Soccer officiating is a fun and challenging activity. It offers myriad opportunities for individuals of a wide range of ages, backgrounds, and abilities. Are you a player with many years of experience? A spectator with a love for the game and a desire to learn more about the intricacies of the Laws? A coach who wants to learn the game from a new perspective? A job-seeker who wants to earn some money without having to flip burgers? 
Whether you fit into one of those categories or you are in one of your own, we are happy to help you learn more about how you can get into soccer officiating.
Referees who complete the introductory training with Nebraska Referee Development Program (NRDP) are licensed as "Grassroots" by US Soccer and can earn anywhere from $18 - $45 per game.
If you would like to become a Referee visit the NRDP website for more information.