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BSC Risk Management Vision

Bellevue Soccer Club is committed to the safety of our players. As part of this commitment we have implemented the following policies to ensure all players, parents, coaches and trainers have a safe and secure environment to play soccer.

BSC has approved our Risk Management policy.  Our policy supports the current NSSA Risk Management Policy.

If you have any questions, contact our Risk Management Director.

Background Checks

NSSA requires, and BSC supports, background checks for all BSC personnel that interact with our soccer players – coaches, trainers, referees, volunteers, and BSC staff.  These background checks are done annually so that you can be secure in the knowledge that no “suspect” individual will interact with your child within the confines of BSC’s soccer programs.


BSC supports the U.S. Center for SafeSport which is an independent nonprofit committed to building a sports community where participants can work and learn together free of emotional, physical and sexual abuse and misconduct. BSC requires all coaches and trainers complete SafeSport training on an annual basis. SafeSport training focuses on three areas to recognize the red flags of emotional, physical and sexual misconduct, and then what to do if abuse does occur:

     1.  Mandatory Reporting

     2.  Sexual Misconduct Awareness Education

     3.  Emotional and Physical Misconduct

For more information regarding SafeSport training & initiatives visit their website or visit NSSA SafeSport Training page

HEADS UP Concussion

BSC requires all coaches and trainers complete the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) concussion awareness/reporting training.  We encourage all parents to educate themselves further regarding concussions by visiting CDC’s HEAD’S UP website


Bellevue Soccer Club
P.O. Box 692 
Bellevue, Nebraska 68005

Phone: 402-291-0886
Email: [email protected]

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