US Soccer Federation GRASSROOTS - PLAY - PRACTICE - PLAY model
Danbury Youth Soccer Club’s In-House Curriculum and our Player Development Philosophy is based on the US Soccer Federation's newly revised GRASSROOTS Player Development Program and Coaching Education Licenses, which focuses on each player as an individual rather than the team dynamic. The curriculum and lesson plans will maximize the potential and growth each one of our players can achieve.
Training Session Structure (75-90 minutes)
PLAY - First Play phase is 2v2 and 3v3 mini games. As players arrive set up mini field sand let them play - no goalies - small fields - minimum if any coaching intervention. This PLAY phase will serve as the warmup - no laps - no stretching needed - just PLAY
PRACTICE PHASE - Tactical - 2 or 3 or 4v4 players - one ball. Show the lesson of the day and try to make the exercise be realistic to the game - that means there is a defense, it is directional, you are organized, you have created the part of the field the exercise relates to, and you adjust the exercise, so it is challenging. NOW you can use the Coaching Tool kit of FREEZE, talk at natural stoppages, coaching in the flow and having a one on one (individual reference) use guided questions and let them solve the problems on the field
PLAY - the Second PLAY Phase is the GAME - let them play - the game is the best teacher. Encourage the lesson of the day during the game make the game be as big as you have players so 7v7 or 9v9 or 11v11 if you can.
Great Soccer Resources
Coaching - Connecticut Junior Soccer Association
Session Plans – Massachusetts Youth Soccer
Smedley's 5 Favorite Small Sided Games |
Coaching Build-Up at Youth Level
General Principles: Creating inclusive, game-based and actively engaging sessions - FIFA Training Centre
Youth Soccer Best Practices: Player Development, Culture and the Trickler - SoccerWire
Weekly Lesson Plans
BOYS U6/U7/U8 and GIRLS U6/U7/U8
Please use the lesson plans above for the weekly sessions. We would also ask that you focus on looking for the weekly topic in your game on Saturday.
U8 8-Weeks
- Dribbling
- Dribbling
- Dribbling and ball striking
- Dribbling and ball striking
- Dribbling
- Dribbling
- Dribbling and ball striking
- Dribbling and ball striking
At this age the main focus is the playing being comfortable with the ball at their feet. From a characteristic stand point they are also in the ‘my phase’ they are not use to sharing. We should have enough balls that every player should have their own.
BOYS U9/10 and GIRLS U9/10
Please use the lesson plans above for the weekly sessions. We would also ask that you focus on looking for the weekly topic in your game on Saturday.
U10 8-Weeks
- Dribbling
- Dribbling to beat an opponent
- Dribbling and striking a ball
- Passing and receiving with the inside of the foot
- Passing and receiving with the inside of the foot
- Passing and receiving in small groups ( groups of 4)
- Passing for possession ( groups of 4)
BOYS U11/U12 and GIRLS U11/U12
Please use the lesson plans above for the weekly sessions. We would also ask that you focus on looking for the weekly topic in your game on Saturday.
U12 8-Weeks
- Dribbling (running with the ball)
- Passing/receiving- increase range of pass and introduce playing the ball in the air.
- When to dribble and when to pass
- Role of the primary defender
- Role of the secondary defender
- Dribbling - 1v1 & 1v2
- Team defending
- Building out of the back