Q: When, where, and how often are the Auburn Thunder practices held?
A: Practices for Auburn Thunder are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Teams will either practice during the first time slot (5:00-6:30), or the second time slot (6:30-8:00). Coaches must be notified if your child is going to miss practice. All Auburn Thunder practices are held at the Wire Road Soccer Complex.
Q: When are most of the games played?
A: Most state league games are held on weekends, potentially anytime Saturday and usually in the afternoons on Sundays. In some cases, games may be played during the week.
Q: What is state league competition?
A: All teams U-12 and up are registered in the Alabama State League. This guarantees each team eight games versus teams across the state. Each team will play four home games and four away games. Auburn Thunder has teams competing in Division I and Division II play.
Q: When do spring/fall seasons start and end?
A: Fall season starts at the beginning of August with “Advanced Camp”. Practices will begin the next week with your individual team. The fall season will run until the first to second week of December. Spring season will begin with a preseason camp the second week of February. The season will run until the of May.
Q: What is the academy program?
A: The academy program is an opportunity for us to focus on more individual development of our younger players. Rather than create many separate teams and participate in state league; the academy program follows a curriculum as a group and attends specified play dates throughout the season. Currently, our academy program is available for all players U-11 and below.
Q: What is the level of commitment required for Auburn Thunder?
A: As a competitive, travel soccer club we expect a high level of commitment from all of our players. We hope to instill a level of responsibility towards the team so the player understands their absence affects the entire team. Excessively missed practices will affect playing time.
Q: How many tournaments will my child’s team attend each season and how far away will these tournaments be?
A: All teams, except for academy level, will attend three tournaments during each season. Auburn Thunder staff tries to schedule tournaments with a maximum of 3-4 hours in travel. This is subject to change per coaches and parents request. Auburn Thunder coaches make every effort to keep the travel manageable.
Q: What is covered in my ATSC fees?
A:Click Here for the updated fees structure
Q: What happens if my child’s fees are not paid?
A: Thunder players will not be able to begin the season if the ATSC fee is not paid by August 1st. If you have been reminded more than twice to pay your team fees and still no payment is received, your child’s player card will be pulled and they will not be able to participate until you are up to date on all payments.
Q: What are the benefits of extra training sessions?
A: Team training only covers a small portion of the amount of time a player should be training in a week. While team training is necessary for tactical skills, it is vital to an individual player’s development to put time in outside of regularly scheduled practices.