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Club Agreement

Please print and sign the following agreement and return to your coach.



Welcome to Auburn Thunder and thank you for joining our Thunder family. Our 4 pillars of Character, Courage, Commitment and Culture all lead to our vision and goals of creating a safe and enjoyable environment for all players and families involved. Auburn Thunder is dedicated to the development of your children to the highest playing level desired and to become the best individuals they can possibly be. Combined with our goals and vision, the club maintains standards that enable players to excel in youth soccer and further enjoy the game. We consistently strive for excellence in everything we do; including training sessions and game situations, as well as positively representing our club through on-field sportsmanship and as good role models off the field. The combination of talented and dedicated players, supportive parents, professional coaching/training combined with a supportive and engaging board equals a successful program. 


1. Character: Always do your best, and working to stay physically and mentally fit. We ask you to work as hard as you can and be the best person you can be when no one is watching and when you are being coached. All absences or late arrivals should be made known to the head coach as soon as possible. Actions and language deemed inappropriate will not be permitted. Appropriate behavior and language are expected at all times, exhibited by positive and cooperative attitude and actions. 

2: Courage: Grow to your fullest potential and have the courage to speak to your coach when difficult situations.

3: Commitment:  We ask that we are of highest priority during the entire season. Please make every effort to make Thunder soccer your sport of priority and you are committed to your family, players and team. Soccer is a team sport, and having every player at practice allows coaches to run an effective and successful practice session and provides a more enjoyable environment for your child. It is also very difficult to compete at the highest level without having full rosters.

4: Culture: I will respect the game, teammates, coaches, opponents, and referees decisions regardless of game results. 

Player’s Name_______________________________________________________ 

Player Signature_______________________________Date______________ 

Coaches Signature____________________________ Date______________ 


Your support and time is greatly appreciated and we ask that parents/spectators understand that once the game begins, their role is to support and encourage the players, staff, coaches and referees. Please do not interfere or undermine, in any way, the play of the game. Please refrain from "sideline" coaching during training sessions as well as games. Please act in a sportsmanlike manner, and if you are unable to abide by these rules you risk having their child removed from the game by the coaching or club staff until the problem is resolved. 

As an Auburn Thunder Parent: 

• I will have a positive attitude. I understand the importance of setting a good example for my child on and off the field. 

• I will keep my sideline comments positive at all times. I understand that being positive towards my child, the coach, the opposing team, or the referees is beneficial to the game. Best thing to say after a game is, “I loved watching you play today and trying your hardest, what do you want to do now?”

• I will respect the coach and his instructions during practices and during games. 

• I acknowledge that playing time and player position is at the sole discretion of the coach. 

• I will respect the referees’ decisions. I will encourage the referee and respect the game by keeping silent if I do not agree with a call. 

• I will get my child to practices and games on time. I understand that “on time” means my child will be dressed, equipped and ready to go at the time determined by the coach. I will pick up my child on time if I cannot be present at practice. I will inform the coach as far in advance as possible if my player will not be available for a practice session or game 

• I will respect all facilities and equipment used. 

I understand that, by signing this document, I am agreeing to support and abide by stipulations contained in the agreement. I acknowledge that my failure to comply with this agreement will result in disciplinary action 

Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________Date ______________ 

Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________Date ______________ 

Coaches Signature____________________________________Date______________ 

Thank you and we look forward to another great year. Go Thunder! 



300 North Dean Road, Suite 5-184
Auburn, Alabama 36830

Phone: 256-655-4448
Email: [email protected]

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