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Dear BSC TOPSoccer Players, Families and Fans-

After careful consideration and input from public health officials, in order to ensure the safety and health of everyone involved in TOPSoccer, we have made the decision that the Fall 2020 season will not be held this year.

We want all of our players to stay fit, practice their skills, and continue to grow their love for soccer, so we will be providing a SOCCER AT HOME kit for all players that were registered during the 2019 season and pre-registered for the Spring 2020 season.

Watch your email for information on when and where you can pick up your SOCCER AT HOME KIT!

We wish you good health during this unusual time.

TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer)

TOPSoccer is a community based training and team placement program for athletes with special needs (ages 4 to Adult).  The program – designed and administered by US Youth Soccer and its volunteer TOPS Committee – provides meaningful learning, development and physical participation opportunities to these athletes through the game of soccer. 

The emphasis of this program is on development, training, and meaningful participation. TOPSoccer was formed to perpetuate the US Youth Soccer mission statement "to foster the physical, mental, and emotional growth and development through the sport of soccer at all levels of age and competition."

We strive is to enable young athletes with intellectual and physical disabilities to develop their physical fitness, technical skills, courage and self-esteem, through the joy and excitement of playing soccer.

TOPSoccer Mission & Goals

TOPSoccer was designed not as a competitor to the programs run by other sports organizations for people with disabilities, but rather as a complementary program that works hand in hand with organizations like Special Olympics to expand the overall training and competition opportunities for people with disabilities.

The BSC TOPSoccer Soccer Program has three major Goals:

      1. Athletes will have FUN. All athletes should find enjoyment in their sport.

      2. Athletes will feel good about themselves, improve soccer skills, develop self-esteem, enhance fitness, and practice social skills; all while playing a meaningful game of soccer. 

      3. Athletes will have the opportunity to develop a sense of belonging to a community and to learn the value of being part of a team.

Without compromising safety, our programs intends to support TOPSoccer players to be as self-reliant as possible. We strive to have athletes participate and grow in their accomplishments and have fun while they do it!

TOPSoccer not only benefits our players but the whole soccer community. BSC’s TOPSoccer is fortunate to have volunteers of all ages participating as coaches, buddies, team parents, field crew, committee members and fans.  These dedicated people attest that in assisting our TOPSoccer players they have experienced true joy and have learned wonderful lessons about themselves and others. They return season after season and are a valued members of the BSC TOPSoccer Family.

TOPSoccer Program Structure

BSC TOPSoccer is a co-ed soccer league for children, teens and adults with special needs. We have players in our program from all over the Omaha Metro area and surrounding counties (Sarpy, Cass) to include the Council Bluffs and Glenwood IA areas.

A TOPSoccer player is defined as any player age 4 years through adult who have a physical, intellectual or social disability that inhibits their ability to play soccer in a recreational or community league. 

TOPSoccer groups players by ability (we are proud to offer a unified league for our more advanced and competitive players) so that the best possible experience is available for all our players. Players wear soccer uniforms, play on soccer fields with nets/goals and TOPS Buddies are available for players that need assistance. 

Based on availability and player registrations, we may have any/all of the following TOPSoccer divisions and/or opportunities during the season:

  • Little Shooters Division for the tiniest players
  • Developmental divisions for Grade School and Junior High players
  • Competitive Teen division
  • Ladies Division for Teens and Adults
  • Competitive Adult Division for players 18 and older
  • Recreational Adult Division for players 18 and older
  • One-on-one assistance is available to the players from TOPS Buddies
  • Modifications are made to the game to allow full participation and enjoyment for each player
  • Adaptive equipment and skill games to teach soccer skills

Our TOPSoccer league plays in both the spring (Apr-May) and the fall (Sep-Oct).

We meet once a week on Sunday afternoon and practice for 30 minutes followed by a 30 minute game.

We also have an End of Season Pizza Party that includes awards and fun.

TOPS Contact Information

For more information, questions, to be added to our e-mail list, or to volunteer as a coach or player Buddy, please contact our TOPS Director  

TOPSoccer registration and season information can be found here



Bellevue Soccer Club
P.O. Box 692 
Bellevue, Nebraska 68005

Phone: 402-291-0886
Email: [email protected]

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