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Danbury Youth Soccer Club

Danbury Youth Soccer Club

Player, Coach and Club Responsibilites

Parents and guardians are asked to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner by acting in accordance with the guidelines listed below. Similarly, players will be responsible for being committed to other team members and maintaining a positive attitude in accordance with these guidelines.

Responsibilities of Coaches

  • Provide Coaches with support to make each player’s experience an enjoyable one.
  • Actively participate in your child’s practice both at home and during regular practices.  (3-4 children/1 Adult is an ideal match)
  • Teach your child that an honest effort is more important than a victory so that a loss is accepted without undue disappointment.
  • Turn defeat into victory by helping your child work towards skill improvement and good sportsmanship.
  • Do not ridicule or yell at your child for making a mistake or losing a competition.
  • Applaud good play by your team and opponents; children learn by example.
    • Notify Coordinators and/or Coaches of any concerns or incidents, which should be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors.
    • Ensure that players are properly dressed for practice and in-full uniform for all games.
    • Put forward a maximum effort to have players attend all games and practices.
    • Notify respective coaches of a player’s nonattendance as far in advance as possible.

Responsibilities of Players

  • Attend all scheduled practices and games during the Spring and Fall sessions.
  • Notify the Coach of nonattendance for practices or games, as soon as possible.
  • Players will not be allowed to participate in a game if they are not wearing shin guards.
  • Players shall not wear any jewelry for practice or games.
  • Conduct him/herself in an orderly manner in both practice and game situations.
  • Bring water to all games and practices.
  • Conduct unbecoming a player will be reported to the appropriate Division Coordinator and/or the Board of Directors and may result in warning, suspension or expulsion as decided by the Board or Division Coordinator.  The Division Coordinator will notify the coach and the player’s parents/guardians of the Board's decision.

Responsibilities to DYSC

  • DYSC adheres to the CJSA and NW District “Zero Tolerance” policy regarding physical or verbal abuse against any DYSC member, referee, opponent or other spectator.
  • Exhibit a sincere interest in youth soccer by supporting the rules and regulations as set forth by the Board of Directors.  Do not force an unwilling child to participate in soccer.
  • Do not leave children unattended at practices or games.  Be prompt to pick up your children and never drop off children without the Coach or adult supervision.
  • The games are to be enjoyed by all, show your sportsmanship.
  • Encourage your child to play by the rules.
  • Do not publicly question the official’s judgment or integrity. DYSC is proud of our program to develop Referees from within our program.
  • Avoid coaching from the sidelines, your comments will confuse the child and/or conflict with the coaches instructions.
    • At Kenosia, Parents must be on the opposite side of the field from the Team and Coach.
    • Recognize the value and importance of referees and volunteer coaches. They give their time and resources to provide recreational activities for your child.


Attention Parents: CT passed a law requiring all parents to have access to this important Concussion Information Form

CJSA and DYSC encourage all Coaches, Trainers and Parents to take the following free training on-line: 

CDC's Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports

US Youth Soccer Organization Article: Sideline Etiquette


In the following video, Duke sport psychologist Richard Keefe talks about parent's important role in supporting their children's sports endeavors.

Contact us

Danbury Youth Soccer Club

42 Lake Ave Ext. Suite 351 
Danbury, Connecticut 06811
Email: [email protected]

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