BSC TOPS Spring 2020 Games: April 5, 19, 26, May 3, 10 (rain make-up), 17, 31 Final Game Day and Awards May 31st
Registrations returned by March. 17, 2020 ONLY $20!
Registrations received after 3/17/2020 are $40.00 and are not guaranteed team placement.
Make checks payable to the BSC TOPSoccer
Registration fee includes shirt & socks.
Shin guards and ball will be the responsibility of the parent and required for play.
Please complete and return TOPSoccer Registration form and the Physicians Release form.
Include the following with your completed forms:
- Registration Fee
- Mother's date of birth will now be used instead of players last 4 digits of their social security # that was used in the past. This is required to register player with Nebraska State Soccer Association