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Tournament Rules

This is only a summary of the tournament rules - please download and familiarize yourself with the official tournament rules before starting the tournament.

LAWS OF PLAY.  The FIFA Laws of the Game will govern play, except where amended by US Youth Soccer Rules of Play, and/or the Bob Walters Memorial Spring Invitational Tournament Rules. These rules may be modified before the beginning of tournament play. The final Tournament Rules will be published at the Tournament Headquarters and available upon request.


1. This tournament is intended for recreational teams ages U7 - U14 only. This includes in-house teams and teams who participate in a sanctioned recreational league (NYSL Level 2 or 3, CBSL, CYSL).

2. All rostered players will be eligible to play in the tournament, including secondary players who are primary on a select/premier team.

3. Secondary players (who are primary for a select/premier team) are eligible to play for their recreational team as long as they have been registered with that team from the beginning of the season.

4. Up to two (2) guest players are allowed per team. All guest players must be from a recreational team. No primary players on a Select/Premier team can be play as a guest in this tournament.

5. Players can only play on one team in the tournament. If they are primary and secondary on two teams playing in the tournament, they must play on their primary team.

6. Teams within the same age group from the same club can be combined to form one team for this tournament. Each player must have an approved player pass.

7. Teams will be allowed to roster one (1) opposite gendered player to meet team roster size requirements. Any additional opposite gendered player needed will require approval by the Tournament Director.

COMBINED AGE DIVISIONS.  Teams will be placed in combined age divisions.

TEAM CHECK IN AND CREDENTIALS.  All teams should check in at least one (1) hour prior to the scheduled start of their first game at the Tournament Headquarters.  Friday night early check-in will be available for teams not scheduled to play until Saturday. Rosters cannot be modified after registration occurs.  At check-in coaches must provide:

1. A copy(ies) of their official state roster (to be kept by the tournament).

2. Current player passes complete with signature and pictures. Digital passes are accepted; paper passes must be laminated. (verified and returned)

3.  Guest player form(s) (copy to be kept by tournament).

Teams may not use the goal areas at for warm-up or practice. Violations may result in the forfeiture of that match.






U7 / U8


Four (4) 10 minute periods


U9 / U10


Two (2) 25 minute halves


U11 / U12


Two (2) 30 minute halves


U13 / U14


Two (2) 35 minutes Halves



1. Half time of all games shall last no longer than 5 minutes.

2. There will be no Overtime periods in any games. 

3. Tie scores at the end of regulation time will stand as is in all preliminary games.

4.  Any Semi-Finals or Finals games that end in a tie in regulation will go directly to a “kicks from the mark” shoot out. The shootout will be done in accordance with USSF Rules.

SUBSTITUTIONS.  For all age groups, unlimited substitutions may be made at any stoppage with the consent of the Referee except during a Penalty Kick.  Substitutions should be made from the center of the field. Substitutes should not enter the field of play until directed to do so by the Referee.

OFFSIDES.  Offsides will be in effect for U9 – U14 age groups.  Offside will be enforced for U9/10 games from the Play Out Line, not the center line. Offside for the U11-U14 age groups will be per FIFA and USSF.

HEADING.  Heading the ball is not allowed in U7-U12 age groups.

SHOOT-OUTS (PENALTY KICKS).  Penalty kicks used to determine a winner of tie breakers, semi-final or final matches will be run in accordance with the FIFA Laws of the Game.

RED CARDS AND EJECTIONS.  Any player, coach or fan dismissed from a game shall be ineligible to participate in the team's next game. At the discretion of the Tournament Director, the suspension may be increased and could result in ineligibility for more than one game. An ejected player or dismissed coach/fan must immediately leave the area of all playing fields and shall not return to the area of the playing fields until the game from which he/she was ejected has been completed.

TEAM DISCIPLINE.  The coach is responsible for the words and actions of his players and their fans. Verbal abuse of the opponents or referees by players, coaches or spectators will not be tolerated. Violations may result in forfeiture of the game and/or expulsion from the tournament. Abusive language and/or actions by players, coaches, and/or spectators will not be tolerated. The referee has the authority to warn, caution, or dismiss the team coach for the conduct of the spectators.

BRACKETING.  All teams will be place into two (2) four-team brackets (see exception below).  Teams are bracketed by age group, gender, playing level and geographical diversity to the best of the Tournament Committees ability with information given.

Under 7 - 8 Age Group: Each Team will play four games on a random basis against teams from their bracket and/or crossover games. No scores or points will be kept and there are no finals.

Under 9 - 10 Age Group: Each team will play round robin games with each of the other teams in their bracket. First place teams of each bracket will play for the championship. High point team will be the home team for the Championship. The remaining teams will play a fourth game according to their final bracket position (i.e. 2nd v. 2nd, 3rd v. 3rd, 4th v. 4th).

Under 11 - 14 Age Group: Each team will play round robin games with each of the other teams in the bracket. First place teams of each bracket will play for the championship. High point team will be the home team for the Championship.

Bracket Exceptions: If more than eight (8) teams are accepted into the tournament for any bracket, teams will be placed into a larger brackets and/or up to three brackets.

SCORING METHOD AND BRACKET WINNERS.  Bracket winners will be determined by the following point system:

Win ----------3 (THREE) points

Tie -----------1 (ONE) points

Loss ---------0 (ZERO) points

Red Card (for a player) or a Coach ejection will be minus one (-1) Point per infraction.

In case of forfeiture, the game will be recorded as a 3-0 for the winner and the loser will be recorded as 0-3. Any team that forfeits a game will NOT be eligible to advance to a semi-finals or finals game.

TIEBREAKERS.  If at the conclusion of bracket play, two or more teams have the same point total, advancement to the semifinals or finals will be determined using the following tiebreakers in the order listed until a team is eliminated. Once a team is eliminated, advancement among the remaining teams shall again be determined by the tiebreakers in the order listed starting with head to head competition.

1.  Winner of Head to Head (this criteria not used if more than two teams tied)

2.  Winner of Most Games in bracket

3.  Goal Spread (goals scored minus goals against) with a maximum of four goals per game.

a.   Example: Game score of 7-1 would be scored as 5-1 for Goal Spread

4. Fewest goals allowed

5.  Most Shutouts

6.  Fewest Red Cards

7.  Kicks from the penalty mark.


U7/8 Age Groups:  Participation Medals to all players.

U9-14 Age Groups:  Player Awards will be given to the players on the teams finishing first and second.

REFUNDS.  Should all or a portion of the Bob Walters Memorial Invitational be canceled due to just cause or teams do not play three games refunds shall be issued as follows:

If the event is canceled with no games being played, teams will receive 100% refund of the entry fee.

If a portion of the event is canceled, teams will be refunded $50.00 per game not completed for U7/8 age groups, $70/game for U9/10 and $100.00/game for U11-U14 age groups.

Games shall be considered played when the stoppage occurs after the completion of the first half of play.

No refund shall be issued to any accepted team that withdraws less than two weeks before the first game of the tournament. No refund will be issued to any team that forfeits one or more games. The tournament shall make every effort to ensure a full referee crew is assigned to all games. However, lack of a full referee crew will not be grounds for any refund.

PROTESTS.  Protests of game outcomes will be considered for tournament rules violations only. Protests based on decisions or judgment calls by referees will not be considered valid. All referee decisions are final.


Bellevue Soccer Club
P.O. Box 692 
Bellevue, Nebraska 68005

Phone: 402-291-0886
Email: [email protected]

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