends.

Soccer is a perfect combination of individual activity and team strategy in which players hone their skills and find ways to exhibit personal style, while at the same time, work closely as a team if they hope to achieve any measure of success. Soccer is a game where scoring is not the only thing that matters. Smart, creative, heads-up play is just as important to coaches, players and spectators.

When will games be scheduled?

Games are primarily held on the weekend.                                                                                                                                  

Is this program something that Arkansas United came up with?

The Academy Program is a concept that is used all over the world and is the best means of development and retention for young players.

What is the process for Team/Training-Group Placement?

The Arkansas United coaching staff creates teams according to age, gender and level of play.  Players will train with other players of similar development levels and teams will be formed from players across all performance levels. Player performance and development can fluctuate greatly during the year, so it is not uncommon for players to move from training group to training group within the academy as they develop. If there are ever questions regarding your player's development we encourage you to contact our Academy Director.What about teams at tournaments – will teams be same as the balanced teams from the season? 

Throughout the year, teams may also be formed to play with other players at the same development level for events that present an appropriately challenging setting.  This will allow for a maximum challenge at events such as tournaments and jamborees with different registration categories.

What about teams at tournaments – will teams be same as the balanced teams from the season?
Throughout the year, teams may also be formed to play with other players at the same development level for events that present an appropriately challenging setting.  This will allow for a maximum challenge at events such as tournaments and jamborees with different registration categories. The focus of our program will remain constant in each setting our individuals and teams are placed in; developing the individual and establishing good soccer habits.

How much playing time can we expect?

This is a developmental program so all players will play 50% of each game regardless of score.
What is the duration of the program?

The program will run from August through October (Fall) and February through April (Spring) for a total of 12 weeks each season.

Is this program taking the place of the regular recreational program?

No. The Academy Program is in addition to the regular recreational program. The difference in the two programs is the level of training and coaching the players will receive.

Can I participate in both the academy program and the regular recreational program?

 No. Arkansas State Soccer Association rules state that players must be registered as recreational or recreational academy

For more information contact:
Brittany Axford
[email protected]