The Civitan Club of Hendersonville and its Baseball Committee (CBC) shall approve all Head and Assistant Coaches on a yearly basis. Interested parties must complete the registration process before the first evaluation to be considered for a coaching position. All coaching positions are subject to background checks.
The Age Division Commissioners will notify selected applicants for Head Coach positions after they are approved by the CBC (pending confirmation by the general club and background checks).
The Head Coach shall obtain a sponsor for the team (minimum $350). This must be completed with money submitted by draft day. The CBC must grant any exceptions. Uniforms and practice schedules will be held until sponsor monies are received.
Every Head Coach and one Assistant Coach must be certified in CPR with AED training before the first practice begins. Failure to comply with this rule will result in coaching ineligibility.
Every rostered coach MUST complete Child Abuse Act training through USA Baseball’s online certification AND CDC Concussion Training before the first practice.
Uniforms will not be handed out to teams until ALL coaches have completed required trainings
The Head Coach is expected to be a positive role model for the Assistant Coaches and young players by teaching and displaying good sportsmanship and ethical behavior both on and off the field. Anyone watching or participating in a game is to conduct himself/herself in a respectable and sportsmanlike manner. The Head Coach is ultimately responsible for the conduct of anyone related to his team. If a problem arises during a practice or game that he feels he cannot control, he shall seek help from an umpire or CBC member. An unruly spectator, for example, will be asked to leave the field or be ejected from the park if necessary. This could result in further civil penalties.
The CBC expects that all coaches dedicate themselves to teaching good quality baseball fundamentals to all the players on their teams. Head Coaches are required to have a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of four (4) baseball events per week for all Age Divisions. A baseball event is defined as either a game or a practice. Any "optional" or "informal" practice is still counted as an event. Due consideration will be given for problems with the weather. The baseball week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday, just as with the tracking of pitch counts.
The Head Coach shall encourage and enforce good attendance at practices and games by all players. If a player misses two practices without proper notification, the Head Coach shall meet with the player's parent(s) to discuss the reason(s) for such absence(s). The reasons for any recurring absences of any players should be discussed with the Commissioner. A player who misses excessive practices could be subject to limited play or suspension by the CBC.
The Head Coach shall immediately notify his Commissioner of a player withdrawing from a team.
Head Coaches may utilize non-certified parents as temporary coaches for games when Assistant Coaches are absent (or ejected).
The Head Coach is responsible for the safety of the players during practices and games.
During gameplay, only the Head Coach or Head Coach’s designee may approach umpires during a game about a call or a decision. Only a single coach at a time from each team may approach the umpire.
The Head Coach shall see that the dugout is cleaned of all trash and equipment after each game.
If a coach is ejected from a game for a conduct violation, he or she must leave the park immediately for the remainder of the day. The ejected coach will serve a one game suspension, at a minimum. The suspension is to be served on the day of the next scheduled game. A rainout simply moves the suspension date to the next scheduled game. The suspended coach is not permitted to "choose" which day or which game shall be designated for serving the suspension. Additionally, the suspended coach will be placed on probation by Civitan. Probation may prevent a person from serving as a Head or Assistant Coach for the remainder of the season in progress and future seasons. Further violations could result in a permanent ban from any & all Civitan programs.
After any ejection from a game, both Head Coaches of the two teams involved shall report it to their age commissioner and league director immediately!