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Holden Youth Soccer

Coaching & CORI Registration

Registration process for all coaches/volunteers:

1. Register on the Holden Youth Soccer website. 
If you have not yet registered to coach, this is the easiest step! Log into the HYS website and click on My Roles & Certificates and click "Add a Volunteer." Here you will see if you've already registered to coach (it will list your child's name and whether you've registered for Head Coach or Assistant Coach). If you have not registered already, select the role and follow the directions.

2. Register on the MA Youth Soccer website. 
Once you have completed the HYS registration then you must register on the MA Youth Soccer. If you have coached previously, you will already have a log in. If not, you will need to set up an account. You can find the link here:
During the registration process you will submit information for a CORI (Criminal Offender Records Information) background check. This is required for ALL coaches, regardless of whether or not you've had a background check through another sport or work. 


3. Forward a photo of your license. 
We will need to see a photo ID in order to submit your CORI. Please upload it to the MA Youth Soccer site or email it to [email protected].


4. Complete SafeSport training.
This is an annual training. When logged into the MA Youth Soccer website you will see if you need the initial training, a refresher, or nothing at all. Returning coaches, click on "Certificates." Scroll to the bottom. If you see a check mark under SafeSport then you're all set. If not, scroll back up to "SafeSport Training" and click on the link. Once completed, your certificate should automatically upload to the MA Youth Soccer site. 

New coaches: this training is long, but know that the refresher course is much shorter. You just need to get through it once!


5. Complete Concussion training.
This training is completed every two years. As with SafeSport training, you click on "Certificates" once logged into the MA Youth Soccer site. Scroll to the bottom to see if you have a check mark under Concussion Certificate. If not, scroll back up to "Concussion Training Information" and follow the instructions for completing this training. You will need to upload your completed certificate to the MA Youth Soccer website, this does NOT happen automatically.

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